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Residual feed intake

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Combining information from genome-wide association and multi-tissue gene expression studies to elucidate factors underlying genetic variation for residual feed intake in Australian Angus cattle


Liver transcriptomic networks reveal main biological processes associated with feed efficiency in beef cattle. Candidate genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with variation in residual feed intake in beef cattle. Transcriptome profiling of the rumen epithelium of beef cattle differing in residual feed intake. Role of Deltex-1 as a transcriptional regulator downstream of the notch receptor.

Differentially expressed mRNAs, proteins and miRNAs associated to energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of beef cattle identified for low and high residual feed intake


All animals used in the current study were owned by the Instituto de Zootecnia-IZ/SP, which provided a written consent to use the animals for animal ’ s use. mRNA expression of genes regulating oxidative phosphorylation in the muscle of beef cattle divergently ranked on residual feed intake. Transcriptome analysis of mRNA and miRNA in skeletal muscle indicates an important network for differential Residual Feed Intake in pigs.

Acute systemic inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide stimulation in pigs divergently selected for residual feed intake


Whole blood transcriptomics is relevant to identify molecular changes in response to genetic selection for feed efficiency and nutritional status in the pig. Review: divergent selection for residual feed intake in the growing pig. Genome-wide immunity studies in the rabbit: transcriptome variations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro stimulation by LPS or PMA-Ionomycin. Whole genome association studies of residual feed intake and related traits in the pig.

Residual feed intake: A limiting economic factor for selection in poultry breeding programs


Genetics and statistical prop- erties of residual feed intake. Residual feed consumption in laying hens: 1. Molecular basis for residual feed intake in beef cattle. Pedigree and genomic analyses of feed consumption and residual feed intake in laying hens

RNA-Seq Meta-analysis identifies genes in skeletal muscle associated with gain and intake across a multi-season study of crossbred beef steers


Molecular basis for residual feed intake in beef cattle. 2012: Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry, First Edition. mRNA expression of genes regulating oxidative phosphorylation in the muscle of beef cattle divergently ranked on residual feed intake. Expression of key genes of the somatotropic axis in longissimus dorsi. muscle of beef heifers phenotypically divergent for residual feed intake. Residual feed intake in beef cattle.

Genome-wide association and transcriptome studies identify candidate genes and pathways for feed conversion ratio in pigs


Correlated responses in sow appetite, residual feed intake, body composition, and reproduction after divergent selection for residual feed intake in the growing pig. https://doi.org/1 0.2527/jas.2011-4515.. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2018.. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0173482.. https://doi.org . https://doi.org/10.1111/age.12609..

Investigation of muscle transcriptomes using gradient boosting machine learning identifies molecular predictors of feed efficiency in growing pigs


Very important genes (VIP) for prediction of feed efficiency traits (RFI: residual feed intake. 1) for each cluster and P-value of the enrichment for the corresponding Gene Ontology (GO) terms are provided. 3 Venn diagrams to identify commonalities between lists of VIP for feed efficiency trait.

Development and comparison of RNAsequencing pipelines for more accurate SNP identification: Practical example of functional SNP detection associated with feed efficiency in Nellore beef cattle


This study used RNA-Seq data (GEO Accession ID: PRJEB7696 and PRJEB15314) from muscle and liver tissue, respectively, from 12 Nellore beef steers selected from 585 steers with residual feed intake measures (RFI. n = 6 low-RFI, n = 6 high-RFI). Three RNA-Seq pipelines were compared including multi-sample calling from i) non-merged samples.

A comparative analysis of the transcriptome profiles of liver and muscle tissue in pigs divergent for feed efficiency


Effect of immune system stimulation and divergent selection for residual feed intake on digestive capacity of the small intestine in growing pigs. Whole genome association studies of residual feed intake and related traits in the pig. The involvement of GAS6 signaling in the development of obesity and associated inflammation. Ribosome biogenesis: emerging evidence for a central role in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass.

Genome-wide copy number variant analysis reveals variants associated with 10 diverse production traits in Holstein cattle


Focusing on feed efficiency and intake-related phenotypes of residual feed intake and dry matter intake, we detected a single CNV associated with both traits which overlaps a predicted olfactory receptor gene OR2A2 ( LOC787786. Additionally, 2 CNV within the RXFP4 (relaxin/insulin like family peptide receptor 4) and 2 additional olfactory receptor gene regions, respectively, were associated with residual feed intake.

Probe-based association analysis identifies several deletions associated with average daily gain in beef cattle


Analysis of copy number variations in Holstein cows identify potential mechanisms contributing to differences in residual feed intake. Adipose and muscle tissue gene expression of two genes (NCAPG and LCORL) located in a chromosomal region associated with cattle feed intake and gain. Bayesian genome-wide association analysis of growth and yearling ultrasound measures of carcass traits in Brangus heifers. Genome-wide association analysis for feed efficiency in Angus cattle.

Genome-wide detection of CNVs and their association with performance traits in broilers


We identified overlaps of significant CNV segments associated with body weight at days and body weight gain with four previously mapped QTLs for weight traits and residual feed intake (RFI). RFI is de- fined as the difference between actual feed intake and predicted feed intake based on energy requirements for body weight gain and maintenance [46]. associated with performance traits in the TT Reference Population. a BWG: body weight gain from 35 to 41 days. BW35: body weight at 35 days;.

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 14


Relationship between residual feed intake and feed to gain ratio (from Okine et al., 2003).. RFI, by definition, adjusts feed intake for gain and metabolic mid-point weight (Koch et al., 1963). This assertion has been established by studies in Australia (Archer et al., 1998. Jensen et al., 1992). A typical example is the work of Basarab et al. Basarab et al. Archer et al. In addition, Arthur et al.. On the contrary, Arthur et al.. Similarly, a study by Arthur et al.

Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in beef cattle revealed by genome wide association studies of imputed whole genome sequence variants: I: Feed efficiency and component traits


Intergenic and intronic variants also accounted for a smaller amount of additive genetic vari- ance per DNA variant whereas single regulatory and synonymous variants play a more important role in de- termining variation of the feed efficiency traits. Residual feed intake in beef cattle is controlled by many DNA variants with relatively small effects whereas DMI, ADG, and MWT are influenced by a few DNA variants with large or modest effects plus many DNA variants with small effects.

Effects of alleles in crossbred pigs estimated for genomic prediction depend on their breed-of-origin


Differences between purebred and crossbred, and between breeds-of-origin were evaluated by comparing percentage of variance explained by genomic regions for back fat thickness (BF), average daily gain (ADG), and residual feed intake (RFI). The proportion of genetic variance explained by a genomic region and the estimated effect of a haplotype in such a region were different depending upon the breed-of-origin.

Effects of a wide range of dietary forage-toconcentrate ratios on nutrient utilization and hepatic transcriptional profiles in limitfed Holstein heifers


The GADD45 genes are important for intra- cellular communication in the immune system, and were found to be upregulated in the liver of cattle that had higher serum concentrations of cholesterol, or lower residual feed intake, as well as lower levels of cellular growth and proliferation, and lipid metabolism [18, 50].. The p53 signaling pathway and MAPK signaling path- way shared the same significant DEGs (GADD45B and GADD45G) in the present study.

A genome-wide association study reveals novel genomic regions and positional candidate genes for fat deposition in broiler chickens


Whole genome association studies of residual feed intake and related traits in the pig. Flicek P, Ahmed I, Amode MR, Barrell D, Beal K, Brent S, et al. Kinsella RJ, Kähäri A, Haider S, Zamora J, Proctor G, Spudich G, et al. Moreira GCM, Godoy TF, Boschiero C, Gheyas A, Gasparin G, Andrade SCS, et al. Godoy TF, Moreira GCM, Boschiero C, Gheyas AA, Gasparin G, Paduan M, et al. Li H, Handsaker B, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Ruan J, Homer N, et al.

Genomic predictions combining SNP markers and copy number variations in Nellore cattle


Analysis of copy number variations in Holstein cows identify potential mechanisms contributing to differences in residual feed intake. Xu L, Hou Y, Bickhart DM, Song J, Van Tassell CP, Sonstegard TS, et al. Orozco LD, Cokus SJ, Ghazalpour A, Ingram-Drake L, Wang S, van Nas A, et al. Copy number variation influences gene expression and metabolic traits in mice. Copy number variation in human health, disease, and evolution. Copy number variants, diseases and gene expression.

Quantitative analysis of the blood transcriptome of young healthy pigs and its relationship with subsequent disease resilience


ResWI: Residuals of the expression values that were obtained from the eWI models. qNurADG: average daily gain in the quarantine nursery. in the quar- antine nursery (a), in the challenge nursery (b), in the finisher (c and d), across the challenge nursery and finisher (e), and at slaughter (f). for treatment rate, mortality with treatments, mortality, feed conversion rate, residual feed intake, and back fat), such that a positive estimate always refers to a favorable change in the resili- ence trait

Comparative transcriptome analysis of hypothalamus-regulated feed intake induced by exogenous visfatin in chicks


POMC is an important gene in this pathway, which plays an important role in the regulation of feed intake. Furthermore, we found that some path- ways such as adipocytokine signaling pathway, insulin signaling pathway and melanogenesis pathway are involved in the energy homeostasis and regulation of feed intake in chicks, and genes including SOCS1, NFKB1, NFKBIA and PIK3R5 are also related to feed intake regulation..