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Chủ đề : xử lý hình ảnh

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Xử lý hình ảnh kỹ thuật số P20


PIKS contains a rich set of operators that perform manipulations of multidimensional images or of data objects extracted from images in order to enhance, restore, or assist in the extraction of information from images. Figure 20.1-1 describes the PIKS imaging model. Data objects. The PIKS data objects include both image and image-related, non-image data objects. The operators, tools, and utilities...

Xử lý hình ảnh kỹ thuật số P21


1.1 Develop a program that:. (b) Reads file parameters of a source image stored in a file.. (d) Reads an unsigned integer, 8-bit, monochrome source image from a file.. (e) Opens an image display window and displays the source image.. (f) Creates a destination image, which is the complement of the source image.. 1.2 Develop a program that:. (b) Imports...

Xử lý hình ảnh thông minh P1


An important theoretical development in the field of personal imaging is that of humanistic intelligence (HI). Through long-term adaptation they begin to function as a true extension of the mind and body.. 1.1 HUMANISTIC INTELLIGENCE. HI is a new form of “intelligence.” Its goal is to not only work in extremely close synergy with the human user, rather than as...

Xử lý hình ảnh thông minh P2


In terms of the various desirable properties the apparatus should be:. The size and weight of the apparatus is negligible. Accordingly an important aspect of personal imaging is the individuality, and the individual personal value of the picture as a prosthesis of memory.. With the advent of the portable camera, it was possible to capture real-world events. It may be...

Xử lý hình ảnh thông minh P3


The inner workings of the reality mediator, in particular, its optical arrangement, are described.. Now suppose that we connect the output of the lightspace analyzer to the input of the lightspace synthesizer (Fig. Figure 3.3 Illusory transparency formed by connecting the output of the lightspace analysis glass to the input of the lightspace synthesis glass.. 3.3.1 Practical Embodiments of the...

Xử lý hình ảnh thông minh P4


This quantity, called the “photoquantigraphic quantity,” is neither radiometric nor photometric but rather depends only on the spectral response of the sensor elements in the camera. Sampling, aliasing, and blurring act on the domain, while noise (including quantization noise) and the nonlinear response function of the camera act on the range q.. Registering and combining multiple pictures of the same...

Xử lý hình ảnh thông minh P5


Beyond being of historical significance (the invention of the wearable computer, mediated reality, etc. A mathematical framework that describes a model of the way that light interacts with a scene or object is put forth in this chapter. We select the wavelength of interest by adjusting the prism 4 which is part of the collimator. We select the time period...

Xử lý hình ảnh thông minh P6


In the case of the eyeglass-mounted camera, the machine captures the world from the same perspective as its host (human).. “exact” projective (homographic) coordinate transformation to register pairs of images, together with the application of seamlessly combining a plurality of images of the same scene. Many problems require finding the coordinate transformation between two images of the same scene or...

Image processing P1


Image Processing: The Fundamentals. easily pictures of the surface of other planets taken by various probes.. What is an image?. A monochrome image is a 2-dimensional light intensity function,f(z, y), where x and y are spatial coordinates and the value off at (X, y) is proportional to the brightness of the image at that point. If we have a multicolour...

Image processing P2


We can use the inverse matrices of h: and h, to solve this expression for f in terms of g as follows: Multiply both sides of the equation with (h. so that the sum over all combinations of the outer products, appropriately weighted by the g i j coefficients, represents the original image f.. If the elements of the matrix...

Image processing P3


This chapter provides the necessary background for the statistical description of images from the signal processing point of view.. Why do we need the statistical description of images?. We need the statistical description of images so that we capture these common characteristics and use them in order t o represent an image with fewer bits and reconstruct it with the...

Image processing P4


In general, there are t w o major approaches: those which reason about the statistics of the grey values of the image, and those which reason about the spatial frequency content of the image.. Which methods of the image enhancement reason about the grey level statistics of an image?. 0 Methods that manipulate the histogram of the image for the...

Image processing P5


This is equivalent to multiplying the Fourier transform of the image with a certain function that “kills” or modifies certain frequency components. This chapter explores some of the basic properties of 2D filters and presents some methods by which the operation we wish to apply to the Fourier transform of the image can be converted into a simple convolution operation...

Image processing P6


Figure 6.2: In this figure the pixels correspond to the nodes of the g1 rids.. Pixel A of the corrected grid corresponds to inter-pixel position A’ of the original image.. There are several such points scattered all over the surface of the Earth. Then, we apply the transformation to find the position A' of point A of the corrected image,...

Image processing P7


The highest of the two thresholds is used t o define the “hard core” of the object.. We can minimize the number of misclassified pixels if we have some prior knowledge about the distributions of the grey values that make up the object and the background.. Clearly the background pixels occupy 1 - 8 of the area and a pixel...

Giáo trình photoshop 7.0


L p ghép hình nh. Ph c h i hình nh cũ. PALETTE CH C NĂNG Ứ. Là n i t o và hi u ề ề ộ ủ ả ơ ạ ệ ch nh hình nh. Thay đ i kích th ẽ ổ ướ c hình nh. CÁC THAO TÁC BI N Đ I HÌNH NH Ế Ổ Ả...

Làm việc với video flash (file.flv)


B n ph i s ầ ộ ố ớ ệ ể ả ạ ạ ả ử d ng m t đ i t ụ ộ ố ượ ng NetStream đ t i các video và ki m soát phát l i, tuy nhiên, l p NetStream ch quan ể ả ể ạ ớ ỉ tâm cách chuy n d li...

Giáo trình Autocad 2007 - Phạm Gia Hậu


Các ph−ơng thức truy bắt điểm đối t−ợng (Objects Snap ) 4. Lệnh xóa đối t−ợng Erase (E). Lệnh thay đổi chiều dμi đối t−ợng Lengthen (LEN) 7. 19.Lệnh tạo nên một đối t−ợng Pline (hoặc Region) có dạng một đ−ờng bao kín (BOUNDARY) VIII. Lệnh di dời đối t−ợng Move (M) 2. Lệnh sao chép đối t−ợng Copy (Co)....

Thiết kế mô hình 3D


Mô hình 2 1/2 chiều:. Đ−ợc tạo ra theo nguyên tắc kéo dài các đối t−ợng 2D theo trục Z thành các mặt 2 1/2 chiều.. Toàn bộ các đối t−ợng của mô hình đều đ−ợc nhìn thấy.. Mô hình mặt:. Mỗi bề mặt của đối t−ợng đ−ợc coi là một mặt phẳng do đó những đ−ờng thẳng nằm khuất...

Trắc nghiệm kỹ năng chụp hình


Caâu 2: M t kính hi n vi có chi u dài ng kính là ộ ể ề ố 16cm, v t kính có ghi X10, th kính có ghi X 5. kính ậ ị hi n vi này có: ể. V t kính tiêu c f ậ ự 1 = 2,5cm , th kính tiêu c f ị ự...