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- Debt Sustainability and Debt Indicators 2.
- Debt Sustainability Framework 6.
- Debt Sustainability Framework 16.
- CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment DSA Debt Sustainability Analysis.
- DSF Debt Sustainability Framework GDP Gross Domestic Product.
- The Debt Sustainability Framework sets out a proposal by the World Bank for identifying countries in actual or potential debt distress situations leading to a formula for determining grant eligibility within the amounts to be allocated during the Fourteenth Replenishment of IDA.
- It attempts to classify countries based on the performance of their institutions and policies and determine thresholds for selected debt indicators for each country grouping and then estimate the level of debt distress as measured by the forecast levels of the selected indicators from the country DSAs.
- This leads to a formula for determining grant eligibility within the IDA allocation made on the basis of the Performance Based Allocation System that uses the Country Policy and Institutional Assessment and governance rating of the country concerned.
- Although called the Debt Sustainability Framework it does not provide a mechanism to ensure that bilateral and other multilateral donors will act in.
- accord with IDA in their lending so that low income countries could reduce their debt vulnerability.
- Effective donor coordination will be necessary to achieve debt sustainability which is the objective of the new allocation system.
- The international community needs to address this issue at the time the DSF is approved in the same way that it was done when the HIPC Initiative was launched..
- There are differences between the HIPC Initiative and the DSF.
- The former was intended to deal with the debt overhang brought about by past borrowing, while the Framework is intended to reduce the accumulation of future debts of low income countries to unsustainable levels.
- While the HIPC Initiative used a single indicator, that is the ratio of debt to exports to judge sustainability the DSF selects three debt ratios which are the present value of public and publicly guaranteed external debt to gross domestic product and to exports, and debt service on the same debt to exports to judge debt sustainability.
- Country policies and institutional capability and vulnerability to shocks are other factors identified as being important for assessing a country’s debt sustainability..
- The DSF uses the Country Policy and Institutional Assessments done for each borrowing country to classify countries by performance and determine different debt ratio thresholds for the selected indicators.
- The allocations under IDA 14 will be based on the Performance Based Allocation System.
- which is based on the level of poverty measured by per capita income and performance assessed by the CPIA and governance.
- The World Bank will allocate funds for low-income countries taking into account both “need” and “performance.” Country performance is to be assessed using the CPIA comprised of four clusters accounting for 80 percent of a country’s rating.
- Further it will rate each government’s performance on the portfolio of outstanding loans.
- This accounts for 20 percent of the rating.
- The level of grants and credits (loans on soft IDA terms) to which a low income country has access will increase or decrease as a result of the Bank’s application of a “governance factor” to its CPIA and portfolio performance ratings.
- The proposed grant allocation system in IDA 14 will be based on the thresholds of the selected debt indicators for the groups of countries that are classified as strong, medium and poor performers based on the CPIAs..
- Forecast levels of the selected debt indicators will take account of the impact of exogenous shocks to the extent these can be forecast in the country debt sustainability analyses (DSAs).
- Countries that are judged to be high risk based on the debt sustainability analyses DSAs will receive the entire IDA allocation as grant funds.
- Countries that are judged to be of medium debt risk will receive 50 percent of the IDA allocation as grants and the balance as credits, while countries that are judged to be low risk will receive the entire IDA allocation as credits..
- Additional financing by donors could be made up of upfront payments of the foregone service and commitment charges that reflect the cost of doing business to IDA and donors undertaking to finance foregone principal reflows as they come due over the credit repayment period of up to 40 years..
- DSAs that are currently conducted compare the indicators to thresholds that are based on public and publicly guaranteed external debt.
- Indicators based on total external debt that includes private non-guaranteed (PNG) external debt and those on total public debt that includes domestic borrowing of the public sector could deviate significantly from these levels.
- High levels of domestic debt that are more prevalent than high levels of PNG external debt in low income countries are difficult to handle in DSAs because there are no agreed thresholds based on empirical analysis.
- Similarly, studies should also be conducted on determining indicators and threshold values that use total external debt in the estimates of total debt stock..
- Given the importance of DSAs for each low income country in the application of the DSF and borrowing from the IMF, it is necessary that these be conducted in a collaborative and transparent manner by the two institutions working closely with the country authorities and major creditors.
- While the DSAs and risk assessments are to be done in a collaborative manner, it is understood that each institution will make its own assessment and report separately to its respective board.
- It is recognized that there may be differences between the Bank and Fund in these assessments and possible scenarios and it is not known how these will be played out in the countries where they occur..
- There does not appear to be a full awareness of the CPIA process at the country level which suggests that the process is not uniformly transparent across member countries.
- The Bank should set out the basis on which these assessments are to be conducted, in particular the ratings and the inputs expected from and the involvement of national staff in the process.
- There should be opportunities for the Bank to present their findings both to the country concerned and donor community.
- This would enable the entire donor community to be involved in the discussions as it should because the allocation of grant funds based on debt distress is a concern to all donors particularly if IDA is not the major donor..
- various stages of the cycle while 11 countries from the list of 38 countries that were judged to be potentially qualified under the Enhanced HIPC Initiative have not been able to reach the Decision Point.
- The calculations for HIPCs at the Completion Point would have to be made using the HIPC methodology.
- Since this is essentially backward looking, it may give different results from the forward looking methodology proposed in the DSF.
- No mention is made in the DSF of IMF lending to low income countries which correspond to the IDA eligible countries.
- There is no facility in the IMF that corresponds to the proposed grant facility under IDA 14.
- The role of IMF lending and the terms on which these will be provided are important for an initiative intended to assist low income countries achieve debt sustainability..
- It is estimated that a greater donor effort of the order of $50 billion annually or a doubling of current official development assistance levels is needed to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
- It is not clear how such assistance will be coordinated to achieve the objectives of the DSF.
- the IDA so that the objectives of debt sustainability are not compromised while trying to reach the MDGs.

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