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case studies

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The Exploitation of Case Studies in Developing Critical Reading Skills



Step 4: Intervention: Case studies are designed basing on the baseline data to help students address specific problems and develop their critical reading skills. Then the teachers are trained to aptly apply case studies over two semesters with the researcher.. Step 5: Evaluation: A questionnaire will also be issued to the students to evaluate the effects of case studies on their critical reading skills..



Modeling Information Quality Risk for Data Mining and Case Studies. Business data mining contributions. Modeling Information Quality Risk for Data Mining and Case Studies 61. Modeling Information Quality Risk for Data Mining and Case Studies 69. Modeling Information Quality Risk for Data Mining and Case Studies 75. Business Data Mining - A Machine Learning Perspective.. The contribution of data mining to information science.. Exploratory spatio-temporal data mining and visualization.

Landscape ecological planning based on change analysis: A case study of mangrove restoration in Phu Long - Gia Luan area, Cat Ba Archipelago


In order to maintain productivity and protect fishery resource and water quality, it is important to make surveys and research programs including compilation of detailed inventories of mangrove resources, impacts statement and more case studies on environmental management issues, on the risk of mangrove loss in the context of increasingly severe natural hazards.

Product and brand divestiture: grounds, strategies and implementation processes


Forthly, 7 case studies given by this research are useful referencing documents for teaching and learning applied to subjects/courses such as international business, product and brand management, marketing, strategy etc.

Phát triển chương trình tiếp thị xã hội cho sản phẩm bao cao su nữ, đối tượng gái mại dâm ở Việt Nam


Condom Social Marketing: Selected Case Studies - Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) (English original, November 2000). PSI, the creative Edge: Social Marketing for AIDS Prevention, 1998.. Social Marketing: An Effective Tool in the Global Response to HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection, 1998.. Social Marketing: Expanding Access to Essential Products and Services, 1999.

Brand Integration Practices in Mergers and Acquisitions


Table 2: List of the Conducted Case Studies Case. Name of the post-M&A organisation. Codifying the brand management and integration practices and transferring them through different ways in the integration.. BRAND INTEGRATION PLANNING. Deciding whether to use external services from professional agencies or the firm’s internal expertise in the brand disposal process..

Undergraduate Research: International Perspectives on VN


University of Gloucestershire “Programmes that support undergraduate research should:. 5 Case studies of mainstreaming undergraduate research and inquiry. Learning about others’ research. Learning to do research – research methods. Pedagogic research – enquiring and reflecting on learning. The nature of undergraduate research and inquiry. What is undergraduate research and inquiry? Handout p 2.

Mô phỏng và tối ưu khả năng thu hồi LPG của nhà máy Xử lý khí Dinh Cố ở chế độ GPP chuyển đổi bằng phần mềm HYSYS.



Chạy kết quả tối ưu. d) Phương pháp nghiên cứu: Sử dụng công cụ Case Studies để khảo sát ảnh hưởng của từng thiết bị đến khả năng thu hồi LPG. Chạy kết quả tổ hợp của các miền tối ưu trên nhằm tìm ra giá trị LPG thu hồi lớn nhất.

Nghiên cứu hiện tượng chuyển pha trong vùng hoạt lò phản ứng



of high pressure Table 3.27 Comparison of CFX and CTF results and experiment void fraction Table 3.28 Void fraction and temperature super heating before and after calibration Table 4.1 Main technical characteristics of fuel assembly for VVER-1000/V Table 4.2 Case studies for void fraction prediction Table 4.3 Boundary condition of LOCA coupled with SBO for analysis Table 4.4 Data related to phase change of interfacial area for case LB01002B at 15s of transient .......99 Table 4.5 Cases for void

An experience in developing embedded software using JNI


In this paper, we present our process to develop embedded software using JNI through two case studies. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we give an overview of the JNI and RTSJ technologies. Section 4 introduces the process we used to develop embedded software. JNI The Java™ Native Interface (JNI) [7] is a powerful feature of the Java platform.

The Factors Affect the Quality of Financial Statements Audit in Vietnam Businesses


Many other case studies abroad about the factors affecting the quality of audits performed by Mock &. (2008) also made conclusions on separate factors or groups of factors affecting the audit quality.

Ảnh hưởng của các nguồn phát điện phân tán tới chỉ tiêu kinh tế, kỹ thuật của lưới phân phối



Competitive case-studies are also introduced for analyzing. Appendix: covers test systems and test data that has been used in the analysis and the results. Keywords: DG, Distributed Generation, Impacts

Post - systemic - functional achievements in language studies and applications to the postgraduate courses structuring syllabus


Moreover, Cognitive Linguistics is directly concerned with other branches of co-linguistic studies, namely psycholinguistics, socio-linguistic, pragmatics, cultural studies, etc. And the application of Cognitive linguistics research to the present day studies in Vietnam has in fact made very bright prospects.

How to foster learner autonomy in country studies at Faculty of English - Hanoi National University of Education?


In case, no member in the group can deliver the answer, the teacher will help. Apart from the mentioned activities, video watching is considered one of the most entertaining ways to promote the learners’ motivation and attitudes toward the Country Studies, the subject containing numerous facts, figures, and events.

University of Languages & Internationnal studies, vnu (Ulis)


Apart from the knowledge of language, culture, country studies and research skills that they share with their peers in the teacher education programs, interpreters-to-be have an added advantage of being trained with more specialized skills to translate Vietnamese from and into French..



Logistic Regression is an approach to learning functions of the form f: X → Y, or P (Y | X) in the case where Y is discrete-valued, and X = <X 1 Ầ X n >. All of the above features are binary. Figure 8: Feature Execution on Inverted List 2.3.3 Object search architecture. The general architecture* of object search based on the probabilistic framework is described in [14]. The ranking function is a weighted combination of the mentioned unstructured features.

Student writing process, perceptions, problems, and strategies in writing academic essays in a second language: A case study


Findings of the studies. writing (e.g., Raimes [7]. Limitations of the studies. Although the above studies have provided useful insights into the writing process of ESL students, they are not without limitations. This may result in writing that is not truly representative of the writing most students do most often.

Analysis of Rural-Urban Linkages in Fast Growing Cities for Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters (Case study: Đà Nẵng City, Vietnam)



Climate Resilience Case Study: Da Nang City, Vietnam. Da Nang city, Vietnam:. [23] Da Nang General Statistical Office. [24] Da Nang Institute for Socio-Economic Development. “Workshop report on livelihood enhancement for resettled households – from perspective of the community-base”, [In Vietnamese], 2012.

Kỹ thuật sinh test case tự động từ yêu cầu phần mềm


Kỹ thuật sinh test case tự động từ yêu cầu phần mềm. Abstract: Đưa ra các vấn đề cần thiết và cấp bách trong việc nghiên cứu và xây dựng một kỹ thuật sinh Test case hiệu quả từ yêu cầu người dùng. Giới thiệu tổng quan về quá trình sinh test case tự động và các phương pháp sinh Test case: Sinh Test case dựa trên đặc tả, sinh test case dựa trên mô hình, sinh test case hướng đường dẫn.