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MARKETING PLACES. perspective of Marketing Places 2. perspective of Marketing Places 3. Characteristics of a place.. perspective of Marketing Places 4. A psychological feature of the relationship among those people inside the place and their views of those outside.. perspective of Marketing Places 5. socio-political changes will all cause the local feature under the perspective of Marketing Places to be...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 1


Principles of Marketing. Introduction-an overview of marketing. Introduction of Marketing. What is. Marketing: The process of creating consumer value in the form of goods, services, or ideas that can improve the consumer’s life.. What is marketing. Identifying and satisfying customers needs. What is Marketing?. Learning to make what you can sell vs. selling what you can make.. Identifying and satisfying...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 2


Principles of Marketing. Marketing Involves having the Right Product available in the Right Place at the Right Time and making sure that the customer is Aware of the Product.. Simple Marketing System. Road map. Understanding Marketing and Marketing Process. Core Marketing Concepts. Road Map. Introduction-an overview of marketing.. Marketing Functions and Customer Relationship Management. Marketing in Historical perspective and Evolution...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 3


Principles of Marketing. Understanding Marketing and Marketing Process. Marketing Functions. Customer Relationship Management. Costs and Functions of Marketing. On the average, 50% of all product costs can be traced directly to. What does the customer receive in exchange for the 50% marketing costs?. Universal Marketing Functions. Risk Taking Selling. and Grading Storing. Eight Universal Marketing Functions. Standardizing and grading 6....

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 4


Marketing Concept (1990’s and beyond). SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPT. MARKETING CONCEPT. MARKETING CONCEPT KEY. The Marketing Concept. Marketing Concept Components. Marketing Concept Vs. Marketing Concept:. SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPT: ….in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and the society’s well-being.. External environment’s influence on firm’s marketing program.. Marketing management is “the art and science of choosing target markets and building...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 5


Principles of Marketing. Marketing orientation. Social marketing orientation. The stages in the evolution of marketing. SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPT. MARKETING CONCEPT. MARKETING CONCEPT KEY. Societal Marketing. The customer as the controlling function and marketing as the. Today’s Topics. Marketing Challenges in the 21st century. Threat of New Entrants. Threat of Substitute. Products Threat of. New Entrants. Bargaining Power of. Power of...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 6


Marketing Challenges in the. Threat of New Entrants. Threat of Substitute. Products Threat of. New Entrants. Bargaining Power of. Power of Suppliers. Today’s Topics. Strategic Planning and Marketing Process. Strategic planning. The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.. Planning--what are we going do and how are we...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 7


Strategic Planning and Marketing Process. Planning, marketing, and other functional Strategies. Today’s Topics. Portfolio Analysis. Marketing Process. Portfolio Analysis: A tool by which management evaluates the various business making up the company. 10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x 20%-. .5x .4x .3x .2x .1x. Product/Market Expansion Grid. Current markets. Product/ Market Expansion Grid. Making more sales to current customers without changing...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 8


Principles of Marketing. 10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x 20%- 18%-. .5x .4x .3x .2x .1x. Marketing Strategy Planning Process. Today’s Topics. Selecting target markets. Developing the marketing Mix. Managing the marketing effort. Technological- Natural. Political- Legal. Fit - match opportunities with firm’s objectives and resources (strengths). Market Information System. The Marketing. Information System. Marketing environment. Marketing Information System. Selecting Target...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 9


The Marketing. target marketing – niche marketing. All the actors and forces influencing the company’s ability to transact business effectively with it’s target market.. The Marketing Environment. Forces Affecting a Company’s Ability to. The Company’s Microenvironment. Company’s Internal Environment. Company’s Internal Environment- functional areas inside a company that have an impact on the marketing department’s plans.. Customers - five types...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 10


The Marketing Environment. Company’s Ability to Serve. Today’s Topics. Forces that Shape Opportunities and Pose Threats. The 78 million people born during the baby boom, following. The 45 million people. Born between 1965 and 1976. Born between 1977 and 1994. Economic Environment - factors that affect consumer buying power and spending patterns.. Changes in Consumer. Spending Patterns. Changes in Income...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 11


Forces that Shape Opportunities and Pose Threats. Today’s Topics. Analyzing Marketing opportunities and developing strategies-MIS. Analyzing marketing opportunities. opportunities and threats. Market Information System. Marketing Information System (MIS). marketing decision makers.. The Marketing. Information System. Internal records. Marketing environment. Marketing Information System. Marketing intelligence. Marketing research Marketing. Determine decision makers’ information needs. Assessing the Marketing Information Needs. Developing the Marketing...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 12


The Marketing. Marketing research Marketing. Assessing the Marketing Information Needs. Developing the Marketing Information. Marketing Research. Marketing research is the planning, collection,. and analysis of data relevant to marketing decision making and the communication of the results of this analysis to management.. Marketing Research is part of the. Marketing Research is the Primary. The Role of Marketing Research in Decision...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 13


Because they study consumer behavior (CB). Consumer Behavior about?. Consumer Behavior. Consumer behavior. Consumer Behavior Defined. Consumer Behavior Deals With. Buyer’s Black Box. Buyer’s Response. affecting consumer behavior. Buyer’s decision process. Model of Consumer Behavior. Buyer’s decisions Product choice. Marketing and other stimuli enter the buyer’s “black box” and produce certain choice/purchase responses.. Marketers must figure out what is inside...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 15


Consumer Buying Behavior (cont..). Marketing and Other Stimuli. Buyer’s Black Box. Buyer’s Response Product. Economic Technological Political. affecting consumer behavior. Buyer’s decision process. Product choice Brand choice Dealer choice. Purchase timing Purchase quantity. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior. Today’s Topics. Personal Age and life-cycle Occupation. Economic situation. Lifestyle Personality self-concept and. Learning Beliefs and. Age and life cycle stage. Personality and...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 16


Consumer Buying Behavior. Marketing and Other Stimuli. Buyer’s Black Box. Buyer’s Response Product. Price Place. Economic Technological Political. affecting consumer behavior. Buyer’s decision process. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior. Buyer Decision Process. BUY / DON’T BUY. Today’s Topics. Business Markets and Buying Behavior. What is a Business Market?. The Business Market - all the organizations that buy goods and services to...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 17


Business Markets and Buying Behavior. Model of Business Buyer Behavior. Business Buying Situations. Major Influences on Business Buying. •Age •Income. Business Buyer Interpersonal. Today’s Topics. Market Segmentation. Market Segmentation Approach. The needs and preferences of the global market are viewed as heterogeneous varying from one group to another.. The needs and preferences of the entire, global market are regarded as...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 18


Market Segmentation. Major Steps in Target Marketing. Target Marketing. Market Segmentation (cont..). Segmentation plans developed through a 3-stage process – survey. Bases for Segmenting Business Markets. Operating Variables. Purchasing Approaches. Situational Factors. Personal Characteristics. Industry, company size, location Operating variables. Technology, usage status, customer capabilities Purchasing approaches. Situational factors. Urgency, specific application, size of order Personal characteristics. Bases for Segmenting...

Lecture Principles of Marketing: Lesson 19


Size, purchasing power, profiles of segments can be measured.. Segments must be effectively reached and served.. Segments must be large or profitable enough to serve.. Segments must respond. differently to different marketing mix elements &. Must be able to attract and serve the segments.. Today’s Topics Marketing Mix. Marketing is the involved process of determining the 4 P’s of the...