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Chủ đề : trồng trọt chăn nuôi

Có 20+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "trồng trọt chăn nuôi"

Báo cáo: Phát triển nghề nuôi ngao nhằm cải thiện và đa dạng hoá sinh kế cho cộng đồng cư dân nghèo ven biển miền Trung Việt Nam


Thí nghiệm ương nuôi ấu trùng. (2) Chỉnh sửa thí nghiệm ương nuôi ấu trùng ngao để hoàn thiện quy trình sản xuất giống. Vấn đề trọng tâm của dự án trong 6 tháng qua là chuẩn bị cho các hộ dân và các bên tham gia vào thực hiện mô hình trình diễn tại nông hộ “on farm” trials...

Giải thích thuật ngữ về nông nghiệp


97 Diện tích cây l−ơng thực có hạt phân theo địa ph−ơng. 103 Sản l−ợng lúa cả năm phân theo địa ph−ơng. Production of paddy by province 242. 104 Diện tích lúa đông xuân phân theo địa ph−ơng. Production of spring paddy by province 248 107 Diện tích lúa hè thu phân theo địa ph−ơng. Production of autumn paddy by...

Kỹ thuật Trồng mía tím


Trồng mía tím. Về Ngăm Mạc, xã Lãng Ngâm (Gia Bình, Bắc Ninh) những ngày cuối tháng 10, bà con xã viên phấn khởi thu hoạch nốt diện tích mía còn lại để trồng rau vụ đông. Từ cây mía tím đời sống xã viên bớt đi phần nào khó khăn. Những năm trước diện tích trồng mía tím của...

Dictionary of Agriculture - A


No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publishers. logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. The following symbols have been used to show the pronunciation of the main words in the dictionary.. Note that these are only guides, as the...

Dictionary of Agriculture - B


back back verb (of the wind) to change direc- tion, anticlockwise in the northern hemi- sphere and clockwise in the southern hemi- sphere. background noun a set of conditions which are always present in the environ- ment, but are less obvious or less important than others. bacon noun the cured back and sides of a pig. bacteria bed noun a...

Dictionary of Agriculture - C


cabbage white butterfly noun a common white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) which lays eggs on the leaves of plants of the cabbage family. cade lamb / keid lm / noun a lamb reared from a bottle because of the death of its mother. caecum / sikəm / noun a wide part of the intestine leading to the colon. caesium / siziəm...

Dictionary of Agriculture - D


The large heavy mass of water in the lake may trigger earth movements if the rock beneath is unstable. date date noun the fruit of a date palm. Daucus / daυkəs / noun the Latin name for the family of plants which includes the carrot. It is now banned in many countries because of its toxicity and ability to accumulate...

Dictionary of Agriculture - E


ear ear noun the flower head of a cereal plant such as wheat or maize where the grains develop. ear emergence noun the main stage used in determining the heading date of a crop. In the case of a sward, this is the date at which 50% of the inflorescences have appeared.. earlies / liz / plural noun potatoes grown...

Dictionary of Agriculture - F


F F 1 noun (in breeding experiments) the first generation of offspring from a cross between two plants or animals. Fagopyrum / fəυ | pairəm / noun the Latin name for buckwheat. Fagus / feiəs / noun the Latin name for beech. fair average quality noun the average quality of agricultural produce based on samples taken from bulk. falling time...

Dictionary of Agriculture - G


gadfly / dflai / noun a fly that bites cattle, of the genera Tabanus, the horsefly, or Oestrus, the bot fly, most common from late May onwards and causing consider- able trouble to cattle. gallon noun a unit of liquid volume in the Imperial System, approximately equal to 4.5 litres. Gallus / ləs / noun the Latin name for the...

Dictionary of Agriculture - H


habit noun the characteristic way in which a specific plant grows 쑗 a bush with an erect habit 쑗 a plant with a creeping habit. habitat noun the type of environment in which a specific organism lives. in the food industry. hackles plural noun the long feathers on the neck of a domestic cock. COMMENT : Haemoglobin absorbs oxygen in...

Dictionary of Agriculture - I & J


illuviation / i | luvi | eiʃ ( ə ) n / noun the movement of particles and chemicals from the topsoil into the subsoil. immature adjective referring to an organism or part that is still developing 쑗. immunization noun the production of immunity to a specific disease, either by injecting an antiserum or by giving an indi- vidual the...

Dictionary of Agriculture - K & L


COMMENT : Kale can be fed to animals in the field, or made into silage for use dur- ing winter. The high- est feeding value is in the leaf rather than the stem.. ked ked / ked / noun the sheep tick. Kerry Hill noun a breed of small hill sheep originating in the Kerry hills of Powys in Wales....

Dictionary of Agriculture - M


macroclimate / mkrəυklaimət / noun the climate over a large area such as a region or country. maintenance ration noun the quantity of food needed to keep a farm animal healthy but not productive. The male flowers form a tassel on the top of the plant and the females some distance away in the axils of some of the middle...

Dictionary of Agriculture - N


NABIM abbreviation National Associa- tion of British and Irish Millers. NAC NAC abbreviation National Agricultural Centre. naked grain noun a grain such as wheat that is easily separated or threshed out from its husk, i.e. NASPM abbreviation National Associa- tion of Seed Potato Merchants. National Agricultural Centre noun the site of the annual Royal Show (at Stoneleigh, in Warwickshire), owned...

Dictionary of Agriculture - O & P & Q


oestrous cycle noun the pattern of reproductive activity shown by most female animals, except most primates. offal noun the inside parts of an animal, e.g. omasum / əυ | meisəm / noun the third stomach of a ruminant, which acts as a filter, and where much of the water in food is taken out before the food passes onto the...

Dictionary of Agriculture - R


RAAW RAAW noun an independent section of the Transport and General Workers Union representing the interests of farmworkers in negotiating terms and conditions of their employment. Wild rabbits are a major pest in some parts of the world, espe- cially in Australia, where myxomatosis was introduced to attempt to eradicate the wild rabbit population.. a group of individuals within a...

Dictionary of Agriculture - S


saddle bow noun a high part of a saddle in front of the rider. The Saler is one of the best French suckler cows.. salinity / sə | liniti / noun the concentration of salt in an amount of water or soil. salivary digestion noun the first part of the digestive process, which is activated by the saliva in an...

Dictionary of Agriculture - T


Tabanus / tə | beinəs / noun any of the tabanidae. 왍 on tack taken from or by one farmer to graze on another farmer’s fields 쑗 He takes 360 store lambs on tack in the autumn to remove surplus grass.. tailpiece / teilpis / noun an extension of the mouldboard of a plough which helps to press down the...

Dictionary of Agriculture - U & V & W


udder noun the mammary gland of an animal, which secretes milk. It takes the form of a bag under the body of the animal with teats from which the milk is sucked.. COMMENT : In the cow there are four glands, each with a teat. In the ewe there are two glands, each with a teat, and in the sow...