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The grammar of the english verb phrase part 41


5.24.2 In sum, the use of the progressive form is the rule if the repetitive habit is to be explicitly represented as temporary (rather than permanent), i. as restricted in time, as covering a relatively short period leading up to t 0 . We’ve { been eating. We’ve { eaten. 5.24.3 A condition for a repetitive habit to be interpreted...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 42


then ‘account for’ the twenty years, and are thus treated as filling the period up to now. In the example under discussion, the perfect forms refer to situations which fill a period leading up to now that is set up by the time-specifying adverbial in the preceding sentence: for the last twenty years establishes an Adv-time. As noted in 2.23.1,...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 43


5.30 The indefinite reading versus the continuative interpretation. 5.30.1 As we have seen, there are present perfect sentences that can only receive a continuative reading (for one of the reasons given in 5.9) and others that can only receive an indefinite reading (e. In some cases the same VP in the present perfect can be used in a sentence receiving...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 44


(www) (The past tense could not be used.). (www) (The past tense could also be used, especially in American English.). Has anything really embarassing ever happened to you or anyone while you’ ve been performing ? (www) (The past tense could also be used.). The precise rules governing the choice of tense here are not clear, but we notice the...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 45


‘Current relevance’ and ‘present result’. The present perfect tense implies ‘current relevance’: the bygone situation is considered as being relevant at t 0 . Current relevance is equivalent to ‘concern with NOW’, which is what distinguishes the present perfect from the preterite (which implies ‘concern with THEN. However, current relevance does not necessarily mean that the speaker is concerned with...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 46


5.38.1 The semantics of the present perfect ⫺ its core meaning ⫺ is: ‘The situation time is contained in the pre-present zone of the present time-sphere’.. This means that the situation time is contained in a period leading up to, but not including, t 0 , in terms of either inclusion or coincidence. The length of the period conceptualized as...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 47


6.2 Actualization focus 319. 6.3 The influence of definite noun phrases 320. 6.4 The present perfect vs the preterite in wh -questions 322 6.5 The present perfect vs the preterite in when -questions 326. The present perfect vs the preterite in clauses without temporal adverbials. Before embarking on a discussion of the fourth absolute tense, viz. the future tense (chapter...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 48


6.4 The present perfect vs the preterite in wh -questions. Wh -questions that do not contain a time-specifying adverbial and which are introduced by a question word other than when can in principle use either the past tense or the present perfect to refer to a bygone situation. The choice of tense is determined by whether the speaker is concerned...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 49


6.5.4 In the previous section we have seen that if the speaker of a when - question is asking about the time of actualization of a bygone situation, the fact of actualization of the situation is taken for granted, and it is the past tense that is used:. However, there are cases in which a when -question asks the addressee...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 50


In the preceding four chapters, we dealt with the meanings and uses of three absolute tenses. tenses that relate a situation time directly to the temporal zero-point), viz. the present tense, the past tense (or preterite) and the present perfect, and with some principles underlying the choice between the preterite and the present perfect. the future tense. We also consider...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 51


“Fine.] What time will I be in Leeds? (pure future: asking for information). ‘What do you think? Will I help you or not? Guess.) Mummy, will I be as clever as aunt Emma when I grow up? (pure future). To avoid such an interpretation, speakers who want to express pure future tend to use the progressive form of the future...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 52


There is no implicature of nonfulfilled intention in He said he was going to do something about it , unless we add something like but it still looks the same to me.. 7.10.5 A form built with has/have been going to receives a continuative interpretation which implies that the (situation of having the) intention leads up to (and includes) t...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 53


7.16 The present tense. Both the progressive and the nonprogressive present tense can under certain conditions be used to talk about a situation whose post-present actualization is dependent on present circumstances:. This use of the present tense, which represents a shift of temporal perspective, is treated in detail in 3.8 ⫺ 10.. Absolute tense forms referring to the post-present. 7.17.1...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 54


8.1 Full situation vs predicated situation. 8.1.1 We have defined the full situation as the complete situation as it actualized in the past, has actualized (or has been actualizing) in the pre-pres- ent, is actualizing at t 0 or is expected to actualize in the post-present. The predicated situation is that part of the full situation (possibly all of it)...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 55


‘present zone’. and the portion that follows t 0 (and starts immediately after t 0 ) is the ‘post-present zone’.. To locate situations in these three zones we use the present perfect, the present tense and the future tense (or a ‘futurish form. see 7.3.1), respec- tively. (Have read is a present perfect tense form locating its situation time somewhere...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 56


terval of the time of the full situation of Jim’s being ill. This subinterval is identified through the relation of coincidence with the binding orientation time.. (This implies that, since the situation time of noticed is interpreted as punctual, the situation time of was is also punctual, i. a punctual interval of the homo- geneous durative full situation of Jim...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 57


This test is corroborated by the fact that it makes the correct predictions in cases in which the relevant T-relation is T-anteriority rather than T-simultane- ity:. He had often considered whether it would not be better to draw up a written defence and hand it in to the Court.] In this defence he would give a short account of his...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 58


tense forms which naturally takes place when an utterance is reported in the form of past represented speech. (a) A situation time that is ‘originally’ (i. in the original direct speech utter- ance) T-related to t 0 (and thus establishes a domain of its own), is now (i. in past represented speech) T-related to the central orientation time of a...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 59


This means that the situation time receives its temporal specification from the location at t 0 , which is the strongest possible kind of temporal specification, since t 0 is by definition ‘given’: in sentences with an unanchored time-specifying adverbial, the situation time derives its temporal specification exclusively from the adverbial, because the Adv-time ‘contains’. the situation time (in terms...

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 60


he would wait until his wife { arrived. would arrive. If we assume that the meaning of until includes an ‘implicit orientation time. until means ‘until the time that. the use of the past tense is explained naturally: it represents the situation time of John’s wife’s arrival as T-simultaneous with the implicit orientation time.. 8.28.1 The concept of relative past...