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Receiver operating characteristic

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Respiratory variation in peripheral arterial blood flow peak velocity to predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis


AUC area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. 2 Summary receiver operating characteristic curve of △ Vpeak carotid artery in predicting fluid responsiveness. accurate diagnostic value of fluid responsiveness with a pooled sensitivity of 0.85, a specificity of 0.86, and a sum- mary area of receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.93.. In addition, the location of the peripheral artery is shallow enough to ob- tain a high-quality image.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 2


The extent to which the receiver operating char- acteristic curve bows out away from linearity is, therefore, a measure of the. “discriminability” of the situation.. Now that we have the machinery of the receiver operating characteristic curve, we can find the “optimal” threshold a. We established above that the chosen value of the thresh- old a implicitly determines a point on the receiver operating characteristic curve.

Development and validation of a difficult laryngoscopy prediction model using machine learning of neck circumference and thyromental height


The models that predict difficult airways using machine learning has. 1 The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the machine learning models for difficult laryngoscopy in the test set. Their results show that machine learning can be effective in predict- ing difficult airways.

Evaluation the critical care period results after isolated mitral valve replacement or simultaneous mitral and aortic valve surgery in patients with pulmonary hypertension


The receiver operating characteristic curves identified PAPs as a good predictor of operative mortality. The arithmetic mean PAPs and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) decreased significantly after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and persisted throughout the study period.

Functions and clinical significance of KLRG1 in the development of lung adenocarcinoma and immunotherapy


C Receiver operating characteristic curves for estimating the prognostic value of KLRG1 after PD-1 blockade. D Expression of KLRG1 in LUAD and normal lung tissues. E Kaplan – Meier curves of OS in LUAD based on the mRNA expression of KLRG1. F Kaplan – Meier curves of RFS in LUAD based on the mRNA expression of KLRG1. The diagnostic and prognostic value of KLRG1, BTK, CCR2 and SCML4 expression in LUAD was judged using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.

Validation of the efficacy of the NUTRISCORE for the nutritional screening of cancer patients in China


In our study, the NUTRISCORE had higher specificity and positive predictive values than the MST when using the PG-SGA as a reference method, which was consistent with a study conducted in Spain [14]. 1 Receiver operating characteristic curves of the NUTRISCORE, MST and PG-SGA. nutritional screening tool, the NUTRISCORE was asso- ciated with good specificity..

A nomogram prediction model for lymph node metastasis in endometrial cancer patients


LNM 0.795. 2 Internal calibration of the nomogram to predict LNM. 3 Receiver operating characteristic curves of internal verification corresponding nomogram to predict LNM. It has been demonstrated that systemic immune and inflammation responses play a vital role in the initi- ation and progression of the malignant tumor [31]. 4 Receiver operating characteristic curves of external verification corresponding nomogram to predict LNM.

High neutrophils and low lymphocytes percentages in bronchoalveolar lavage fuid are prognostic factors of higher in-hospital mortality in diffuse alveolar hemorrhage


For the other variables, the cutoff values were determined as those that maxi- mized the sensitivity plus specificity total in the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). Then, we compared in-hospital mortality between four groups divided according to neutrophils and lym- phocytes percentages in BALF. The cutoff values of neutrophils and lym- phocytes percentage in BALF were same as above.

Ethnic considerations in the upper lip bite test: The reliability and validity of the upper lip bite test in predicting difficult laryngoscopy in Koreans


ROC: Receiver operating characteristic. ULBT: The upper lip bite test. SWA: Contributed to the design of the work, drafting the manuscript, revising it critically for important intellectual content. A comparison of the upper lip bite test (a simple new technique) with modified Mallampati classification in predicting difficulty in endotracheal intubation: a prospective blinded study..

Prognostic value of endothelial biomarkers in refractory cardiogenic shock with ECLS: A prospective monocentric study


The performance of discriminating mortality by those biomarkers at day 0, day 1, and day 2 of ECMO support was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Between March 2014 and February 2015, 23 patients on ECMO support at the ICU were enrolled. Table 1 Patients ’ demographic data and clinical characteristics. Duration of ECMO support (days . Vasopressor/inotrope on ECMO 1st day. Biochemistry data on ECMO 1st day.

Development and validation of a set of patient reported outcome measures to assess effectiveness of asthma prophylaxis


The cut-off value to assess the asthma control was determined by receiver operating characteristic curve. Observa- tions made by experts and responses made by patients were incorporated to improve the clarity and relevance of the items. Criterion validity was demonstrated by significant correlation between the AC-PROM Tamil and forced expira- tory volume in one second (r = 0.66, p = 0.001).

Assessment of Haemostasis in patients undergoing emergent neurosurgery by rotational Elastometry and standard coagulation tests: A prospective observational study


Coagulation parameters of SCTs and ROTEM ana- lysis all normalized 18–24 h after surgery (Table 5), except the platelet count that remained decreased by 28% (IQ compared with preoperative values and, it was lower in the HB than in the LB group. 2 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of standard coagulation tests to predict transfusion of at least 3 packed red blood cell units.

Diagnostic possibility of the combination of exhaled nitric oxide and blood eosinophil count for eosinophilic asthma


We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of FeNO or B‑Eos alone or both in combination for asthma using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis.. When FeNO and B‑Eos counts were used in com‑. 0.745 [FeNO] or 0.728 [B‑Eos]. The odds ratio for having asthma increased progressively with a gradual increase in FeNO or B‑Eos count (both P <. 40 ppb and B‑Eos >. 300 cells/μl) support a diagnosis of asthma because diagnostic specificity was >.

Ultrasound assessment of the rectus femoris in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease predicts poor exercise tolerance: An exploratory study


Thus, the assessment of RF thick and RF csa by ultrasound also necessitates training and must to be performed by treating physicians or trained radiologists. 4 Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis of STD-RF thick , STD-RF csa , the 5STS, and the 30STS for the prediction of exercise tolerance (6MWD <.

Evaluation of peripheral perfusion index and heart rate variability as early predictors for intradialytic hypotension in critically ill patients


The ability of all variables to predict intradialytic hypotension was assessed through area under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve calculation.. Results: Twenty-three patients (64%) had intradialytic hypotension. Patients with pulmonary oedema showed higher risk for development of intradialytic hypotension {Odds ratio (95% CI . Each of baseline HRV, and baseline PPI showed good predictive properties for intradialytic hypotension {AUROC (95% CI .

Prediction of fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated cardiac surgical patients: The performance of seven different functional hemodynamic parameters


Prediction of fluid responsiveness was tested by calculation of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves including a gray zone approach and compared using Fisher ’ s Z-Test.. Results: Fluid administration resulted in an increase in cardiac output, while all functional hemodynamic parameters decreased. A wide range of areas under the ROC-curve (AUC ’ s) was observed: AUC-SVV PiCCO = 0.91, AUC-PPV PiCCO = 0..

Preoperative hypoalbuminemia was associated with acute kidney injury in highrisk patients following non-cardiac surgery: A retrospective cohort study


Preoperative serum albumin receiver operating characteristic curve for discriminating critically ill subjects with or without AKI. Demonstrates preoperative serum albumin receiver operating characteristic curve for discriminating patients with or without AKI. Description: Demonstrates preoperative variables between patients with or without hypoalbuminemia after propensity score matching.

Risk assessment in interstitial lung disease: The incremental prognostic value of cardiopulmonary ultrasound


The RV parameter that correlated with prognosis in patients with ILD was RVD. 1 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of the. incremental association value of cardiopulmonary parameters when added to the ILD‑GAP score. Model 1: ILD‑GAP score, AUC = 0.76;. Model 2: ILD‑GAP score + LUS score + RVD, AUC = 0.91. ILD‑GAP score + LUS score + RVGLS, AUC = 0.88. Model 4: ILD‑GAP score + LUS score + RVD + RVGLS, AUC = 0.94.

IFITM1, CD10, SMA, and h-caldesmon as a helpful combination in differential diagnosis between endometrial stromal tumor and cellular leiomyoma


Table 5 The sensitivity and specificity of combined IFITM1,CD10, h-caldesmon and SMA immunostaining in the diagnosis of cellular leiomyoma. and h- caldesmon. with a sensitivity and a specificity of 86.7 and 93.9%, respectively.. with a sensitivity of 81.8% and a specificity of 93.1%.. 2 Receiver operating characteristic curve for prediction of endometrial stromal tumors and cellular leiomyoma.

Nomogram predict relapse-free survival of patients with thymic epithelial tumors after surgery


The prognostic predictive ability of the nomogram was evaluated using the consistency index (C-index), receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and risk stratification. Decision curve analysis was used to evaluate the net benefits of the model.. Results: Preoperative albumin levels, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), T stage, and WHO histologic types were included in the nomogram. In the training cohort, the nomogram showed well prognostic ability (C index: 0.902)..