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Gmat official guide 10th edition part 4


Thus, choice B is the best answer.. Since advertising costs are, however, projected to rise because of the relatively high cost of famous singers’ services, choice E is assumed and is the best answer.. The argument addresses commercials’ cost, not their effectiveness, so choice B is not assumed. Since the argument states that advertising firms will stop using imitators, choice...

101 helpful hints for ielts part 4


For instance, if you are asked to write for a university lecturer, your answer must be written in the formal style expected.. It is inappropriate to write in note form in the IELTS test (unless specifically requested).. It is not generally acceptable to use "etc.". in the water, air and soil ". Note that the comma after the second last...

A resource for reading and words part 4


Although John does occasionally resent getting so little financial reward for his work and misses the responsibility he lost, he feels he is well suited to the arrangement he and Pam now have.. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words defined above.. Burberry is...to the task, for he is best known as the editor of history books.....

Spoken english elementary handbook part 4


Talk a Lot. Talk a Lot Elementary © English Banana.com 2.2. The teacher:. [Writes “Where” underneath the starting sentence.] To make the second line can you ask a “where” question based on the starting sentence?. The student:. Where did you see a great jazz concert last night?. Note: if a student has a problem producing any part of the sentence...

The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 4


Another sign of writing readiness—the author doesn’t mention it, but I remember my own kids did this when they were preschoolers—they ask adults to help them write something by guiding their hands. In fact, they only work about 65% of the time in English. Narrator: Question 11: Which of the following activities are signs of “writing readiness” in children?. Narrator:...

Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 4


Read the passage below carefully. (4)Since then, however, numerous innovations and improvements in design have made the bicy- cle one of the most popular means of recreation and transportation around the world.. (9)In 1861, the French Michaux brothers took the evo- lution of the bicycle a step further by inventing an improved crank mechanism.. (11)He made the front wheel many...

Essential words for the toefl part 4


In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company altered the secret formula of the drink's ingredients.. Manitoba's leaders anticipated the changing economic environment during the early part of the twentieth century.. Richard deceived Joe about the cost of the coat.. Elicitation of the truth can be difficult at times.. The troubled executive relinquished his control of the company.. Edgar Hoover was an astute...

Collins cobuild student grammar part 4


used in front of a noun. used in the comparative and superlative. You use `-er' and `-est' with some two-syllable adjectives.. You use `more' for the comparative and `most' for the superlative of most two-syllable adjectives, all longer adjectives, and adverbs ending in `-ly'.. 3 You use `more' for the comparative and `most' for the superlative of most two-syllable adjectives,...

IELTS sure success part 4


I don't want to, but I will.". B: "It's all right, I guess, but it's not the best class I've ever had.". B: "Yes, but I have a headache.". B: "It cost that much and then some because I also bought extra RAM and VRAM.". Just sitting around and waiting is making me antsy.". In fact, it's as easy as...

New english file elementary test booklet part 4


Her favourite time to write is early in the morning, but she sometimes works late at night too.. In the afternoons, Hannah works as a waitress in a café.. 8 She likes writing in the morning.. works in the afternoon.. 8 She likes writing in the afternoon.. sometimes works in the theatre.. 1 Ask your partner these questions.. 2 Do...

New english file elementary workbook part 4


b Complete the sentences.. 7 I want to in the London Marathon this year.. 1 Can you open the door, 2 You. Write translations and try to remember the words.. 2 Underline the stressed syllables in the Word column. Practise saying the words.. Can you answer these questions?. Can you play a musical instrument?. Can you drive?. Can you dance...

New english file intermediate test booklet part 4


The homes are also fitted with the most modern energy-saving appliances. Example: Cities in the UK. A don’t use any energy. B don’t use more energy than they need. of the materials used in the buildings are environmentally-friendly.. 9 In the next decade some residents will be able to. is used in the homes.. 9 The developers hope that in...

Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 4


Look up as many unfamiliar words as you can so that your bank of vocabulary words becomes as large as possible.. For example, you can eliminate negative choices if the context suggests the word is positive.. Often, putting the word in the context of the sentence can help you determine whether an answer is right or wrong.. Consider the tone...

Complete guide to toeic test part 4


It’s in a lush tropical setting surrounded by breathtaking waterfalls, fresh water pools for swimming and a golf course. It’s easier than you think with our new installment program.. What can be inferred about the location of the properties?. Explanation: The speaker says, “the climate is perfect, year-round, for all outdoor activities.” This means that it must be a warm...

400 must have words for the toefl part 4


Parts of speech physically adv. Parts of speech proceed v, process v. To continue living (despite some danger or illness) After getting lost in the mountains, Gordon survived by eating wild plants and catching fish.. Parts of speech survivor n, survival n. TOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each...

501 grammar and writng questions learning express part 4


SET 10 (Answers begin on page 128.). For the following questions, choose the underlined part of the sentence that contains a grammatical error. If there are no errors, choose answer e.. His family has lived in this town for thirty-five years.. You're the only one who can remember that song.. We searched every inch of the room.. The words in...

Bulding skill for the toefl ibt transcripts part 4


M: We don’t have nearly enough things to do for fun on campus.. Why can’t we have more plays and art fairs and dances?. W: You’re right. M: So what! What’s the good of it?. M: You don’t think our drama club will really get any of the money, do you?. They’re giving $500 to each registered student organization. So,...

Developing skills for the toefl ibt transcript part 4


That’s 100,000 messages. In the lecture, the professor explains that spam campaigns are cheap. M: Looks like it’s that time of year to make this big decision again.. If you take some classes in the summer, you won’t have to take so many in the fall, and then you will have a less stressful semester during the regular school year....

Mastering the craft of science writing part 4


If you’re not sure what you mean, say something like, “I need a minute to think about that,” so that other people know you’re not ig- noring them. Oh.) In the working world, the distinction keeps your observation circumstantial.. (I sometimes used to “type” the leaner version with my toes inside my shoes, an invisible form of fidgeting.) In this...

Mastering skills for the toefl ibt part 4


Of course, it’s biologically important for parents and offspring to create a bond. It’s also important to note that the fewer the offspring produced, the stronger the bond.. Well, it’s kind of everything together.. M: Two of the five I’m in now.. M: It’s nothing specific really. It’s important for you to know that you’re not alone in this. It’s...