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Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 14


Each instruction written in SML occupies one word of the Simpletron's memory (and hence instructions are signed four-digit decimal numbers). The last two digits of an SML instruction are the operandthe address of the memory location containing the word to which the operation applies. Note the use of the instruction +4107 as a conditional transfer of control, much the same...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 15


where packageName is the package of the class (e.g., java.lang. ClassName is the name of the class (e.g., Math ) and staticMemberName is the name of the static field or method (e.g., PI or abs. where packageName is the package of the class (e.g., java.lang ) and ClassName is the name of the class (e.g., Math. indicates that all static...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 16


9.4.3 Creating a CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy 9.4.4 CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using protected Instance Variables. 9.4.5 CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using private Instance Variables. Starting from the bottom of the. expressed in the members of the superclass. relationship with the superclass). We discuss accessing overridden members of the superclass in Section 9.4.. A subclass can change the state of private superclass instance...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 17


Lines 38 and 39 set the size of the JFrame and make it visible on screen.. set the size of the frame 39 application.setVisible( true. Attach the JLabel to the SOUTH region of the JFrame , as shown in Fig. A subclass cannot access or inherit the private members of its superclassallowing this would violate the encapsulation of the superclass....

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 18


10.11 at line 4. Figure 10.11. 10.11: Payable.java. 10.12) to represent a simple invoice that contains billing information for only one kind of part. Figure 10.12. 10.12: Invoice.java. 10.12 indicates that class Invoice implements interface Payable . Figure 10.13 contains the modified Employee class. 10.4 with only two. 10.13 indicates that class Employee now implements interface Payable . 10.4, however,...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 19


11.7) creates an object of class LabelFrame (line 9), then specifies the default close operation for the window. 11.10). 11.9 and Fig. 11.10 uses classes JTextField and JPasswordField to create and manipulate four text fields. 11.9: TextFieldFrame.java. Indicate that an object of the class from Steps 1 and 2 should be notified when the event occurs.. The event handling in...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 20


As you learned in Section 11.4, you typically must specify the layout of the GUI components in a JFrame . Section 11.17.2 discusses BorderLayout in more detail.. 11.14. Figure 11.30 shows several java.awt.event adapter classes and the. Figure 11.30. java.awt.event. 11.31 and Fig. 11.32 demonstrates how to determine the number of mouse clicks (i.e., the click count) and how to...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 21


11.1 Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:. 11.4 Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:. The status bar will display the coordinates of the current mouse position.. Also, update the JLabel in mouseDragged with the current position of the mouse.. 12.1 Introduction. 12.2 Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects 12.3 Color Control. 12.5 Drawing...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 22


Figure 12.25. 12.25: DrawArcs.java 2. 12.26. 12.27Fig. Figure 12.26. Figure 12.27. 12.27: PolygonsJPanel.java 2. 3 import java.awt.Graphics. 4 import java.awt.Polygon. 3 import java.awt.Graphics;. 4 import java.awt.Polygon;. Figure 12.28. 12.28: DrawPolygons.java 2. Graphics2D is an abstract subclass of class Graphics , so it has all the graphics capabilities. 12.29Fig. Figure 12.29. 12.29: ShapesJPanel.java 2. 3 import java.awt.Color;. 4 import java.awt.Graphics;. 5...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 23


13.2), the try block terminates immediately and program control transfers to the first of the following catch blocks in which the exception parameter's type matches the type of the thrown exception. 13.2, the first catch block catches InputMismatchExceptions (which occur if invalid input is entered) and the second catch block catches ArithmeticExceptions (which occur if an attempt is made to...

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 24


Figure 14.1 illustrates a portion of the data hierarchy.. Figure 14.3 lists some common File methods. Returns a string with the absolute path of the file or directory.. String getName() Returns a string with the name of the file or directory.. If the File object represents a directory, 0 is returned.. identifies the file data.txt stored in the home directory...



Đ i t ố ượ ng khung ch a (Container) ứ. B qu n lý trình bày (Layout Manager) ộ ả. import java.awt.*;. M t s ph ộ ố ươ ng th c c a Label: ứ ủ public Label. import java.awt.*;. M t s ph ộ ố ươ ng th c c a Button ứ ủ. M t s...