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Egg production

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Effects of temperature on population growth and resting egg production of freshwater rotifer (Brachionus calyciflorus)


Effects of Temperature on Population Growth and Resting Egg Production of. Resting egg production of rotifers provides critical advantages in larviculture of most fish species due to the reduction in the costs of labour and algae production. The study was conducted to investigate the effects of temperature on population growth and resting egg production of a freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus, collected in Northern Vietnam.

Transcriptome analysis of the hypothalamus and pituitary of turkey hens with low and high egg production


DEGs fitting these parameters were selected with the fol- lowing RNAseq expression profiles: 3 DEGs up- regulated in LEPH both outside and during the PS, 3 DEGs up-regulated in HEPH both outside and during the PS, 3 DEGs which showed up-regulation in one egg production group outside of the PS and up-regulation in the other egg production group during the PS, and 3 control genes which did not show expression changes between egg production levels or during the ovulatory cycle.

Identification of key genes and molecular mechanisms associated with low egg production of broiler breeder hens in ad libitum


Egg yolk deposit refer to the synthesis, absorb, transport and metabolism of lipid from integrated multi-tissue processes. Ad libitum will induce the excess of egg yolk deposit and production of defective or non-settable eggs in broiler breeder hens. comparing ad libitum with restricted feeding. All these results may reveal the molecular mechanism of low egg production of broiler breeder hens in ad libitum..

Small-scale chicken production - Part 3


At a given weight, immature birds of broiler strains have a much higher feed intake capacity than birds of an egg laying strain.. Egg production. Laying hens’ intake of dietary energy is related to their egg production rate. If egg production increases, more feed is needed. The major dietary factor affecting feed intake is the concentration of energy in the diet. An increase in dietary energy results in a decrease in feed intake.

Identification of candidate genomic regions for chicken egg number traits based on genome-wide association study


In addition, regions within 100 kb of a candidate SNP were searched for previously reported QTLs with egg number, egg production or reproductive traits in the chicken QTL database (https://www.animalgenome.org/. The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.. org/10.1186/s . Genome-wide SNPs associated with egg number traits.. Difference of the allele frequencies of the significant SNPs located at Mb on chromosome 5 between the high and low productivity groups..

Impact of farming models on the reproductive performance and egg quality of Vietnamese local chicken breeds: Ho and Dong Tao


In this study, the egg productivity of Ho and Dong Tao chickens raised in traditional and battery cage models were recorded as eggs/hen/laying year and eggs/hens/laying year, respectively. Egg production depended on the farming model type.. However, the egg productivities of Ho and Dong Tao chickens were intensely lower than that of Ri chickens (123 eggs/hen/year) (FAO, 2008). The reproductive cycles of Ho and Dong Tao chickens usually last 2-3 weeks, with the frequency of one egg per 2-3 days.

Brief information of PHD thesis: Selection and pure breeding of two egg-oriented D629 and D523 chicken lines


The pairs of egg yield traits with 38-week-old egg weight, 8-week-old body weight with 38-week-old egg production, and 18-week-old body weight with 38- week-old egg production all had genetic covariances that are negative, genetic variation among these traits tends to be opposite. The phenotypic covariance of the above trait pairs also tended to be similar to the genetic covariance. BW 8 weeks age BW 18 weeks age weeks old egg yield.

Egg lying behavior of anisopteromalus calandrae, an ectoparasitoid of lasioderma serricorne


The peak egg production per day per female was observed on the 9 th day with 7.4 eggs/female in average (10.25% of total eggs/female). calandrae laid eggs for 11 days with the peak on the 5 th day with 12 ± 5 eggs/female. calandrae is in the middle of their life. Obviously, the time to lay eggs and the number of eggs/female are affected by environmental conditions such as hosts, supplemented foods etc.. calandrae started to lay eggs 1 day after mating.

Genome-wide characterization of genetic variants and putative regions under selection in meat and egg-type chicken lines


Growth hormone production and role in the reproductive system of female chicken. Analysis of the genetic effects of prolactin gene polymorphisms on chicken egg production. Developmental regulation of adipose tissue growth through hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the embryonic leghorn and broiler. Mutation in the guanine nucleotide-binding protein beta-3 causes retinal degeneration and embryonic mortality in chickens.

Production efficiency analysis of indigenous pig production in northwest Vietnam


Pig production and farm income in the pig value chain in Hung Yen and Nghe An provinces. Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants in Household Pig Production in Vietnam: A DEA Approach. Productivity and technical efficiency of poultry egg production in Nigeria. Pig production and management system in Aizawl district of Mizoram, India. Sources of technical efficiency of sheep production systems in dry areas in Syria.

Deep sequencing identification of miRNAs in pigeon ovaries illuminated with monochromatic light


Both the present study and Wang et al. (2015) showed that RL and BL increase and decrease egg production, respectively (Wang et al., 2015).

Residual feed intake: A limiting economic factor for selection in poultry breeding programs


EFI = 5.2 BWT ΔBWT − 1.6 EM + 914.6 Egg production Gray variety Quail (Fathi et al., 2019). EFI = 11.8 BWT Δ BWT − 1.1 EM + 396.2 Egg production White variety Quail (Fathi et al., 2019). EFI = 0.38 MBW ADG − 5.14 Growing period Male/Chinese local Chicken (Yi et al., 2018). EFI = 0.07 MBW ADG − 37.8 Growing period Female/Chinese local Chicken (Yi et al., 2018).

Raising Turkeys - Part 4


It has been suggested that day length for toms not exceed 18 hours, as excessive lighting periods can cause molting and decreased semen production.. Egg Production. Most varieties of turkeys can be expected to lay 80 to 100 eggs per bird, especially when artificial light is used to pro- long day length. If only natural day length is used, then egg production will be greatly reduced.

Population dynamics of the copepod invader Oithona davisae in the Black Sea


That low egg production rate probably explains the sharp aging of the population and a decrease in density upon the arrival of winter.. A small number of fertilized females that had survived winter (not more than 300 ind m –3 in the studied area) began to produce eggs in egg sacs in the middle of March at the stable temperature of about 10 °C.

Ảnh hưởng của chu kì ngày đêm và nhiệt độ tới sinh sản của ốc helix pomatia


It was lower in the Group snails for which the combination of long days and low temperature was compatible with a good survival rate and with average egg production per snail almost as good as in Group A. They also demonstrate the importance of an interaction between the factors of daily lighting and temperature in the determination of reproduction. In the short-day photoperiod, egg laying was very rapidly inhibited at 15°C (Group D) and limited to 8 weeks at 20°C.

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - C


Molting is used as a management tool in the egg industry to extend the productive life of the laying hens over a longer period of time, or to improve egg production and quality during. [4] In addition, molting improves the overall health of the flock. Final Report of the Thirty Fourth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test:. Report of the First North Carolina Random Sample Egg Laying Test. Final Report of the Twenty Sixth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test.

Câu hỏi đánh giá môn Kinh tế vĩ mô bằng tiếng Anh- Chương 1


The real price of eggs fell from 1970 to 1985 because of either a reduction in demand (consumers switched to lower-cholesterol food), a reduction in production costs (improvements in egg production technology), or both. In response, the price of eggs relative to other foods decreased.

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - E


The American Egg Board estimates that approximately 55% of the U.S. Much of the production of broken-out eggs is located in the Midwest region of the United States where egg production costs are the lowest. This represents about 0.8% of the nation’s production.. Regulations also include labeling and advertising requirements relative to size and quality of the product.. Eggs are usually placed in their final container as part of the processing operation.

Ảnh hưởng của bổ sung vitamin E và C lên năng suất sinh sản, chất lượng trứng của chim cút Nhật Bản


Effects of vitamin E and vitamin C dietary supplementation on egg production and egg quality of laying hens exposed to a chronic heat stress. The effect of vitamin E and C on the performance of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) reared under heat stress during growth and egg production period. Ảnh hưởng của vitamin C và E lên năng suất và chất lượng trứng gà Isa Brown.