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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P14


You can use the options in the web server screen (Figure 12.16) to configure Contribute and Contribute users to work with your web server.. Rather than bringing the site down to fix the mistakes, you can right-click (Control+click) the file in the Files panel and choose the Roll Back Page option. You can enable rollbacks and the specify the number...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P15


You can also access that option by choosing the New Color option from the panel's Options menu located in the top-right corner of the panel. Finally, after choosing a color, you can highlight it in the Assets panel and give it a nickname. One of the most useful Dreamweaver features is the Find and Replace dialog. Doing this displays all...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P16


Insert editable, optional, and repeating regions wherever you want variable content to appear in the template. In the new nested template, make any changes needed to the editable regions. Use the Templates category in the Assets panel to manage site templates.. Apply— Applies a selected template to an existing page in the Document window. This button is covered in more...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P17


Pictured with more detail in Figure 16.1, a timeline in the Timelines panel seems overwhelming at first glance.. Frame Navigator— As you'll learn in this chapter, animations are frame-based, meaning that each frame in the timeline represents a point in time for the animation. Autoplay— Enable this check box when you want your animations to automatically begin playing when the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P18


With the existing video clip selected, click the Parameters button in the Property inspector. Enter the parameter name Loop in the Parameter column and the value True in the Value column similar to Figure 17.4.. Preview your page in the browser by pressing F12 (Option+F12). By default, RealMedia files have an interface that resembles Figure 17.5 when viewed in the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P19


This means that you can override the default width and height settings in the movie and expect the same quality.. File— Displays the path to the Flash movie within the defined site.. Class— When working with CSS, apply a custom class to the Flash movie by choosing the class from this menu.. Quality— Choose an option from this menu to...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P20


However, if you are running a small company and cost is an issue, PHP/MySQL, ASP.NET/Access, or ColdFusion/Access might be more prudent.. Installing and Working with ASP.NET. In the next section, we'll browse to the page using the default name of the web server.. In the document, add the following code:. As you can see from Figure 21.4, two lines of...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P21


The Database. Although for most projects you would never need more than one database, you may in the future realize that your project has grown far beyond the scope of a single database—that because of security or maintenance reasons, you require more. Figure 22.3. By selecting the Vecta Corp store database from the view in the left column, you can...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P22


In the coming chapters, you'll learn just how easy Dreamweaver makes it to extract from, insert into, update within, and delete information from your database. was established in the 1970s as a way of interacting with current database technologies and the tables that made them up. Queries pose the questions and return the results to your application, usually in the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P23


Type the connection string outlined in the introduction of this section within the Connection String multiline text box. This action launches the Data Link Properties dialog shown in Figure 24.12 and allows you to walk through a wizard that fills in the required connection string information.. The vectacorp database becomes available in the Databases panel.. Note that you can expand...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P24


The idea is that employees will visit the page, and the page will pull information from the EmployeeStore table contained in the vectacorp database and present items to the users for purchase. Table 24.1 outlines the fields in the database table, including the data types used by Dreamweaver.. Fields in the EmployeeStore Database Table Field Name Data Type Description. ItemID...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P25


Remember, most of the steps we'll perform in the next few sections can be performed using any server model. A quick count of all the necessary fields in the Employees table reveals that you need about 10 rows. You can format the table and content in the table as you see fit. Select the hidden field and assign it a...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P26


Now test the results in the browser by pressing F12 (Option+F12). Five records are shown in the dynamic table.. Now that you have a dynamic table with data, you can use the Recordset Navigation Bar data object to include pagination features, much like the way we did in the previous chapter. Save your work and test the results in the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P27


If the user decided to purchase the items added to the cart, how would the application—or you the merchant—know to whom to send the final merchandise? Retrieving and setting that information in the checkout page allows us to process that information and eventually create an entry for that customer within the Orders table. (If you're using SQL Server, you can...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P28


and better yet, how can we use those credentials on other pages in the site to prevent users from trying to access pages without logging in first? The great thing about the Log In User server behavior is that a session variable (which we briefly mentioned in the previous chapter) is automatically created for the user, as follows:. In the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P29


SOAP— The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol specification that defines a uniform way of passing XML data between networks. With HTTP, a user requests a page (usually by typing in the HTTP address), and a response is returned in the form of a website. HTTP— The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) drives how we access information on the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P30


Spry Validation Text Field, Select, Checkbox, and Textarea. Additionally, you can get a sneak peek at the Spry Accordion in action by visiting the following URL:. I made mention of the fact that despite its obvious benefit, the behavior was severely limited in the features that it allows you to validate. Although the Validate Form behavior offers some relief, its...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P31


The revised page is shown in Figure A.3 in Lynx. Each of the four options—Form Objects, Frames, Media, and Images—turns on a different dialog box.. An alt attribute isn't a description of the image, but a functional replacement for it. And definitely don't use the name of the graphic, such as alt="redbullt.jpg". (users with disabilities don't care what the name...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P32


operator .NET ASP.NET. connecting to file manager installing overview queries. creating 2nd setting. content to layout cells 2nd form objects to web page Buttons. File Field Hidden Field Image Field Listbox Radio Buttons Text Field forms to web page. items to shopping cart Jump Menu into web page. repeating regions to search results page text to web page from external...

Introduction to AutoCAD 2011- P1


No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages...