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SolidWorks 2010- P4


N O t e The filter function in the FeatureManager design tree acts the same in assemblies, but it also filters out components in both the tree and the graphics area.. Below the filter bar and the model name in the FeatureManager design tree is the Sensors folder. When a material is applied to a part, the mate- rial is...

SolidWorks 2010- P5


Select the sketch origin in the cen- ter of the screen by clicking and releasing the left mouse button with the tip of the pencil directly on top of the origin.. Next to the mouse pointer, the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer will be displayed in relation to the rectangle origin instead of the sketch origin, as...

SolidWorks 2010- P6


4 8 Defining the bottom wall thickness of the cutout. Now all that is left is to define the height of the cutout. Select one of the two segments on the side of the rectangle, and place the dimen- sion. Set the height of the rectangle to be 2 inches in the Modify win- dow, as shown in Figure 3.49.....

SolidWorks 2010- P7


Some of the steps may seem like they create extra work, but we promise you that they will all be worth it in the future.. In the previous chapter, you created a 3D model of the lamp base, and you will be using that model to create a drawing. You can find this information in the File Locations section of...

SolidWorks 2010- P8


In fact, if you were to modify the actual dimension value in the drawing, the part model would not update with the change. This will cause the dimension value to remain static regardless of how the part geometry changes in the course of normal revisions. instead, update the part model, and the change will be reflected in the drawing.. So...

SolidWorks 2010- P9


But since your sketch has a centerline that represents the axis of revolution for the part, you can use that centerline to define the diameter of the part even though only half is shown in the sketch. This is a great way to control the design intent of the part since you are probably more apt to require the diameter...

SolidWorks 2010- P10


Select the Mold Tools tab in the CommandManager, and click the Draft Analysis button.. With the Direction Of Pull field active in the Draft Analysis PropertyManager, select the face of the washer that was used as the neutral plane. Set the Draft Angle option in the Analysis Parameters section to 1°.. You can also enable the Draft Analysis tool in...

SolidWorks 2010- P11


the drawing view you decide that the scale needs to be updated, you can change it in the Drawing View PropertyManager.. The Cosmetic Thread Display section controls how the threads will be displayed in the drawing. Rarely do we change this option since this option is also controlled in the Detailing section of the Document Properties dialog box. Now that...

SolidWorks 2010- P12


The path must also intersect the plane of the profile. The path for the arm of the shade mount is a simple path that will consist of two lines that are connected with a tangent arc or fillet. 1 1 Dimensioning the line segments of the sketch. The profile that you need for the arm will consist of just a...

SolidWorks 2010- P13


model for the shade. By modeling the shade from within an assembly, as any components in the assembly are updated, any required changes will automatically be applied to the shade.. Create the Shade Subassembly. The base part of the assembly will be the shade mount model you created in the previous chapter. Click New in the menu bar, and select...

SolidWorks 2010- P14


Select the cell that corresponds with the Shade – 20 Degrees configu- ration in the Modify Configurations window. 4 0 Updating the value of the Angle mate in the Modify Configurations window. One way is to right- click the desired configuration and select Show Configuration in the menu (Figure 9.41).. 4 1 Selecting Show Configuration in the right-click menu. Activate...

SolidWorks 2010- P15


The process of inserting the part into the assembly is the same as described earlier, except the part will already be displayed in the window of the Part/Assembly To Insert section.. Once again, select the Insert Components command in the shortcut bar.. Click the Browse button in the Insert Components PropertyManager and locate the Shaft, Lamp part created in Chapter...

SolidWorks 2010- P16


While still holding the left mouse button, move the table to a differ- ent place in the graphics area.. Click anywhere in the graphics area to close them.. For now, you will simply hide the BOM in the graphics area. You won’t be able to see it in the graphics area, but the BOM feature will remain inside the Tables...

SolidWorks 2010- P17


Press S on your keyboard, and click the Drawings button in the shortcut bar. In the Drawings flyout, select the Model View command.. In the Model View PropertyManager, click the Browse button. In the Open window, locate the desk lamp assembly that you downloaded from the companion site, and click Open.. In the Model View PropertyManager, in the Orientation section,...

SolidWorks 2010- P18


In the FeatureManager, the component will show that the virtual component is a copy of the original part model. N O t e It is not possible to make the parts of a subassembly virtual while in the higher-level assembly. After repeating the same step for the second component in the assem- bly, click Save on the menu bar.. In...

SolidWorks 2010- P19


In this chapter, you will be con- centrating on the templates and sheet formats used in the chapters related to drawings. As you have seen in the previous chapters, templates that are properly set up can save you a lot of time.. In addition to specifying document settings in the template, you can add the sheet format, title block, revision...

SolidWorks 2010- P20


Lastly, make sure the Use Document Settings option is enabled in the Border section. This will make it easier to adjust the appearance of the table in the Document Properties if the need arises.. With all the appropriate options enabled, click the green check mark and the revision table will be inserted in the drawing template.. Rather than just have...

SolidWorks 2010- P21


A combination of keys used to initiate a menu command. A button used in the Mate PropertyManager to set the alignment condition of standard and advanced mates. When selected, the Aligned button makes the vectors that are normal to the selected faces point in the same direction.. A point in a drawing sheet format used to attach and anchor tables...

SolidWorks 2010- P22


Hole Wizard, 310–313 positions, 312–313 power cord. title blocks . power cord. See shade model and subassembly shaft . exploded views . shade model and. power cord for lamp. Position tab, 312–313 positioning. holes, 312–313. .sldgtolstl (geometric tolerance) extension, 395 .sldlfp (features) extension, 395. .sldnotestl (notes) extension, 395 .sldprt (part files) extension, 480. .sldsfstl (surface finish symbols) extension, 395 .sldweldstl...



Digital Color Management (2 nd Edition) Edward J. Peter Schelkens, Athanassios Skodras and Touradj Ebrahimi Color Management: Understanding and Using ICC Profiles Phil Green (Ed.). The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.. No part of this publication may be reproduced,...