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Drugs and Poisons in Humans

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Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 5)


Many reports are being published on analysis of drugs and poisons by LC/MS. ionization ( ESI) modes can be mentioned. Many drugs and poisons in bio- logical specimens can be identifi ed and quantitated without any derivatization by this method..

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 4)


For extraction of polar or ionic compounds, a biological specimen can be acidifi ed with tartaric acid, followed by addition of acetone or ethanol, shaking of the mixture and centrifuga- tion. For the details of the procedure, the readers can refer to the books [3, 6]. In analysis of drugs and poisons in human specimens, the main interfering compounds are pro- tein and lipids components.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 8)


At Nippon Medical School, the Department of Legal Medicine and the Advanced Critical Care Medical Center have been cooperating for practical analysis and studies on new analytical methodologies of drugs and poisons in specimens sampled from poisoned patients for more than 20 years since 1980 [1–8]. inside the Ad- vanced Critical Care Medical Center and complicated analysis for identifi cation and quantita- tion is being made at laboratories of the Department of Legal Medicine.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 7)


Other articles about poisoning appearing in HP of the poison-net. Simple color test methods for drugs and poisons (ver 2). Screening or preliminary tests for drugs and poisons are essential before their instrumental analysis to narrow probable compounds for poisoning. Th e article was abstracted from the book [Department of Legal Medicine, Hiroshima University School of Medicine (ed) (2001) Simple Detection Methods for Drugs and Poisons: Th e Color Tests.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 3)


analysis of drugs and poisons. In the autopsy cases, the source of blood sampled should be recorded exactly. the high concentrations of drugs present in the lung, heart and liver can diff use into the surrounding tissues, resulting in higher drug concentrations in blood there [6].

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 1)


More than 20 g of each tissue of the brain, lung, heart, liver, kidney and spleen should be sampled. In case of a putrefi ed cadaver, the skeletal muscle in the thigh may become a useful specimen for analysis, because the tissue of this part is most resistant to putrefaction and contains levels of drugs and poisons almost equal to those in blood. Th e tissues from diff erent organs should not be put in the same con- tainer or polyethylene bag. they should be kept separately.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 2)


At autopsy, any body fl uid and tissue can be used for analysis. For assessment of intoxication degree, the blood levels of drugs and poisons are usually used. In place of blood samples, pericardiac fl uid, cerebrospinal fl uid, vitreous humor and skeletal muscle can be used [3, 4].. Th e cortex part consists of keratine and melanin, and the part counts 80–90% of the whole weight.. Baumgartner et al. Th ereaft er, many kinds of drugs were reported to accumulate in hair.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 69)


When diarsenic trioxide is dissolved in water, it is immediately converted into the arsenious acid c , which actually exerts its toxicity in humans. Th e oral LD 50 value of diarsenic trioxide in humans is said to be 60–120 mg. As other inorganic poisons, cadmium, thallium, lead, chro- mium and copper can be mentioned. however they and their derivatives are much less toxic than arsenious acid. Th ese inorganic compounds can be analyzed by the similar methods to those for arsenic compounds.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 22)


excretion in humans. 15) Amber J (1985) The urinary excretion of cocaine and metabolites in humans: a kinetic analysis of published data. 17) Vitti TG, Boni RL (1985) Metabolism of cocaine. 18) Amber J, Fischman M, Ruo T-I (1984) Urinary excretion of ecgonine methyl ester, a major metabolite of cocaine in humans

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 60)


In humans, a peak serum GLUF concentration is observed 40–50 min aft er ingestion. more than 95 % of an absorbed amount of the compound is excreted into urine within 24 h. a major part of the excreted compounds is in the unchanged form. and distribution volume in the body, 1.4 L/kg. and distribution volume in the body, 1.9 L/kg.. It is considered that 99 % of GLUF in human serum is not bound with proteins, but exists in its free form [21].

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 68)


Aft er inhalation of hydrazoic acid vapor and oral intake of azide, respiratory stimulation and tachycardia appear, followed by metabolic acidosis, hypotension, respiratory suppression, bradycardia, convulsion and fi nally death. Metabolism and excretion of azide in humans have not been well studied [4].

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 46)


Th e concentrations of permethrin isomers were: trans-form 96 ng/mL and cis-form 118 ng/. the trans/cis ratio of the AUC was 0.43 (trans/cis concentration ratio for the Adion ® emulsion, 1.30). Th is shows faster blood clearance of the trans-form of permethrin than that of the cis-form in humans..

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 64)


For the authentic standards, the amount for injection was 50 ng on-column each. into the blank blood specimens, 5 µg/mL each of the compounds was spiked.. on-column for the authentic standards and 0.5 µ g/mL in the serum specimen). Th e LD 50 values for diazine herbicides are said to be about 5 g/kg in humans. those for triazine herbicides except cyanazine 1–5 g/kg [14].. d) In the original method reported by Suzuki et al.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 44)


Fatal benzalkonium chloride poisoning cases, in which the 10 % solution had been ingested, were reported [1, 2]. it can be regarded as one of the most important poisons in daily necessities.. As poisoning symptoms, a pungent sense of the oral mucous membranes, sore throat, cyanosis, convulsion and coma can be mentioned [3, 4].. Benzalkonium chlorides are the mixture of multiple analogous compounds.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 67)


In the murder terrorism with VX taking place in Osaka, Japan, 1994, VX was sprayed on the back of the neck of the victim using a syringe (the exposure amount not known). in severer poisoning, dyspnea, enhanced sweating, convulsion attack, respiratory arrest and fi nally cardio- pulmonary arrest leading to death can be observed.. Th ere are no precise data on the toxicity of VX in humans. (b) an EI mass spectrum of DAEMS. (c) a CI mass spectrum of DAEMS..

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 18)


Table 9.1), but the analysis of each component is, of course, desirable to assess the toxicity.. the fatal oral dose in humans was estimated to be 90–120 g [21]. Th e analytical data of kerosene and its components in human specimens are not found, but are estimated to be similar to those of gasoline.. Th e retention times with an HP-17 column probably diff er from those with the DB-17 column in spite of the same material, size and fi lm thickness.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 39)


In the brain, the drugs attenuate migraine by suppressing the dilation of blood vessels. in the eye, they decrease intraocular pressure by suppressing the production of aqueous humor. Since the drugs are also eff ective in suppressing muscle quivering and in suppressing overreaction of the thyroid gland upon being too nervous, they are used as doping drugs in competitive sports such as shooting and archery, which require psychic powers of concentration rather than aerobic performance..