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Gut microbiota

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Nutrient-imbalanced conditions shift the interplay between zooplankton and gut microbiota


We also discovered that the ex- pression level of antimicrobial genes in the host immune system was increased in the P-limited group. magna’s gut microbiota revealed that P- and N-limited prey promoted polyP accumulation in fecal pellets and nitrogen assimilation in the gut microbiota, respectively.

Gut microbiota in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Characteristics, biomarker identification, and usefulness in clinical prediction


Alterations of the gut microbiota in JIA patients and its associations with clinical indices. and the Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the two groups. Out of the 18. 1 Diversity analyses show that the differences in the α - and β -diversities of the gut microbiota differ between the JIA and the control groups. a Comparisons of the Chao 1 and Shannon indices between the two groups.

High-throughput sequencing reveals the core gut microbiota of the mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in different coastal regions of southern China


Gut Microbiota Effect, a Review. Rizzetto L, Fava F, Tuohy KM, et al. Qin N, Yang F, Li A, et al. Alterations of the human gut microbiome in liver cirrhosis. Meijnikman AS, Gerdes VE, Nieuwdorp M, et al. Han H, Li Y, Fang J, et al. Gut Microbiota and Type 1 Diabetes. Cheung MK, Yip HY, Nong W, et al. Rapid change of microbiota diversity in the gut but not the Hepatopancreas during gonadal development of the new shrimp model Neocaridina denticulata. Olmos J, Ochoa L, Paniagua-Michel J, et al.

Analysis of the fecal microbiota of fast- and slow-growing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)


In this study, we investigated how the gut microbiota of rainbow trout correlates with differential growth rates.. Therefore, one objective of this research was to characterize the gut microbiota of rainbow trout using high-throughput DNA sequencing. The specific objectives of our study were to determine differences in community structure of the gut microbiota between fast- and slow-growing rainbow trout and to determine if genetics plays a role in determining the gut microbiota profile.

Metagenomic data-mining reveals enrichment of trimethylamine-N-oxide synthesis in gut microbiome in atrial fibrillation patients


Alterations in the gut microbiome and metabolism with coronary artery disease severity.. The gut microbiome in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The gut microbiome and heart failure. Uncovering the trimethylamine- producing bacteria of the human gut microbiota. TMAO anaerobic respiration in Escherichia coli: involvement of the tor operon. A population-based study of the long-term risks associated with atrial fibrillation: 20-year follow-up of the Renfrew/Paisley study.

Immune challenge reduces gut microbial diversity and triggers fertility-dependent gene expression changes in a social insect


Disruption of the termite gut microbiota and its prolonged consequences for fitness. Routes of acquisition of the gut microbiota of the honey bee Apis mellifera

Host DNA contents in fecal metagenomics as a biomarker for intestinal diseases and effective treatment


These findings greatly improved our under- standing on the potential roles of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and/or development of these intestinal dis- eases, and implied a global alteration of the local gut en- vironment in the patients..

Genome of the webworm Hyphantria cunea unveils genetic adaptations supporting its rapid invasion and spread


Compositional diversity of the gut microbiota. other phyla were less than 1% of the total contigs (Fig. At the class level, Gammapro- teobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Halobacteria and Clos- tridia comprised 77% of the contigs (Fig. Functional annotation of the leaf-eating caterpillar gut metagenome. Our metagenomic analysis led to the identification of 102,787 nonredundant protein-coding genes with an average length of 300 bp (30.80 Mb total length) in the microbiota of the H.

Hierarchical non-negative matrix factorization using clinical information for microbial communities


Non-negative Matrix Factorization: Application to Fiber Degradation in the Human Gut Microbiota. Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome. Temporal dynamics of the human vaginal microbiota

The seasonal changes of the gut microbiome of the population living in traditional lifestyles are represented by characteristic species-level and functionallevel SNP enrichment patterns


The whole metagenomic sequencing data of Haza human gut microbiomes was downloaded from the NCBI SRA database with the accession number SRA582120.. The impact of the gut microbiota on human health: an integrative view. Our gut microbiome: the evolving inner self. Antibiotics and the human gut microbiome: Dysbioses and accumulation of resistances. Diet and the human gut microbiome: an international review. Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for human health.

A review of current analytical methods for the determination of prebiotics in foods


In adults, the composition of the gut microbiota becomes much more complex with more than 500 different species of microorganisms. Diets containing prebiotics show potential in restoring populations of Bifidobacterium, and simultaneously reducing levels of harmful bacteria in the gut microbiota [11].. There are also studies on the impact of prebiotics on diseases related to the intestinal system. 150 Vietnamese Journal of Food Control, Vol.

Investigating host-bacterial interactions among enteric pathogens


Role of the gut microbiota in health and chronic gastrointestinal disease: understanding a hidden metabolic organ. Diversity, stability and resilience of the human gut microbiota. Role of the normal gut microbiota. Vibrio cholerae hlyB is a member of the chemotaxis receptor gene family. Role of glutathione in immunity and inflammation in the lung. UDP-glucose promotes neutrophil recruitment in the lung.

Multiple omics analysis reveals that high fiber diets promote gluconeogenesis and inhibit glycolysis in muscle


Effect of roughage on rumen microbiota composition in the efficient feed converter and sturdy Indian Jaffrabadi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Advances in the study of biological characteristics of genus Ceratoides. The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio of the human microbiota changes with age. Profile of the gut microbiota of adults with obesity: a systematic review. Glucocorticoids and fatty acid metabolism in humans: fuelling fat redistribution in the metabolic syndrome.

Evolutionary relationships among bifidobacteria and their hosts and environments


Bifidobacteria and their role in the human gut microbiota. Bottacini F, Milani C, Turroni F, Sánchez B, Foroni E, Duranti S, et al.. Bifidobacterium asteroides PRL2011 genome analysis reveals clues for colonization of the insect gut. Zou Y, Xue W, Luo G, Deng Z, Qin P, Guo R, et al. Milani C, Turroni F, Duranti S, Lugli GA, Mancabelli L, Ferrario C, et al. Genomics of the genus Bifidobacterium reveals species-specific adaptation to the glycan- rich gut environment.

Assessment of databases to determine the validity of β- and γ-carbonic anhydrase sequences from vertebrates


Some annotated β- and γ-CA sequences present in data- bases have been linked to vertebrate genomes, but in fact, they might have originated from either gut micro- biota or other normal flora or even from environmental bacterial contamination. The results indicated that the “vertebrate” β- and γ-CA se- quences detected from databases were presumably de- rived from gut microbiota, environmental microbiomes, or grassland ecosystems.

Deploying new generation sequencing for the study of flesh color depletion in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)


Assessing the Pyloric Caeca and Distal Gut Microbiota Correlation with Flesh Color in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L., 1758). Multigenic Delineation of Lower Jaw Deformity in Triploid Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L. Comparison of library construction kits for mRNA sequencing in the Illumina platform.. A comparison of Illumina and Ion Torrent sequencing platforms in the context of differential gene expression.

A novel graph theoretical approach for modeling microbiomes and inferring microbial ecological relationships


Dysbiotic gut microbiota causes transmissible crohn’s disease-like ileitis independent of failure in antimicrobial defence. The vesicle-associated function of nod2 as a link between crohn’s disease and mycobacterial infection. Dysfunction of the intestinal microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease and treatment. Butyrate-producing bacteria supplemented in vitro to crohn’s disease patient microbiota increased butyrate production and enhanced intestinal epithelial barrier integrity..

Phylogenomics of expanding uncultured environmental Tenericutes provides insights into their pathogenicity and evolutionary relationship with Bacilli


Gut microbiomes of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis): Temporal variation and the influence of marine aggregate-associated microbial communities. Epidemiology of seafood- associated infections in the United States. Seal finger: a case report and review of the literature.. A new genomic blueprint of the human gut microbiota.. New insights from uncultivated genomes of the global human gut microbiome.

Transcriptome and microbiome of coconut rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) larvae


Results: The gut microbiota of Oryctes rhinoceros larvae is quite similar to that of the termite gut, as both species feed on decaying wood. We found the first evidence for endogenous beta-1,4-endoglucanase in the beetle, plus evidence for microbial cellobiase, suggesting the beetle can degrade cellulose together with its gut microfauna. Part of the bee- tle’s immunity includes antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), such as defensin [7], scarabaecin [8], oryctin [9], and rhi- nocerin [10].