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Differential gene expression

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GCSscore: An R package for differential gene expression analysis in Affymetrix/ Thermo-Fisher whole transcriptome microarrays


Our software development is an outgrowth of the ori- ginal Sscore method for probe-level analysis of Affy- metrix arrays which has been previously validated as a sensitive method for differential gene expression analysis that was particularly valuable for studies employing low numbers of replicates [2, 3].

RNA-Seq and differential gene expression analysis in Temora stylifera copepod females with contrasting non-feeding nauplii survival rates: An environmental transcriptomics study


De novo transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression analysis of the. Transcriptomic responses of the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus to the saxitoxin producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense. the dominant zooplankter of the North Atlantic Ocean. Transcriptome sequencing and de novo analysis of the copepod Calanus sinicus using 454 GS FLX.

Leishmania infection induces a limited differential gene expression in the sand fly midgut


differential gene expression in the sand fly midgut. To develop in the sand fly midgut, Leishmania multiplies and undergoes various stage differentiations giving rise to the infective form, the metacyclic promastigotes. To determine the changes in sand fly midgut gene expression caused by the presence of. Results: The combined transcriptomes resulted in the de novo assembly of 13,841 sand fly midgut transcripts..

Choice of library size normalization and statistical methods for differential gene expression analysis in balanced two-group comparisons for RNA-seq studies


A scaling normalization method for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. A comparison of per sample global scaling and per gene normalization methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. Mapping and quantifying mammalian transcriptomes by RNA-Seq. RNA-seq: an assessment of technical reproducibility and comparison with gene expression arrays.

Perturbation of IIS/TOR signaling alters the landscape of sex-differential gene expression in Drosophila


To understand the degree to which the environmentally responsive insulin signaling pathway contributes to sexual dimorphism of gene expression, we examined the effect of perturbation of the pathway on gene expression in male and female Drosophila heads.. Primarily as a consequence of the response in males, we find that reduced insulin signaling results in a striking increase in sex-differential expression.

Effect of paleopolyploidy and allopolyploidy on gene expression in banana


Additional file 6: Histograms representing the paralog included expression (normalized read count, Y axis) for 58 genes having significant higher expression in ‘ Cachaco ’ (Ca) than in ‘ Grande Naine ’ (GN) and. Additional file 7: Schematic view of the bioinformatics workflow for differential gene expression and genome structure identification.

Mapping gastrointestinal gene expression patterns in wild primates and humans via fecal RNA-seq


A principal coordinate analysis based on Bray- Curtis distances showed significant differential gene expression patterns in the gastrointestinal tract between humans and gorillas (PERMANOVA, R 2 = 0.33, p <. Furthermore, to validate these differential gene expression patterns, we downloaded RNA-seq data targeting IECs shed in fecal samples of human infants.

Sexual dimorphism and sex-biased gene expression in an egg parasitoid species, Anastatus disparis


Gene expression profiles among immature and adult reproductive castes of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes. Differential gene expression and phenotypic plasticity in behavioural castes of the primitively eusocial wasp, Polistes canadensis. Differential gene expression between adult queens and workers in the ant Lasius niger. A human homologue of the Drosophila toll protein signals activation of adaptive immunity.

3’Pool-seq: An optimized cost-efficient and scalable method of whole-transcriptome gene expression profiling


Conclusions: 3 ’ Pool-seq can accurately detect gene expression at a level that is on par with TruSeq, at one tenth of the total cost. Keywords: Next generation sequencing, RNA-seq, Transcriptomics, 3 ′ -RNA sequencing, 3 ’ Pool-seq, Differential gene expression.

Human gene expression variability and its dependence on methylation and aging


Human gene expression variability and its dependence on methylation and aging. differential gene expression. Conclusions: We conclude that gene expression variability in the human population is likely to be important in tissue development and identity, methylation, and in natural biological aging.

Sex-specific changes in gene expression in response to estrogen pollution around the onset of sex differentiation in grayling (Salmonidae)


Comparison of gene expression patterns between control individuals is described in Maitre et al. In total, the gene expression analysis involved 38,372 genes, which were almost all found expressed at the three sampling stages (sum of the pseudocounts per gene >. Differential gene expression. In order to test for sex-specific effects, we compared the changes in gene expression under EE2 treatment for in- dividuals of the same sex at the same developmental stage (Table 1).

Spatial organization of endometrial gene expression at the onset of embryo attachment in pigs


Using an integrated LCM and transcriptomic approach, the present study has revealed spatial information for differential gene expression in the porcine endometrium during the conceptus attachment phase. endometrium on Day 14 of pregnancy [22] and uncov- ered local differential gene expression hidden in the analysis of complete endometrial tissue samples.

Genome-wide analysis of three histone marks and gene expression in Paulownia fortunei with phytoplasma infection


As expected, high concurrence frequencies were discovered between gene expression and the three histone modifications.. Correlation analysis of histone modification alterations with differential gene expression in response to phytoplasma in Paulownia. Recently, a growing body of evi- dence suggests that histone methylation and acetylation have all been implicated in the transcriptional regulation of plant defense responses against pathogens infection [20].

A cmap-enabled gene expression signature-matching approach identifies small-molecule inducers of accelerated cell senescence


Thus, we compared the differential gene expression induced in the otherwise immortal breast carcinoma cell line MCF7 (ER. As expected from the proliferative arrest in senescence, systems level analysis of the shared DEGs identified changes in multiple pathways linked to cell cycle progression and DNA metabolism.

Gene expression profiles underlying aggressive behavior in the prefrontal cortex of cattle


Analysis of differential gene expression across aggressive and non-aggressive groups was performed using Cuffdiff, included also in the Cufflinks package. The R software applica- tion CummeRbund v was used to visualize the results of the RNA-seq analysis..

Exploring gene expression biomarker candidates for neurobehavioral impairment from total sleep deprivation


One of the up-regulated Transcript Clusters was Outer Dense Fiber Of Sperm Tails 2-Like (ODF2L), and the remaining four belonged to the Speedy/RINGO (SPDY) cell cycle regulator gene family. Speci- ficity of these 15 Transcript Clusters to the PVT list was robust to inclusion or exclusion of the three fatigue resistant subjects in tests of differential gene expression (Additional file 2: Supplementary text).. an association with each of the key variables (Time of Day, Treatment, PVT).

The global gene expression outline of the bovine blastocyst: Reflector of environmental conditions and predictor of developmental capacity


Gene expression in the preimplantation embryo: in-vitro developmental changes. Post-transfer consequences of in vitro-produced embryos in cattle. https://doi.org/10.1016/. Oxygen uptake and carbohydrate metabolism by in vitro derived bovine embryos. In vitro culture of mouse embryos reduces differential gene expression between inner cell mass and trophectoderm

DEBrowser: Interactive differential expression analysis and visualization tool for count data


Cluster analysis of genome-wide expression profiles to predict gene functions with KEGG. Lin Y, Golovnina K, Chen Z-X, Lee HN, Negron YLS, Sultana H, et al.. Comparison of normalization methods for differential gene expression analysis in RNA-Seq experiments: a matter of relative size of studied transcriptomes. A scaling normalization method for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data.

Sex differences in gene regulation in the dorsal root ganglion after nerve injury


To determine the effects of peripheral nerve injury on gene expression in the DRGs of male rats, we evaluated RNA-seq data obtained 14 days after CCI and compared these expression profiles to those from naive males (Fig. 2 Sex differences of gene expression in DRGs from nạve rats. b Volcano plot of differential gene expression in nạve rats between male and female rats.

Differential gene expression in the evolution of sex pheromone communication in New Zealand’s endemic leafroller moths of the genera Ctenopseustis and Planotortrix


Differential gene expression in the evolution of sex pheromone communication in New Zealand ’ s endemic leafroller moths of the genera Ctenopseustis and Planotortrix. The production of distinct pheromone blends in the sibling species is associated with the differential expression of two desaturase genes, deast5 and desat7, in the pheromone glands. Females of the sibling species C.