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Introdungcing English language part 20


In terms of written material, this should consist of the following:. The results that emerge from this project will represent a big step forward to improve our knowledge of World Englishes varieties and thus improve our abilities to describe, compare and codify varieties of world Englishes. Alongside these highly effective attempts at data uniformity, it is important also to bear...

Introdungcing English language part 21


is presented is to encourage thoughts of the unsaid opposite (‘best’ then hints impli- citly at the worst). The poem even begins with a semantic and syntactic trap for the reader: ‘She walks in beauty’ is semantically odd, and its odd distraction is partly what causes the vast majority of people reading the whole line out loud to pause at...

Introdungcing English language part 22


Generativists suggest a deepest form of interior language as a sort of ‘mentalese’, which determines all the various surface languages of the world. For example, one of the most powerful applications of systemic-functional grammar is in critical discourse analysis (see strand 5), which typically explores the discursive. Of course, those texts can only be significant and influential if you first...

Introdungcing English language part 23


They are commonly given to speakers in the constructed context of a data collection interview, where individuals will be asked to read a word list out loud whilst being audio-recorded (see B12).. The word list technique was developed by the highly influential phonetician John Wells in the early 1980s. Word lists have been used by a number of sociophoneticians, including...

Introdungcing English language part 24


In this unit, you will be able to realise how deeply embedded are your rules of morphology and semantics by trying out the following activities.. or strongly by an alteration in the root vowel (‘sing – sang’, ‘run – ran’, ‘bring – brought. There are British and American variations that have diverged over the years, reflecting the state of the...

Introdungcing English language part 25


You should consider the following:. q What evidence of Leech’s (1983) and Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness strategies (from B3) can you find in this training tutorial? Include in this an analysis of the broader communicative contextual features, including advice on body language and physical positioning of avatars.. Bumping into others or, in general, clumsy navigation and communication are to...

Introdungcing English language part 26


(Child’s explanation for vomiting in the collection box at the back of a church). (The problems of an existential ‘it’) Dogs keep off the grass. Explain how the similar patterns in the following pairs are actually more different syntactically than they appear on the surface:. With a stick. In the gallery there were two paintings both called ‘I hit the...

Introdungcing English language part 27


what it what the lie of the erm l- land is but you need that done quickly. Bush: [It’s] a process, I agree. Blair: Because I think this is all part of the same thing=. Blair: He’s had it and that’s what the whole thing is about it’s the same with Iran. Analyse the overheard conversation from the perspectives of...

Introdungcing English language part 28


q Looking at the content of the stories, how are her narrative skills developing? How does she connect events? What evidence is there that her pronoun usage and reference chaining are developing?. Try to put the narratives in chronological sequence, based only on the style and organisation evident in the texts. In other words, put them in the right developmental...

Introdungcing English language part 29


q If you don’t know what it is, then it is what it is. If you do know what it is, then it is not what it was. Here is an extract from John Lennon’s A Spaniard in the Works, a collection of writing which features some free word association, close semantic and phonetic echoes, creative spellings and malapropisms. As...

Introdungcing English language part 30


Councillor Martin Mullaney said the decision not to reintroduce apostrophes, which began to disappear from Birmingham’s road signs in the 1950s, had been taken in light of several factors, including the need for consistency and the cost of changing existing signage.. ‘We are constantly getting residents asking for apostrophes to be put back in and as a council we have...

Introdungcing English language part 31


(When was the last time you used ‘lah’, ‘leh’ or ‘wah piang eh’ in a formal letter or report?). wah piang eh Hokkein term – loosely translates as ‘oh penis’, used in the same way as ‘oh my goodness’, ‘wow’ or ‘damn’.. ‘cock’ in Singlish is not a slang term for male genitals, but instead means ‘rubbish’,. One of the...

Introdungcing English language part 32


of the text. For each literary text, sketch out a stylistic analysis and explore the patterning to dis- cover the iconicity of the work.. How do the sound-effects and the metrics help to create the sense of the text? How does the syntactic arrangement of the lines contribute to these effects? How do the word-choices parallel these patterns?. Harp Song...

Introdungcing English language part 33


䊐 䊐 䊐 1. 䊐 䊐 䊐 2. 䊐 䊐 䊐 3. 䊐 䊐 䊐 4. 䊐 䊐 䊐 5. 䊐 䊐 䊐 6. 䊐 䊐 䊐 7. 䊐 䊐 䊐 8. 䊐 䊐 䊐 9. 䊐 䊐 䊐 10. 䊐 䊐 䊐 11. 䊐 䊐 䊐 12. 䊐 䊐 䊐 13. 䊐 䊐 䊐 14. 䊐 䊐 䊐 15....

Introdungcing English language part 34


In interview, the words on the SRNs are read aloud, thus eliciting a more formal speech style from informants. The successful nature of the SRNs as a lexical data elicitation technique was proved in an early pilot study (see Llamas 1999), where, in interview, from the 80 standard notion words on the three SRNs, 272 lexical dialectal variants were produced...

Introdungcing English language part 35


In this extract from a larger study of the accent patterns of Cardiff in Wales, Beverley Collins and Inger Mees focus on glottalisation: the production or incorporation of a glottal stop when pronouncing the consonants /p/, /k/ and especially /t. Collins and Mees correlate the accent patterns of their speakers with a complex of social variables to show the symbolic...

Introdungcing English language part 36


At first sight, it would appear that glottalisation is indeed beginning to invade the speech of Cardiff working-class females. the average scores for the group as a whole are considerably higher in 1990 than in the two earlier recordings. Tables D1.4 and D1.5 present the percentage of glottalised and other variants of word-final /t/ in the interview style of each...

Introdungcing English language part 37


meaning, it is surely there that we should look. A typical idiom in English is built around naked eye. We shall examine in detail the expression naked eye. There is no useful interpretation for this phrase based on the ‘core’ meanings of the two words, e.g. Notice that, once established, it is dangerously easy to reverse the proce- dure and...

Introdungcing English language part 38


Thus the second social rule seems to be: ‘Express a negative attitude to yourself and to the situation, especially if you are talking about the course, and especially in the spring term’.. A detailed qualitative analysis of the predominant speech acts within the category. ‘negative attitude to a situation or third party’ in CK dialogues showed that students evaluate negatively...

Introdungcing English language part 39


q Cutting suggests towards the end of the excerpt that personality type might be a factor in the data, and more tentatively she suggests that the data can indicate broad personality types, at least as far as discursive behaviour goes. Do you think a speech act analysis of the type under- taken by Cutting can be used to discriminate personality...