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101 helpful hints for ielts part 6


the location of the city or town. the part of the city or town you are most familiar with important landmarks and places to visit. Notice that the topic is there in the very first sentence. If you speak for about 30 seconds on each of these 4 instructions, you will have spoken for about 2 minutes - which is...

A resource for reading and words part 6


To be contingent upon: To be dependent upon To fascinate: To charm. To tend: To be inclined Mentally: Psychologically Industrious: Hardworking Ambitious: Determined. Complete the sentences with a suitable, form of the .words defined above. In other words, for an action to be. it has to cause some form of critical reaction and disapproval from others in the particular society.....

Spoken english elementary handbook part 6


Talk a Lot. Talk a Lot Elementary © English Banana.com 4.1. Depending on where your students are at with understanding connected speech, you could do some or all of the stages with them, over the course of several lessons, or all in one lesson. Whilst working on this activity, students should speak the words and phrases – as well as...

The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 6


I mean, it’s the law, you gotta vote. What happens if 40% of the people don’t vote?. You may be saying, for example, that you don’t agree with any of the candidates, or that you feel the political process has nothing to offer you.. Professor: All right, now, we’re going to continue our dis- cussion of extinction, extinction at the...

Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 6


Present Past Past Participle. The verb to be can pose special problems because the principal parts are formed in such unusual ways. SUBJECT PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE. They also suggest very specific meanings, such as the subject’s ability or intention to do something. If the question has a blank, choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. the outcome...

Essential words for the toefl part 6


Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the under-lined word or phrase.. In the field of artificial intelligence, scientists study methods for developing computer programs that display aspects of intelligent behavior.. The dim appearance of the Milky Way results from the combined light of stars too far away to be seen with the naked eye.. No...

Collins cobuild student grammar part 6


You use `have' with nouns referring to:. 3 You use `give' with nouns referring to:. 4 You use `make' with nouns referring to:. 5 You use `take' with these nouns:. 3 You use `have' as an auxiliary with the past participle to form the perfect tenses.. The present perfect continuous, the past perfect continuous, and the perfect tenses in the...

New english file elementary test booklet part 6


7 Write the words in the correct space.. I work at Suzie’s, which is one of the most popular restaurants in central London. There’s a children’s menu on Sundays and that’s when we serve traditional British food.. B at the restaurant. 6 Suzie’s doesn’t serve. They don’t drink much tea.. 3 He didn’t like Simon’s food. 4 It’s usually difficult...

New english file elementary workbook part 6


1 GRAMMAR be going to (plans) a Order the words to make sentences.. 1 going / She / holiday / enjoy / 's / the / to She's going to enjoy the holiday.. 3 going / They / to / go / 're / swimming. 4 'm /1 / go / camping / going / to. b Complete the sentences....

New english file intermediate test booklet part 6


6 Complete the sentences with a. 6 Don’t be so. I’m sure they’ll arrive soon!. 7 Complete the sentences with a verb.. I don’t want to. 7 Why doesn’t he try to. 9 Write the words in the correct place.. 30 days on the minimum wage. Could you change your life in just 30 days? That’s the question documentary maker...

Vocabulary for the toefl ibt part 6


The prefix ante- means before. The prefix multi- means many. The prefix con- means with, together. The prefix pre- means before. The prefix non- means not. P refixes and suffixes attach to word roots—the base parts of words that typically convey the bulk of their meaning. This chapter examines some common Latin and Greek word roots.. Just as many Americans...

Complete guide to toeic test part 6


Explanation: The main purpose of this talk is to announce an event — “Taste of India Month. Explanation: The speaker says that Mr. Where will the opening ceremony of the food festival take place?. Explanation: The speaker says that the opening ceremony. a special seven-course Indian feast — will be served in the Somerset Banquet Hall.. You’ve probably read in...

400 must have words for the toefl part 6


Parts of speech simulate v, simulator n. TOEFL Prep I Circle the most likely meaning of the word part that is shared within each set of words.. The (installation / simulation) of the new telephones took three days.. Parts of speech combust v, combustible adj. A messenger conveyed the prince’s letter to the commander of the army.. Parts of speech...

501 grammar and writng questions learning express part 6


Roberta and I were in the same watercolor class.. Because he did not return from his camping trip until 6:00 a.m., we were all frantic with worry.. This area of the country is called "tornado alley.". Many tornadoes roar through here every spring, while this area of the country is called. Many tornadoes roar through here every spring, but this...

Bulding skill for the toefl ibt transcripts part 6


assignments Sample restatement:. good news Sample restatement:. The man tells the woman that the professor is sick. The woman worries about their teacher canceling classes, but then hears he’s not seriously ill. Then, the man tells her there’s an extra week to finish the assignment. They don’t have to turn in the assignment until the professor is back. The woman...

Developing skills for the toefl ibt transcript part 6


01 The Age of Exploration. 03 The Great Barrier Reef. 01 Computer Systems. Skill Review 01 Body Language. 03 The Greeks. Skill Review 01 Internet Jobs. a combination of the first two 0 2 Space Exploration. emergency retrieval possible. emergency retrieval impossible. born with gills, develop lungs as adults. born with lungs. make long rolls of clay. long rolls placed...

Mastering the craft of science writing part 6


But now you’re looking for the initial idea, which will be raw, not to say feral. To spot a story, your best clue—always—will be a leaping flame in your own mind, that feeling of Oh yes! Wow! Tell me more!. It makes me feel more like I live in an ordered world, with a civilization.You know, a hundred years from...

Mastering skills for the toefl ibt part 6


So, the question that arises is “Was Malintzin the true conqueror of the Aztec empire and Cortes and his army merely the means she chose to do so?”. Some will say that this 70 million dollars is an investment, from which we see returns in the form of local jobs, increased property value, a boost to the local economy, and...

Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students part 6


Decide which of the three structures in (2) would be most suitable for the following titles.. b) In the UK, radio is gaining audience while TV is losing viewers. Study the title below and the ideas collected for the essay. Choose one of the titles below and note at least six ideas that might be used in the essay. In...