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Essential LightWave 3D- P1


Printed in the United States of America. in the United States and other countries.. LightWave’s Camera. The “Rules of the Game. Appendix C LightWave’s Default Hot Keys. The first few chap- ters will orient you to LightWave’s unique interface. The files for the tutorials discussed in this book can be found on the companion CD-ROM. In the immortal words of...

Essential LightWave 3D- P2


(You can always mirror your model if things get really out of whack.. Action Center: Selection — The rotation will be centered right in the middle of your selection.. Figure 2-33: With the Symmetry action mode active, selecting the polygons on the right side of the model’s nose automatically selects their counterparts on the left side. Any tweaking of the...

Essential LightWave 3D- P3


Using LWSN and a local area network, you can expand your rendering capabilities to almost any machine on your LAN. Because of the way networks generally han- dle filenames, never have spaces in the names for your objects or scenes if you plan on rendering over a network. (That’s why you see all of the names in this book divided...

Essential LightWave 3D- P4


With the Extrude tool active, click and drag in a line along the +Z axis on either a Right or Top viewport (basi- cally, anything that isn’t Perspective or where you’re looking at the letters head-on will do). to accept the effects of the Extrude tool (see Figure 3-66).. Save this text you’ve created, as we use it in an...

Essential LightWave 3D- P5


there weren’t two items of the same name for you to keep track of.. As shown in Figure 4-21, move Warm to the right of the still life and up (in Y) just a little.. In the Light Properties window, set the Light Type of both your lights to Area Light. I want the Warm light, the least intense of...

Essential LightWave 3D- P6


In addition to using the Numeric window to change the Lathe settings, you can drag the root handle around to move the center of the effect. You can drag the rotation handles to specify where you want the “lathing” to start and stop.. Figure 5-14: The Offset field lets you “skew” the lathe operation, letting you create springs and. Taper...

Essential LightWave 3D- P7


Segment by Part does the same thing but with the polygon groupings (parts) you’ve got set up.. one of the copies. If you know you’re going to want to make an atlas UV map for an object that for whatever reason has points sitting exactly on top of one another, and they need to stay that way, set these points...

Essential LightWave 3D- P8


Cage — The “ghosted” representation of the poly that is defining the sub-patch.. Each of the points of the original poly exerts influence over how the subdivision surfacing algorithm creates the smooth. surface of the sub-patch. Even so, you still may be inclined to think, “It’s a neat gimmick, but what can it really do for me?” The upshot of...

Essential LightWave 3D- P9


Smooth shift and then move the two sets of symmetrical polys down to begin to form the shape of the legs.. Continue smooth shifting and moving to create the rest of the geometry for the legs. Terminate the pants similarly to what we did for the end of the cuff — smooth shifting and. Select Activate Sub-Patches for the box,...

Essential LightWave 3D- P10


Remember that the finding of the “next logical steps” is the single, most important key to doing anything (3D or otherwise). If you’re not sure how to get to your ultimate goal, just figure out what you can do that moves you a little way toward that goal.. I am going to continue to leave more and more of the...

Essential LightWave 3D- P11


Now, working with the curves that define the rubberized bumper and the opening on top of the kayak, select the curves in the order shown in Figure 13-16. The resultant patch may look pretty angular as it skirts the rim of the kayak’s opening, but I’m planning on using this as a sub-patch model, so it’ll be fine. (Notice how...

Essential LightWave 3D- P12


In the Right viewport, create four new points as shown in Figure 14-40. Select all of the points shown in the figure and create a new spline.. Figure 14-40. Create two additional points as shown in Figure 14-42. Select the existing points under the nose and over the cheek as shown in Figure 14-43 and create a new spline.. Figure...

Essential LightWave 3D- P13


Select the four polygons (there will be a total of eight selected if you’ve got Symmetry turned on) shown in Figure 14-92.. The image at the bottom of Figure 14-92 shows the results of the Smooth Shift operation.. Sculpt the nose as shown in Figure 14-93. Figure 14-91: Extend the points at the inside of the eye, then size them...

Essential LightWave 3D- P14


Zoom out and take a look at what you’ve got. In the process, you’ve constructed a world-class head model. Build the rest of the body and use the information in Chapters 15 and 16 to get started in character animation. Let the work you’ve done in this chapter be the start of great things as you continue to real- ize...

Essential LightWave 3D- P15


But in three-dimensional space, the level of complexity of the calcula- tions that IK must figure out rises. If you want things to work dependably, you’re going to have to curb your demands on the IK solver.. Figure 16-16. This lets you precisely control the position of the elbow or knee joint just by rotating the bicep or thigh.. IK...

Essential LightWave 3D- P16


Let’s go back to the fake volumetric light scene we were working on in the previous section of this chapter, as shown in Figure 17-29.. (See Figure 17-29.). Figure 17-27: Random Streaks.. Figure 17-28: The Reflections tab.. The addition of two lens flares in the center of the work in Figure 17-30 makes the ver- sion on the right much...

Essential LightWave 3D- P17


shows that the two spheres now “blob” into one another! (Wherever the dashed lines representing the influences of the HyperVoxel surfaces, seen in Figure 18-16, come in contact with another whose Blending Mode is also set to Additive and which is also a part of the same blending group, the “surfaces” begin to. Figure 18-18: An <F9>. Figure 18-19. Figure...

Essential LightWave 3D- P18


the object. Once you’ve saved the motion file, you gain the ability to adjust the speed of the simulation. In order to see most of the effect, we need to change our end frame. Let’s adjust the timing of the ball to match.. The motion of the ball is controlled by the Ball Hinge null object. key down and select...

Essential LightWave 3D- P19


(You may want to add shadowing, so you can see what you’re really getting, if you intend to use it in the finished render.. Fur can look very, very different with and without it.) If you’re reasonably happy with the results so far, it’s time to refine it further.. <=>. Return to Layout and open the Object Properties panel if...

Essential LightWave 3D- P20


But you are going to render them all any- way because you can’t change the number.. In Sasquatch, you can edit the Fiber Divisions number, so you aren’t rendering any more segments than you need to. Figure 20-79: The Rendering page of the Sasquatch Pixel Filter panel.. You can control the size of the map in the Pixel Filter panel,...