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Local anaesthetic

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Anaesthetic management for endobronchial valve insertion: Lessons learned from a single centre retrospective series and a literature review


Apart from reducing the secretions, an antisialagogue might also help in reducing the dilution of the delivered local anaesthetic into the tracheobron- chial tree during airway topicalisation. sedation is always challenging, and never more so than during the Chartis Procedure. The patients’ should dis- play adequate tidal volume to validate the detection of a collateral-free target lobe. It became evident that GA via ETT enabled quicker Chartis measurements.

Anaesthesia for a biopsy of corpus callosum in patient with a recent intraoperative anaphylaxis to an unknown anaesthetic allergen: A case report


Airway was topicalised generously using a mix of 4% neb- ulised xylocaine, 10% local anaesthetic sprays to the back of the pharynx, and topical co-phenylcaine nasal spray. In addition to the above, Disposable devilbis atomiser was used to a total of 9 mg.kg − 1 of xylocaine.

Efficacy of continuous in-wound infusion of levobupivacaine and ketorolac for postcaesarean section analgesia: A prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial


The novelty of our study lies in our data for successful post-caesarean section analgesia with a combination of a local anaesthetic and a NSAID for over-the-fascia in-wound infusion.. The present study indicates that local infiltration of a NSAID alone or in combination with a local anaesthetic have superior efficacy over a local anaesthetic alone for reduction of opioid consumption during post-caesarean section analgesia..



Cardiovascular collapse and respiratory failure occur with higher plasma concentrations of the local anaesthetic and is caused by direct myocardial depression compounded by hypoxia associated with convulsions. It used to be the preferred drug for intravenous regional anaesthesia but it is. Maximum doses of local anaesthetic plus vasoconstrictor are toxic in absence of the vasoconstrictor and so substantially less should be used.

Safety and efficacy of addition of hyaluronidase to a mixture of lidocaine and bupivacaine in scalp nerves block in elective craniotomy operations; comparative study


The contradiction may be due to the smaller number of drugs injected in dental surgeries, the smaller area of diffusion and the different type of local anaesthetic used [20]..

A comparison of ultrasound guided bilateral single injection shot Erector Spinae Plane blocks versus wound infltration for post-operative analgesia in laparoscopic assisted colonic surgery- a prospective randomised study


Patients were administered Paracetamol 1 g QID (orally or IV) and received a single Keywords: Ultrasound, Erector Spinae Plane, Post-operative analgesia, Local anaesthetic. The difference in PCA usage was used as an indication of efficacy of the analgesic techniques. The pri- mary endpoints measured were NRS for Pain at rest and on coughing in PACU at 0 and I hour and in the post- operative ward at 24 h.

Supraclavicular block with Mepivacaine vs Ropivacaine, their impact on postoperative pain: A prospective randomised study


Future studies should explore if a short-acting local anaesthetic agent, proposedly with an adjuvant addition, in the SCB could make the initial postoperative recovery less painful and with less opioid consumption after discharge..

The effect of intrathecal dexmedetomidine on the dose requirement of hyperbaric bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: A prospective, doubleblinded, randomized study


Dexmedetomidine (Dex), as an adjuvant, can extend the duration of analgesia of local anaesthetic in spinal, paravertebral nerve and transversus abdominis plane blocks [16–21]. We hypothesized that intrathecal Dex could reduce the value of ED95 (95% effective dose) of spinal hyperbaric bupivacaine.

Development and validation of a predictive risk factor model for epidural re-siting in women undergoing labour epidural analgesia: A retrospective cohort study


The type of labour neuraxial analgesia performed (CSE or plain epidural analgesia) and the local anaesthetic regi- mens used for labour analgesia was at the discretion of the attending anaesthesiologist on duty.

Blood flow changes in the forearm arteries after ultrasound-guided costoclavicular brachial plexus blocks: A prospective observational study


Then, 25 ml of 0.5 % ropivacaine was injected at the centre of the nerve cluster to surround the 3 cords with local anaesthetic under sonographic im- aging (Fig.

Sciatic obturator femoral technique versus spinal anaesthesia in patients undergoing surgery for fixation of open tibial fractures using Ilizarov external fixator. A randomised trial


The secondary endpoints included patient satisfaction scores, visual analogue scores, incidence of adverse events as vomiting, systemic toxicity from local anaesthetic drug and time to first effect of the techniques.. Results: The duration of SOFT block and time to first analgesic dose in SOFT group was significantly longer ( p <. There was no significant difference between the study groups regarding satisfaction scores, the incidence of cardiovascular collapse, seizures and paraesthesia.

Analgesic efficacy of ultrasound guided paravertebral block in percutaneous nephrolithotomy patients: A randomized controlled clinical study


The dispersal of the local anaesthetic agent over the pleura was observed, along with its displacement. After the paravertebral block was performed, all pa- tients received standardized general anesthetic technique with 2–2.5 mg kg − 1 propofol, 0.6 mg kg − 1 rocuronium, 1–2 mcg kg − 1 fentanyl and anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane and oxygen-air mixture.

Safer Surgery part 20


Questions and answers indicated to be asked/answered by the anaesthetist should be adapted to the local situation. Topic 2 Free exchange of information during the debriefing when patients are under local anaesthetic, requires good and timely information to the patient and an open and blame-free culture, which takes longer to develop.

Procaine and saline have similar effects on articular cartilage and synovium in rat knee


These effects might address the question of whether procaine could be an alternative intra-articular local anaesthetic without causing any chondrotoxicity.. However, the mitochondrial effects of procaine in cartilage tissue have not been studied before.. First, the effect of procaine in the rat knee joint may not directly reflect the effect in human tissue.

Role of dexamethasone in the para-vertebral block for pediatric patients undergoing aortic coarctation repair. randomized, double-blinded controlled study


If the needle was diffi- cult to see when clearly in the plane, tissue dissection with small aliquots of normal saline or local anaesthetic was used as previously described to assist in confirming the needle placement.. The needle tip was placed in the hypoechoic triangle space formed by the acoustic shadow underneath the transverse process medially, the antero-lateral pleura and the lower border of the intercostal muscle.

Initial assessment of efficacy and safety of spinal anesthesia combined with obturator nerve block for transurethral resection of bladder tumor


Akata T [1] found that, in order to attain profound blockade of the motor neuron fibres of the obturator nerve and thereby prevent the thigh-adductor muscle contraction which could lead to life-threatening situations, larger volume of a higher concentration of local anaesthetic with a longer duration should be used, even with a nerve stimulator, in the ONB for the transurethral procedures.

The analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block for retroperitoneoscopic renal surgery: A randomized controlled study


The adverse events as- sociated with TAP block included but not limited to the following: numbness in the lower extremities, haematoma and bleeding in the needle trajectory, visceral organ injury, anaphylaxis, local anaesthetic toxicity. According to previous studies the use of TAP block decreased opioid consumption by 13.5–. 45.3% compared with the placebo during the first 24 h after surgery.

Effects of the addition of dexamethasone on postoperative analgesia after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery under quadruple nerve blocks


Effects of dexamethasone as a local anaesthetic adjuvant for brachial plexus block: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Combination of dexamethasone and local anaesthetic solution in peripheral nerve blocks: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. A systematic review and meta-analysis of perineural dexamethasone for peripheral nerve blocks. Dexameth- asone as an adjuvant to peripheral nerve block.

Ultrasound-guided quadratus lumborum block for postoperative pain control in patients undergoing unilateral inguinal hernia repair, a comparative study between two approaches


The minimum effective local anaesthetic volume for a new ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus technique. Ultrasound guided Quadratus Lumborum Block:. The role of the autonomic nervous system in acute surgical pain processing – what do we know? Anaesthesia. Continuous quadratus lumborum type II block in partial nephrectomy. Ultrasound-guided quadratus lumborum block as a postoperative analgesic technique for laparotomy.