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The Non-Designer's Design Book- P1


Find us on the web at www.peachpit.com.. The quote by Jan White on page 165 is from the out-of-print book How to Spec Type, by Alex White. The charming pen-and-ink drawing of the wicket woof on pages 44 and 45 are by Jon Vlakos, reprinted courtesy of Swamp Press. You can order an exquisite little handmade letterpressed booklet of the...

The Non-Designer's Design Book- P2


If the information is organized, it is more likely to be read and more likely to be remembered. Squint your eyes slightly and count the number of visual elements on the page by counting the number of times your eye stops. If there are more than three to five items on the page (of course it depends on the piece),...

The Non-Designer's Design Book- P3


Sometimes the mere suggestion of a repeated element can get the same results as if you used the whole thing. This chile pepper image, of course, has been used on all of the chile Fiestás promotional material. to re peat elements on the invitation,. Mike TIro""n. You can check with the folks there to see what they still need.. Don't...

The Non-Designer's Design Book- P4


Url's Internet Cafe Get on the Internet and do Stuff.. [email protected] P.O. Box 23465 www.UrlslntemelCafe.com Santa Fe, NM 87502. Get on the Internet and do Stuff.. Url Ratz, General Manager www.UrlslnternetCafe.com. Get on the internet and do Stuff.. email: [email protected]. Don't stick things in the corners. the entire space on the card. Most of the time a strong ~ush left...

The Non-Designer's Design Book- P5


Two of the most important factors in good web design are repetition and clarity. A visitor should never have to figure out how to use your navigation system, where they are in the site, or whether they are still in your web site or have jumped somewhere else.. Once you get to content pages, the visitor should find the navigation...

The Non-Designer's Design Book- P6


Not only does a contrast of weight make a page more attractive to your eyes, it is one of the most effective ways of organizing information. Center Alley . Center Alley.. Plus it sets up a repetition (one of the four main principies of design.. (If you use a bold sans serif within serif body copy. you will probably have...

The Non-Designer's Design Book- P7


There is already a repetition in the headings: strengthen that repetition by making the headings strong and black.. The strong black impression in the bullets now repeats and reinforces the strong black in the headings.. By the way: all the numbers in the new version are a point size smaller so they don't call undue attention to themselves.. Some elements...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P1


The Document Window Context Menus The Insert Bar. Working with AP Elements. Working with Templates. Working with the Timeline. Working with Server-Side Technologies. Working with Behaviors. A sincere thank you to my editors Linda Harrison and Mark Taber as well as the technical editor Derren Whiteman for being on top of this book and making sure that Adobe Dreamweaver CS3...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P2


Figure 1.22. The categories of the Insert bar when you're working with a normal HTML file.. Figure 1.23. The categories of the Insert bar when you're working with an ASP.NET file. Again, server technologies will be covered in much more detail in the second half of the book.. for now, note that the Spry category in the Insert bar outlines...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P3


As you can see from my page (FontSizes.htm contained within the Assets folder), shown in Figure 2.21, the default font size (base font) is 3. Figure 2.21. As you can see from Figure 2.22, the text is changed.. Figure 2.22. Dreamweaver organizes web-safe colors within the Text Color palette available just to the right of the Size menu. Figure 2.23....

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P4


You'll also notice in Figure 2.65 that the Snippets panel is organized into two halves. The completed Snippet dialog box should resemble Figure 2.66.. Figure 2.66. As you can see, from the predefined sample site in Figure 3.1, the Files panel can organize assets, images, and at the root of the directory, web pages.. You can begin the process of...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P5


You can do this by opening sample.html, placing your cursor on the page, and choosing Insert, Hyperlink. First, you can check the links for an individual file. and second, you can check links for an entire defined site. You can do this by following these steps:. Figure 3.34. Alternatively, you can choose the Check Links Sitewide option from the Site...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P6


Centering— This option group allows you to specify how centering of content should be handled when the Align Center icon within the Property inspector is selected on an element. +Z) are also visible within the History panel. As you can see from Figure 4.2, the Accessibility category of the Preferences window enables you to customize how you work with various...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P7


The Table dialog appears. Insert and format basic properties for a table from the Table dialog.. The features outlined within the Table dialog should start looking relatively familiar. Rows— Enter a number within this text box to set the number of rows the table will contain.. Columns— Enter a number within this text box to set the number of columns...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P8


The result will resemble Figure 5.39.. Figure 5.39. The result will resemble Figure 5.40.. Figure 5.40. As you can see from Figure 5.41, the table looks exactly as it would had you added it using the Table dialog. Figure 5.41. As you can see from Figure 5.42, these properties are slightly different from those provided when the table is in...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P9


Type— Choose one of four options in this menu to set the type of positioning AP Element should have in the browser. Setting the type to Absolute guarantees that the AP Element's positioning is governed by the top-left corner of the nearest absolutely positioned element. Choose Fixed to set an AP Element's positioning relative to the top-left corner of the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P10


In the next few sections, you'll learn how Dreamweaver—in conjunction with the <div>. In fact, if you select an AP Element in the Document window, you'll notice that label. is shown in the upper-left corner of the Property inspector.. Content— The third major section in the page is reserved for the content. Create a new CSS rule by clicking the...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P11


As I mentioned in the previous section, the addition of form objects begins with the addition of a form. You can think of the form as the container for its form objects. When the user clicks the Submit button, the entire form, along with all the data contained within the form objects in the form, are sent for processing. Open...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P12


Place your cursor next to the Grow/Shrink button created in the previous section. button in the Behaviors panel. Figure 10.12. Save your work and preview the page in the browser by choosing F12 (Option+F12). In the previous steps, we selected options from the Target Element menu. This color lasts only as long as the duration you define in the Effect...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed- P13


Figure 11.3. With the Local root folder set, you can switch over to the Remote Info category. Figure 11.4. Before we do, however, we'll want to synchronize the local folder with the files contained in the remote folder. This will ensure that the files in the local folder are exact copies of those within the remote. You can synchronize the...