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Essential LightWave 3D- P21


http://www.joejustice.org/. “render nodes” for the purchase price of the software (unlike some other software packages).. Using a render farm of only two machines (of equal processor speed and physical memory) will render your scene twice as fast as just one of the machines alone! Even if you only have one machine, you can queue a bunch of things to render...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P1


No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.. Printed and bound in the United States of America . Rather than use a trademark symbol with...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P2


Because the medium we’re using here is a game development tool set, we might as well use the first popular video game to be created as a simple introduction. We’re speaking, of course, of Pong. Before we start developing though, you need to get XNA Game Studio 2.0 up and running, so we’ll begin by installing it.. XNA Game Studio...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P3


There we have it! We think we’ve pretty much nailed the look and feel of this game with minimal effort. We haven’t gotten into power-ups, enemy design, specific maps, health, death and dying, or any of that fun stuff, but we’ve made tremendous headway. So far, we’ve made some basic decisions about how the game will look and feel, but...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P4


We’ll define the grid in the Map class, and then add functionality for viewing and editing it in Game1.. if (map.Grid[x, y. We’re using our 1 × 1 white texture again to draw a grid here, filling in grid spaces where the value of col is 1.. To allow the user to edit the collision map, we’ll need to let...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P5


So far, we’re iterating through all images for each texture, getting the source and destina- tion rectangles so that we can draw them in a neat row on the bottom of the screen. charDef.Frames[selFrame].Parts[selPart].Index = i + 64 * l;. Assuming we add a call to DrawPalette() and DrawCursor() at the end of Game1.Draw() somewhere, we’ll be treated to the...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P6


We’re basically copying and pasting the Update() code from Game1 in CharacterEditor to Character, with a few changes. We’ll remove any functionality to determine whether the animation preview is playing. We’ll also change some of the field names to make a bit more sense in the context.. To update the location, we’ll simply add the trajectory, multiplied by Game1.frameTime, to...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P7


We’ve mapped out all of the important keyframes in the animation second (for secondary attack) and connected them with gotos in Figure 6-9. We’ve left out frame numbers, opting to use some attractive lines instead.. At the start of the animation, we’ll check whether Up was pressed. If it was, we’ll jump to the start of the shoot up segment....

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P8


We’re making a bunch of dust here! The first AddParticle() call sends a bit of light smoke back in the direction the bullet came from, albeit much slower (and at a random speed). Since we’re doing 16 of each, we get a soft spray of dust, as shown in Figure 7-11 (it looks better in motion, obviously).. Shooting the earth...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P9


We’ll use the crunches and splatters to add some flavor to our combat audio. To look at it from the application end of things, we’ll be telling our audio engine to play a cue, which will play a sound, which will play its tracks, which will fire their events, which will play waves.. but we’ll still hit all of the...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P10


We’ll implement AI next.. We’re calling it AI for artificial intelligence, but make no mistake—there will be absolutely nothing intelligent about our AI class. We’re basically going to define a list of simple behaviors (chase and attack, evade, stand still, and so on) in a base AI class, and then create monster- specific classes that will decide which behaviors to...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P11


We’ll be spawning all of our zombies from map scripts from here on out.. You’ll see some- thing like Figure 9-7.. We’ve covered some fairly varied ground in this chapter. We know that we say this every chapter, but we’re a lot closer to having a fleshed-out game.. In the next chapter, we’ll introduce player death, map transitions, a HUD,...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P12


If we’re not in dead mode, draw the second layer of fog and foreground graphic:. sprite.Draw(spritesTex, fog[i. sprite.Draw(poseForeTex,. The only odd bit is for the main level: if we’re in pause mode, our main level will be a bit different than for the other modes.. We’ll be using the Pause() and Die() methods from elsewhere in our game to set...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P13


Since we can’t update variables from one to the next in a shader, we’ll be updating these values from Game1 and feeding them into our water shader.. Since we’re operating on the previous frame, if we set our bloom alpha too high, the image will rapidly grow brighter until it is solid white.. spriteBatch.Draw(mainTarget.GetTexture. map.Draw(spriteBatch, mapsTex, mapBackTex, 2, 3);. We’ll...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P14


We’ll be using the writer and reader to send and receive messages, respectively.. We’re updating every frame, but we don’t want to send data every frame. Since we’re just testing a basic game, we don’t need to concern ourselves with the problem. For the time being, we’ll set it up to send data every 0.05 second, or at 20 frames...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P15


We’ll need to add some functionality to HitManager.CheckHit() to implement the nolifty status, rocket strikes, and chainsaw smashes.. The way that we’ll set up the nolifty character will primarily prevent the monster from being lifted into the air by uppercut attacks, but also will cause the monster’s animation to sometimes not be affected by attacks. We’ll add a flag to...

Building XNA 2.0 Games- P16


for adding coordinates to script line, 273–274. incrementing heartFrame with, 293 modifying character-collision routine, 257 setting character keys in, 260. 322–323. calling from Game1.Update. v parameter, using to compare a pixel to its neighbor, 339–340. converting from one to another, 5 data loss when converting from one to. using, 4–5 value type, 4. Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, installing, 19...

SolidWorks 2010- P1


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate...

SolidWorks 2010- P2


S olidWorks 2010 is one of the most popular 3D mechanical computer- aided design (CAD) packages on the market today. If for some reason you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, clicking Do Not Accept will exit SolidWorks.. Three options are available in the Help Customization section of the screen.. When this option is selected, a question-mark...

SolidWorks 2010- P3


You can customize each of the four shortcut bars using the same process:. In the graphics area, while in one of the four environments that use shortcut bars, press S on your keyboard. To add a tool to the shortcut bar, ensure that the Commands tab is activated in the Customize window.. Tool sets appear as icons in the Buttons...