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The grammar of the english verb phrase part 33


(c) As far as the full situation is concerned, there are three temporal W- interpretations : the ‘indefinite reading’ (i. the full situation comes to an end before t 0. the time of the full situa- tion includes t 0 ) and the ‘up-to-now reading’ (i. the terminal point of the full situation is adjacent to t 0. 5.2.4 Later...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 34


Representation of the up-to-now reading.. Representation of the continuative reading.. Whichever interpretation is selected in connection with the time of the full situation, the semantics of the present perfect is always ‘The situation time is located in the pre-present zone’, i. ‘The pre-present zone contains the situation time’. ‘situation time wholly before t 0. ‘the time of the predi- cated...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 35


sentence cannot be used in answer to the question How many people have you {ever killed / killed up to now. [The way I rationalised these conflicting emotions was entirely predictable.] It’s the view that I have seen expressed everywhere ever since : [what was offensive was not the image itself, but its blatant exploitation for a commercial purpose.] (www)...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 36


The absolute use of the present perfect. 5.8.4 When the situation referred to is a repetitive habit (which is a static hypersituation ⫺ see 1.23.3), the continuative interpretation is ruled out if the precise number of subsituations making up the hypersituation is specified. This too has to do with the criterion of nonboundedness, since a specification of the number of...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 37


5.12 Indefinite readings of negative present perfect sentences. A clause triggering an indefinite perfect interpretation can be used not only to say that (or to question whether) a situation has actualized in a period leading up to now but also to say that it has not actualized in that period. [I don’t know that song.] I’ve never heard it in...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 38


5.17.2 Sentences receiving the up-to-now reading may serve various func- tions. This means that within the up-to-now reading (which is a temporal W- reading) we can distinguish several functional types. (or ‘W-interpretation’) and ‘reading’ (or W-reading’ will not only be applied to the three temporal W-interpretations (W-readings) of the present perfect (viz.. ‘indefinite’, ‘up-to-now’ and ‘continuative. Within the up-to-now reading,...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 39


subsituations in the pre-present’, which allows the hypersituation to involve gaps in between the actualizations of the subsituations or to consist of only one subsituation surrounded by gaps or even of one gap and zero subsituations (as in [ “How often have you met him since then. In other words, what determines this kind of constitution reading is that the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 40


2003 that I have been living here is odd because its default reading is ‘I haven’t been living here long, in fact (only) since 2003’ rather than ‘I could have lived here before 2003 but have only lived here since 2003’.. In sum, in the sentences that are unacceptable (in isolation), the phrases that are supposed to function as the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 41


5.24.2 In sum, the use of the progressive form is the rule if the repetitive habit is to be explicitly represented as temporary (rather than permanent), i. as restricted in time, as covering a relatively short period leading up to t 0 . We’ve { been eating. We’ve { eaten. 5.24.3 A condition for a repetitive habit to be interpreted...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 42


then ‘account for’ the twenty years, and are thus treated as filling the period up to now. In the example under discussion, the perfect forms refer to situations which fill a period leading up to now that is set up by the time-specifying adverbial in the preceding sentence: for the last twenty years establishes an Adv-time. As noted in 2.23.1,...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 43


5.30 The indefinite reading versus the continuative interpretation. 5.30.1 As we have seen, there are present perfect sentences that can only receive a continuative reading (for one of the reasons given in 5.9) and others that can only receive an indefinite reading (e. In some cases the same VP in the present perfect can be used in a sentence receiving...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 44


(www) (The past tense could not be used.). (www) (The past tense could also be used, especially in American English.). Has anything really embarassing ever happened to you or anyone while you’ ve been performing ? (www) (The past tense could also be used.). The precise rules governing the choice of tense here are not clear, but we notice the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 45


‘Current relevance’ and ‘present result’. The present perfect tense implies ‘current relevance’: the bygone situation is considered as being relevant at t 0 . Current relevance is equivalent to ‘concern with NOW’, which is what distinguishes the present perfect from the preterite (which implies ‘concern with THEN. However, current relevance does not necessarily mean that the speaker is concerned with...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 46


5.38.1 The semantics of the present perfect ⫺ its core meaning ⫺ is: ‘The situation time is contained in the pre-present zone of the present time-sphere’.. This means that the situation time is contained in a period leading up to, but not including, t 0 , in terms of either inclusion or coincidence. The length of the period conceptualized as...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 47


6.2 Actualization focus 319. 6.3 The influence of definite noun phrases 320. 6.4 The present perfect vs the preterite in wh -questions 322 6.5 The present perfect vs the preterite in when -questions 326. The present perfect vs the preterite in clauses without temporal adverbials. Before embarking on a discussion of the fourth absolute tense, viz. the future tense (chapter...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 48


6.4 The present perfect vs the preterite in wh -questions. Wh -questions that do not contain a time-specifying adverbial and which are introduced by a question word other than when can in principle use either the past tense or the present perfect to refer to a bygone situation. The choice of tense is determined by whether the speaker is concerned...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 49


6.5.4 In the previous section we have seen that if the speaker of a when - question is asking about the time of actualization of a bygone situation, the fact of actualization of the situation is taken for granted, and it is the past tense that is used:. However, there are cases in which a when -question asks the addressee...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 50


In the preceding four chapters, we dealt with the meanings and uses of three absolute tenses. tenses that relate a situation time directly to the temporal zero-point), viz. the present tense, the past tense (or preterite) and the present perfect, and with some principles underlying the choice between the preterite and the present perfect. the future tense. We also consider...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 51


“Fine.] What time will I be in Leeds? (pure future: asking for information). ‘What do you think? Will I help you or not? Guess.) Mummy, will I be as clever as aunt Emma when I grow up? (pure future). To avoid such an interpretation, speakers who want to express pure future tend to use the progressive form of the future...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 52


There is no implicature of nonfulfilled intention in He said he was going to do something about it , unless we add something like but it still looks the same to me.. 7.10.5 A form built with has/have been going to receives a continuative interpretation which implies that the (situation of having the) intention leads up to (and includes) t...