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Câu hỏi và trả lời triết học Mác-lenin


M t là, ộ tìm hi u đ phát hi n càng nhi u càng t t nh ng m i liên h chi ph i ể ể ệ ề ố ữ ố ệ ố đ i t ố ượ ng nh n th c. và ba là, s thay đ i nh ng quy đ nh v l ự...

Pháp luật về giải quyết tranh chấp trong kinh doanh


V GI I QUY T TRANH Ề Ả Ế. GI I QUY T Ả Ế TRANH CH P Ấ KINH DOANH. Khái ni m chung v gi i quy t tranh ch p ệ ề ả ế ấ trong ho t đ ng kinh doanh: ạ ộ. Vi c gi i quy t tranh ch p kinh t do ệ...

Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn Chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học hay


Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn Chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học. Chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học là gì? Nó được hiểu theo mấy nghĩa? Vị trí của chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học trong hệ thống lý luận chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin?. Đối tượng nghiên cứu của chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học là gì? Phân biệt với...

Giáo trình Những nguyên lý cơ bản của Chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin


Ađam Xmít cho rằng chủ nghĩa tư bản tồn tại theo các quy luật kinh tế khách quan. 9 Cho rằng, phương thức sản xuất tư bản chủ nghĩa là bình thường, hợp lý và vĩnh cửu. Quá trình vận động và phát triển của nền sản xuất tư bản chủ nghĩa biểu hiện lịch. lôgíc là bản chất của...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 107


peano logic, history of. mathematics, history of the phil- osophy of. aesthetics, history of. episte- mology, history of. history of. meta- physics, history of. mind, problems of the philosophy of. law, problems of the philosophy of. metaphysics, history of. reli- gion, history of the philosophy of. epistemology, history of. history, history of the philos- ophy of. epistemol- ogy, history of....

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 1


Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.. Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan South Korea Poland Portugal Singapore Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries. Published in the United States. Oxford University Press 1995,...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 2


University of Heidelberg M.M.A. University of Oxford S.R.A. University of Oxford W.E.A. University of Glasgow D.B. University of Oxford D.Bak. University of Athens G.H.B. University of Manchester H.A.B. University of Oxford J.B.B. University of Reading S.B. University of Cambridge T.L.B. University of York. University of Durhan F.C. University of Alberta J.C. University of Reading L.J.C. University of Oxford M.C. University...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 3


Still, it seems a good idea to provide occasional reminders of the general pos- sibility of having more lights shed on something by turning elsewhere. So occasionally a term in an entry is preceded by an asterisk, indicating that it is the heading or the first word of the heading of another entry. But it is always a good idea...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 4


agree with one another, Hume’s essay is a clear exposition of the issues surrounding aesthetic judgement.. The now familiar concept of art also has its roots in the eighteenth century. In the work of such French authors as Dubos and especially Batteux there formed the concept of the beaux arts: *music, *poetry, painting, sculpture, and dance. New at this time...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 5


This view of the will can be de-moralized by attaching it to long-term objectives generally, or to reflective choice.. *reason as the slave of the passions.. Justin Gosling, Weakness of the Will (London, 1990).. Born in the German town of Lauingen, he studied briefly at Padua, becoming a Dominican in 1223. He was one of the earliest to realize that...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 6


distinguished adherents in the United States (to which many of the European positivists fled from Hitler), such as Nagel and Quine. The very different ideas of the later Wittgenstein, who came back to Cambridge in 1929, closer to those of Russell’s original ally G. *‘linguistic philosophy’, prevailed in most of the English- speaking world from 1945 until about 1960. In...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 7


But his own philosophy subsumes both school-book discussions and his own innovations under metaphysical value theory, accords them significance within his larger project of probing the semantics of the. Hegel applies the term ‘anthropology’ to the study of the ‘soul’, the subrational aspects of the human psyche that do not yet involve awareness of external objects. But philosophical anthropology came...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 8


But basically, in an argument, some key proposition is held to be in doubt, in contrast to an explan- ation, for example, where the proposition to be explained is generally taken as granted, or at least not subject to doubt or questioning, as far as the purpose of the explan- ation is concerned.. Presumptively plausible arguments are very common in...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 9


‘working’ the medium: a sensuous and intellectual experimentation not just with the physicality of the con- stituents—the paint, the graphic line, the colour field—. but with that set of conventions specific to the art world at a particular time—the particular techniques, procedures, and standards, both articulated and implicit, that dis- cipline and define an art practice. Abstract Expressionists worked with...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 10


A different way of approaching philosophical, political, and moral problems, incorporating psychological and sociological perspectives, has inspired a distinctive school of Australian feminist philosophy, in the hands of Moira Gatens, Elizabeth Grosz, and others, whose writing inter- sects to an extent with a developing interest in, and indeed resurgence of, European philosophy in both Australia and New Zealand. Matching the...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 11


He had been sickened by the course of theology and New Testament study in the nineteenth century. Barth saw him- self as standing in the tradition of Kierkegaard, Luther, Calvin, Paul, and Jeremiah, prophetic figures for whom. He appeals rather to the Pauline doctrine of election by grace: that through divine grace and not through any effort of ours some...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 12


Natural rights was one attempted answer to the ques- tion of the source of obedience to the state and the condi- tions for legitimate revolution. Again Bentham designates the supposed alternative source of justification to be merely a fiction and, as he puts it in the Fragment, ‘the indestructible prerogatives of mankind have no need to be supported upon the...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 13


Yet, as Thomas Reid put it, ‘reason’s light’ and the senses’ corollary dimness ‘both came out of the same shop’, so each is likely to be as faulty—or effective—. There are, Blanshard said, genuine ‘necessary con- nections’ in the world. A naturalist in religion too, he took ‘the service of reason’ as his religion. ‘That service calls for the use...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 14


which appeared in 1978, inspired a considerable amount of work on the question whether vagueness was simply a feature of language or knowledge or also of the world itself. (a) The work of Bernard Williams, Alasdair Mac- Intyre (based in the USA since 1972), and Derek Parfit has highlighted the central place of the self, and ideas of the self,...

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Part 15


An argument of the calculus is defined to be valid just in case in any interpretation in which all the premisses are true, the conclusion is also true. A principal founder of Protest- antism, his main theological doctrine is absolute predestin- ation, which entails the inevitability of the eternal salvation of the elect and the eternal damnation of the unchosen,...