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Feed efficiency

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Identification of a metabolomic signature associated with feed efficiency in beef cattle


Identification of a metabolomic signature associated with feed efficiency in beef cattle. Animals with better ability to convert food into animal protein, measured as a trait called feed efficiency (FE), also produce less manure and greenhouse gas per kilogram of produced meat. Thus, the identification of high feed efficiency cattle is important for sustainable nutritional management.

Identification of key genes and pathways associated with feed efficiency of native chickens based on transcriptome data via bioinformatics analysis


Previous research indicated that the ex- pression of ND4 and COX 2 was lower in the low feed efficiency broilers compared with high feed efficiency broilers [35]. Coincidentally, it was established that low feed efficiency broilers produced higher amounts of ROS compared with high feed efficiency broilers [39].

Investigation of muscle transcriptomes using gradient boosting machine learning identifies molecular predictors of feed efficiency in growing pigs


Very important genes (VIP) for prediction of feed efficiency traits (RFI: residual feed intake. 1) for each cluster and P-value of the enrichment for the corresponding Gene Ontology (GO) terms are provided. 3 Venn diagrams to identify commonalities between lists of VIP for feed efficiency trait.

A comparative analysis of the transcriptome profiles of liver and muscle tissue in pigs divergent for feed efficiency


Feed is a major economic consideration within the pig industry and accounts for 60–70% of the total produc- tion cost. On a different theme, variation in the immune responses has also been identified as a factor influencing feed efficiency [4, 8, 9].. Irrespective of the underlying biological processes con- tributing to RFI, early life predictors of feed efficiency would be a valuable, as the measurement of individual feed intake is not feasible in commercial production.

Development and comparison of RNAsequencing pipelines for more accurate SNP identification: Practical example of functional SNP detection associated with feed efficiency in Nellore beef cattle


Therefore, this study used RNA-Seq data from 12 Nellore beef steers di- vergent for feed efficiency ( n = 6 low-RFI and n = 6 high- RFI) from both muscle and liver tissue (Fig.

RNA-seq of muscle from pigs divergent in feed efficiency and product quality identifies differences in immune response, growth, and macronutrient and connective tissue metabolism


PON3 knockout mice have previously been shown to exhibit increased body weight [79], which points towards a Table 5 Correlations between product quality traits and selected differentially expressed genes, out of the 272, in pigs divergent for feed efficiency. Correlation coefficient is presented in the upper row and a P-value is shown in the bottom row.

Study on different feed form on the performance of broilers chicken


Van biljan showed that the Feed particle size did not significantly effect on feed efficiency however caused to improve the FCR.. Effects of Feed Particle Size on carcass characteristics. As show in Table 3, the texture/physical form of the diet has a significant effects on abdominal fats (p<0.05). however weight of carcass, breast meat, leg meat, liver, gizzard did not differ by feed particle size.

Combining information from genome-wide association and multi-tissue gene expression studies to elucidate factors underlying genetic variation for residual feed intake in Australian Angus cattle


A region on BTA14 that includes the positional candidate genes LYPLA1, XKR4 and TMEM68 is associated with feed intake and growth phenotypes in cattle 1. Gene expression in breast muscle associated with feed efficiency in a single male broiler line using a chicken 44K oligo microarray. Bivariate genome-wide association analysis of the growth and intake components of feed efficiency. Whole genome association studies of residual feed intake and related traits in the pig.

The effect of breed and diet type on the global transcriptome of hepatic tissue in beef cattle divergent for feed efficiency


Cattle selected for low-RFI (feed efficient) have similar production levels but decreased feed intake, while also emitting less methane.

Genome-wide association and transcriptome studies identify candidate genes and pathways for feed conversion ratio in pigs


Identification of genetic markers associated with residual feed intake and meat quality traits in the pig. https://doi.org/1 0.1016/j.meatsci . https://doi.org/10.1017/S . Transcriptome Analysis Reveals that Vitamin A Metabolism in the Liver Affects Feed Efficiency in Pigs. https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.201400583.. https://doi.org/10.1186/s .

Acute systemic inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation in pigs divergently selected for residual feed intake


Whole blood transcriptomics is relevant to identify molecular changes in response to genetic selection for feed efficiency and nutritional status in the pig. Review: divergent selection for residual feed intake in the growing pig. Genome-wide immunity studies in the rabbit: transcriptome variations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro stimulation by LPS or PMA-Ionomycin. Whole genome association studies of residual feed intake and related traits in the pig.

RNA-Seq Meta-analysis identifies genes in skeletal muscle associated with gain and intake across a multi-season study of crossbred beef steers


Liver morphometrics and metabolic blood profile across divergent phenotypes for feed efficiency in the bovine. Transcriptome profiling of the rumen epithelium of beef cattle differing in residual feed intake

MicroRNA profiling associated with muscle growth in modern broilers compared to an unselected chicken breed


Background: Genetically selected modern broiler chickens have acquired outstanding production efficiency through rapid growth and improved feed efficiency compared to unselected chicken breeds. Recently, we analyzed the transcriptome of breast muscle tissues obtained from modern pedigree male (PeM) broilers (rapid growth and higher efficiency) and foundational Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR) chickens (slow growth and poorer efficiency).

Genome-wide association study reveals novel loci associated with feeding behavior in Pekin ducks


Moreover, as we had previously conducted a genome- wide association study for feed efficiency traits in a fat strain of Pekin ducks, Zhu et al. Deng et al. Compared with their results, the 25 candidate genes for feeding behavior traits in this study didn’t have any overlap with them..

Effect of stevia sweetener consumption as non-caloric sweetening on body weight gain and biochemical’s parameters in overweight female rats


Effect of administration of stevia sweetener on and sucrose (S) on the weight gain, food consumption and feed efficiency ratio (FER) in rats. Administration of stevia sweetener decreased feed intake as compared to control group.

Effect of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic supplementation on growth performance in murrah buffalo calves


Further, Kumar et al., (2011) observed increased feed efficiency in buffalo bull calves fed with probiotics and Hasunuma et al., (2011) reported increased (P<0.05) feed efficiency in Holstein calves fed with cello- oligosaccharide than in the control group.. The results of effect of dietary supplementation of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotics on BCS are presented in Table 6..

Efficacy of normal maize versus quality protein maize on the performances of growing yaks


The present study revealed complete substitution of quality protein maize in the concentrate mixture have beneficial effects in term of growth rate, digestibility and nutrient balance, feed efficiency, plane of nutrition with superior economic returns in growing yaks without any adverse effect on their health status.

Probe-based association analysis identifies several deletions associated with average daily gain in beef cattle


Genome-wide association analyses for growth and feed efficiency traits in beef cattle. DNA polymorphisms and transcript abundance of PRKAG2 and phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase in the rumen are associated with gain and feed intake in beef steers. Bivariate genome-wide association analysis of the growth and intake components of feed efficiency. Multi- strategy genome-wide association studies identify the DCAF16-NCAPG region as a susceptibility locus for average daily gain in cattle.

Genome-wide copy number variant analysis reveals variants associated with 10 diverse production traits in Holstein cattle


Focusing on feed efficiency and intake-related phenotypes of residual feed intake and dry matter intake, we detected a single CNV associated with both traits which overlaps a predicted olfactory receptor gene OR2A2 ( LOC787786. Additionally, 2 CNV within the RXFP4 (relaxin/insulin like family peptide receptor 4) and 2 additional olfactory receptor gene regions, respectively, were associated with residual feed intake.