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Game Design: Theory & Practice- P16


On this first pass you want to get the level to the point where the player can navigate through it and all of the locations the player will be able to go are accessible. Certainly you had the gameplay in mind through all of the steps of this process, but now is the time to see if it will actually...

Game Design: Theory & Practice- P17


We haven’t fully demonstrated how much we can expand the game with downloaded objects. We could have put in the nightclub and the work and all that and added another year to the game’s development. You also really have to understand what the core of the fun is going to be in the game. And if you’re adding this stuff...

Game Design: Theory & Practice- P18


the interaction actually takes place between the player and the game’s creator. The player’s main task in Atomic Sam will be to navigate young Sam through the various environments of the game while defeating the robots he encounters.. The game will reward the player’s creativity by setting up situations where the player can use environmental objects to defeat the robots...

Game Design: Theory & Practice- P19


The player will get some choice in the order he experiences the game’s different main areas or “worlds.” After completing the Gargantuopolis levels at the beginning of the game, the Electric Priestess will present Sam with a choice of which area he will travel to next: Benthos, Harmony, or New Boston. Each of these areas will be fairly equivalent in...

Game Design: Theory & Practice- P20


Boss Monster: An enemy in a game, though not necessarily a “monster” per se, which is much larger or simply more difficult to defeat than the other opponents in the game. Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament both feature ’bots as the player’s only opposition in the single-player game.. Builder Games: One term used to describe games in which the...

Game Design: Theory & Practice- P21


Raiders of the Lost Ark, 350. responses to input Return of the Jedi, 181. of the game-world, 114, 361 Russia . Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, 316. The CD comes with a fully readable and searchable version of the .PDF version of this book, for those who prefer to read on their computers. The CD also contains a wide...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P1


Animating Real-Time Game Characters.. Animating real-time game characters / Paul Steed.. Real-time programming. 2002014664 Printed in the United States of America First Edition. Please state the nature of the prob- lem, and send the information to CHARLES RIVER MEDIA, INC., 20 Downer Avenue, Suite 3,. CRM's sole obligation to the purchaser is to replace the disc, based on defective materials...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P2


FIGURE 1.14 Primitives can be shaped into the basic form and then adjusted as needed.. Figure 1.15 shows how extruding a shape and extruding faces are the quickest ways to build a shoulder pad for Betty Bad. Next, an Edit Mesh modifier is ap- plied to align the vertices and select the faces at the top of the shoulder (...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P3


Quality of the Texture. Four artists who excel at each of the four major areas individually cre- ate the best art team imaginable: designer, modeler, texture artist, and animator. With that in mind, load up Head2.max from the Chapterl directory on this book's CD-ROM, and examine the final mapping applied (Figure 1.55).. FIGURE 1.55 Texture maps with opacity maps can...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P4


FIGURE 2.38 Choose from three ways to skin that goat-legged cat.. FIGURE 2.39 Animating Fido reciting poetry means adding bones to the Biped head.. In 3ds max, adding bones is as easy as linking a box to the Biped. Center the pivot point on the box by going to the. Place the dummy object in front of the jaw (and...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P5


FIGURE 3.25 Assign all the upper arm vertices to the UpperArm link.. FIGURE 3.24 The Initial Skeletal Pose option helps you go from an animated to unanimated state.. Toggle Initial Skeletal Pose back and forth by unchecking and checking its box to see the effects the weighting change has on the elbow (Figure 3.26).. FIGURE 3.26 The elbow here has...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P6


Adjust the Radial Scale of the envelopes.. Adjust the Parent/Child Overlap of the envelopes.. The only problem with this sort of display arrangement is that when you click on one of the colored stick figure "bones". Care- fully select all the links of the head, except for Bikini Head (Figure 4.4).. FIGURE 4.4 Select all the envelopes of the head...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P7


FIGURE 4.43 Say buh-bye to Bikini girl—for now!. For that reason, when dealing with a higher resolution character, you need to achieve as much of the weighting via envelopes as possible before resorting to manually entering the weighting values. So, take a moment to consider some of the ele- ments to be thought out before animating your real-time game characters.....

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P8


FIGURE 6.11 Zooming in and out of Track View can be limited to the vertical or horizontal.. Do this by using the ° Add Keys button at the top of the Track View. Fill in the blanks, and now you have keys for all Biped objects at Frame 0 (Figure 6.12).. FIGURE 6.12 Use Add Keys to manually add keys...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P9


FIGURE 6.50 Adding a Time Tag gives you a nice shortcut to an animation clip.. Click on it, and the Time Slider automatically goes to the first frame of the idle (Figure 6.51).. Since Widge will be used for a WildTangent export, you will need to know the start and end time of the animation when you export the ani-...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P10


FIGURE 7.37 A running jump needs longer beginning and end phases than a standing jump.. The only way a jump can work in a game is if it's thought through a bit differently and is divided into three parts: jump (1), idle (2), and landing (3) (Figure 7.38).. FIGURE 7.38 The jump sequence has to be broken into three parts...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P11


FIGURE 7.75 The arm needs to anticipate, act, and react as it goes through the motion.. Then, go to Frame 705, and rotate the Spine objects along the Y-axis back toward the motion of the stroke (Figure 7.76).. With Biped, you can get away with it because of the unique IK arrangement of the Biped hand. However, the start time...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P12


FIGURE 8.37 The right foot needs to be on the ground plane and be flat when planted.. Then go to Frame 25 and rotate the Biped Spine -5 degrees along the Z- axis (Figure 8.38).. Collapse the stack of layers and move to the Front viewport to fix one last problem (Figure 8.39).. FIGURE 8.38 Rotate the Spine object to...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P13


animation and adjust the head so that it's always facing somewhat for- ward (Figure 8.84).. FIGURE 8.84 The head will always try to face forward so the eyes can see the target.. and select all keys for just the Betty R Thigh track from Frame 40 to 89 (Figure 8.85).. Zoom in on the right foot and look at the...

Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P14


secondary motion . Motion capture (mocap) animation;. Motion Flow mode. rotating with Motion Flow Editor, 325-331. Parameters, 298, 301 Motion Flow Editor and,. Motion controllers, 84-88 Motion Flow Editor, 325-331 Motion Flow mode. creating a Motion Flow script, 361-365 preparing animation for,. Scale Transform dialog, 42 Scripts, creating a Motion Flow