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Expression patterns

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Global assessment of organ specific basal gene expression over a diurnal cycle with analyses of gene copies exhibiting cyclic expression patterns


Gene expression patterns of cyclic gene Ohnologs. A total of 626 Ohno- logs pairs exhibited at least one of the duplicate showing circadian ex- pression cycle in one organ. Per Ohnolog pair, 9 plots representing 9 organs were represent basal gene expression patterns, with solid line and dashed lines represented each gene duplicate. Gene expression patterns of singletons.

Effects of parental genetic divergence on gene expression patterns in interspecific hybrids of Camellia


So, the relative frequency of cis- and trans-regulatory divergence has great influence on the inheritance of gene expression patterns in hybrid [18]..

Genome-wide analysis of spatiotemporal expression patterns during rice leaf development


For some of the clusters, there were large differences in expression levels among sam- ples and characteristic expression patterns, suggesting that some groups of genes undergo similar changes in gene expression, and that such changes are associated with events during leaf development..

Genome-wide identification and expression patterns analysis of the RPD3/HDA1 gene family in cotton


To explore expression differences of GhRPD3 genes be- tween early-maturity and late-maturity cottons during flower bud differentiation, we selected nine genes show- ing relatively high expression in floral organ tissues. 5 Cis-elements of GhRPD3 genes in promoter regions. 6 Expression patterns of RPD3 genes in G. a and b represent the expression patterns of GhRPD3 genes in different tissues (a) and under four different abiotic stresses (b), respectively.

The DUB family in Populus: identification, characterization, evolution and expression patterns


Analysis of the gene structure, conserved elements, and expression patterns of the DUB family provides a solid foundation for. The present results provide valuable insights into function of the DUB family in Populus.. The pI of the DUB proteins ranged from 4.45 (PtrMJD4) to 9.77 (PtrMJD3). relationships, and classification of the poplar DUB family Analysis of conserved domains of the five subfamilies of DUB enzymes was conducted using the Pfam database..

Genome-wide analysis and expression patterns of lipid phospholipid phospholipase gene family in Brassica napus L.


To demonstrate the expression patterns of the BnLPP genes, we examined eight tissues/organs (roots, stem, leaves, flower, petal, stamen, stigma, and silique) of rape- seed at various growth phases by qRT-PCR (Fig. expression profiles of BnLPP genes varied in the various tissues/organs.

Differential network analysis of bovine muscle reveals changes in gene coexpression patterns in response to changes in maternal nutrition


Conclusions: Overall, our findings provide evidence that maternal nutrition can significantly alter gene coexpression patterns in the offspring, and some of these perturbations are mediated by changes in DNA methylation.. There is increasing interest in moving beyond differential expression and examine transcriptional pro- files in the context of molecular networks [2].

Homoeolog expression bias and expression level dominance (ELD) in four tissues of natural allotetraploid Brassica napus


To explore the changes in homologous gene expression patterns in the natural allotetraploid Brassica napus (A n A n C n C n ) relative to its two diploid progenitors, B. oleracea orthologous gene pairs.

Protein functional module identification method combining topological features and gene expression data


This method is based on evolutionary algorithm (EA), which effectively fuses protein topology and gene expression data. Similarity measure of gene expression patterns.

Gene expression patterns of red sea urchins (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) exposed to different combinations of temperature and pCO2 during early development


Results: Although transcriptomic patterns primarily varied by developmental stage, there were pronounced differences in gene expression as a result of the treatment conditions. significantly to the observed variance in gene expression, which was also correlated to the phenotypic attributes of the embryos.

Analysis of MADS-box genes revealed modified flowering gene network and diurnal expression in pineapple


Thus, the expression patterns of MADS-box genes in both photo- synthetic and non-photosynthetic leaf tissues was studied to investigate the potential roles of MADS-box genes in pineapple CAM photosynthesis. 9 Diurnal expression patterns of MADS-box genes cycling in green tip or white base only. However, the results still indicated that some MADS- box genes in pineapple could be involved in the circa- dian clock.

Genome-wide characterization, expression analyses, and functional prediction of the NPF family in Brassica napus


Genome-wide characterization, expression analyses, and functional prediction of the NPF family in Brassica napus. qRT-PCR-based comparative expression analysis of the 12 BnaNPFs in the NPF2 – 1 subfamily between high- and low-glucosinolate (GLS) content B. thus, they were recently and uniformly named as members of the NRT1/PTR family (NPF) [7].. Moreover, expression patterns of 12 candidate NPFs of the NPF2–1 subfamily in one high- and one low-GLS B.

Genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression analysis of the NAC transcription factor family in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)


The DgNAC genes exhibited different expression profiles with floral bud development. Several DgNAC genes presented simi- lar expression patterns from the before vernalization (BV) stage to the heading (H) stage, such as DgNAC087 and DgNAC107, with gradually increased expression. These DgNAC genes may play a critical role in the dif- ferent floral development stages. In addition, the special temporal expression patterns of DgNAC genes may be related to changes in environmental conditions.

Expression profiling of WD40 family genes including DDB1- and CUL4- associated factor (DCAF) genes in mice and human suggests important regulatory roles in testicular development and spermatogenesis


Hierarchical clustering and heat map analyses of RNA seq datasets revealed differential expression patterns of WD40 genes with around 60 – 73% of the genes were highly or specifically expressed in testis.. Finally, different germ cell populations of testis showed specific patterns of WD40 genes expression. Conclusions: We have identified large number of WD40 family genes that are highly or specifically expressed in the testes of mouse and human.

Trait differentiation and modular toxin expression in palm-pitvipers


If expression patterns of the Type A and Type B sub- modules are inherited as independent haplotypes with additive effects, we can hypothesize that combined phe- notypes are possible and should exhibit intermediate expression of of each module. The expression patterns apparent in the southern B. In the case of B. nigroviridis, intermediate expression observed in the southern B.

Gene expression profiling identifies pathways involved in seed maturation of Jatropha curcas


The expression patterns of the two DGAT were also studied in developing seeds of soybean, Euphorbia, castor bean, and Jatropha [74, 79]. In the current study, PDAT and DGAT showed the highest expression in the last stage of seed maturation.

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the NAC transcription factor family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) during aluminum stress


To further explore the expression patterns of the putative SlNAC genes, we analyzed their expression profiles in different tissues and development stages of a cultivar Heinz cultivar and wild species S. The conserved motifs in the SlNAC proteins were identified by MEME. Conversely, 39 genes showed significant differential expression patterns in the two tomato genotypes (Fig.

RNA-Seq analysis of blood meal induced gene-expression changes in Aedes aegypti ovaries


RNA-Seq analysis provides a useful tool to analyze changes in gene expression in the whole organism as well as in pertinent tissues [19, 20]. Comparing gene expression patterns at various time points between sugar-fed and blood fed mosquitoes and tissues, one can identify the organism’s or tissue-specific responses to the blood meal.

Insights into the skin of caecilian amphibians from gene expression profiles


Gene expression levels of each gene in each sample were estimated using HTSeq after mapping the reads to their assembly with Bowtie 2.0.2 [51]. Conserved skin gene expression patterns.

Genome-wide in silico identification and expression analysis of beta-galactosidase family members in sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam]


After the pathogen infection, Ibbgal genes had different expression patterns in the leaves and roots of these two cultivars (Fig. It is worth noting that Ibbgal15 expression in the leaves and roots of cv. Collectively, these results implied that Ibbgal genes in the different cultivars might have dif- ferent functions under abiotic and biotic stresses.. Expression profiles of Ibbgal genes in response to various hormone treatments.