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Some results on (IEZ)-modules


Some results on (IEZ)-modules. A module M is called (IEZ)−module if for the submodules A, B, C of M such that A ∩ B = A ∩ C = B ∩ C = 0, then A ∩ (B ⊕ C. M n be uniform local modules such that M i does not embed in J(M j ) for any i,...

On the matheron theorem for topological spaces


On the matheron theorem for topological spaces. We also show some examples about the spaces F such that the miss-and-hit topology on those spaces are unseparated or non-Hausdorff.. The proof of this theorem is based on the Matheron theorem and especially, the locally compact property of the space F , where F is a space of all close subsets of...

Some problem on the shadow of segments infinite boolean rings


Some problem on the shadow of segments infinite boolean rings. The main result is concerned to the notion of shadow of a segment. We shall prove some necessary and sufficient conditions for the shadow of a segment to be a segment.. x n i.e the number of members x i 6= 0.In the ring B(n), let B(n,k) be the subset...

The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication


It is therefore not so odd to think that applying some of the concepts of mathematics to oral presentations could make them substantially more effective.. If you can write a good text, then you are well on your way to preparing a good oral presentation.. Therefore, if you improve your writing, you will also improve your speaking.. Know what you...



MATHEMATICS OF THE SECURITIES. There’s the error—you entered 3 instead of 4! The calculator window now reads 3. After the bold numbers there will be numbers in parentheses that will “translate” the answer into either dollars and cents or percent, and/or round the answer appropriately.. and that’s the answer to the final multiplication.. and that’s the answer to the final...

Jim Hefferon - Linear Algebra - Solutions To All Exercises


[S] span of the set S M ⊕ N direct sum of subspaces V. |T | determinant of the matrix T. The size of the first box is the determinant shown (the absolute value of the size is the area). Subsection Four.I.3: The Permutation Expansion. One.I.1.26 If a 6= 0 then the solution set of the first equation is {(x,...

Mathematics test


Each of the following could be the number of rows EXCEPT. Of the following, which is the best approximation to 0 . What is the least possible value of the expression?. 1 of the cost. then which of the. 4 last copy of the novel was sold. Which of the following is equivalent to 8. What is the area of...

GRE, Mathematics Practice Test


MATHEMATICS (RESCALED) TEST. n one actual full-length GRE Mathematics Test (Rescaled). Compare your practice test results with the performance of those who took the test at a GRE administration.. This practice book and the interpretive information included in it are appropriate for individuals taking the Mathematics Test (Rescaled) after October 1, 2001. The GRE Mathematics Test will be rescaled effective...



What is the next number in the following sequence?. Which of the following is an integer?. The remainder is the number left over after division. The sum is the result of addition. The difference is the result of subtraction. The product is the result of. What is the remainder when 487 is divided by 5. What is the positive difference...

Differential Equations For Dummies


Differential Equations. Using an integrating factor to solve a differential equation ...28. Working out a typical exact differential equation ...65. First Order Differential Equation Solver...322. “That,” you say, “is a differential equation. And so you get this differential equation:. Here’s an example of a second order differential equation:. For exam- ple, this equation is a linear differential equation:. When you’re...

Mathematics as Problem Solving


Front cover of the first edition, 1987, by Yuri Soifer.. it was her first encounter of the mathematical kind. Find the number of passengers in the streetcar and the ages of the children.. (1) Chicago is the capital of the United States.. “at least one of the statements A , B is true.” The following truth table defines A ∨...

McGraw-Hill’s GMAT - 6 practice tests


any other use of the work is strictly prohibited. The Art of the Wrong Answer @ Practice Problems. ETS is famous as the creator of the SAT. The parts of the test are as follows:. Set aside time to take one of the practice tests in the book (or another if you have already taken one). In the first place,...