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Customer relationship management

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A study on customer relationship management of ILA


A study on customer relationship management of ILA. Conception of Customer relationship. Customer relationship management (CRM. 2.1 Definition of CRM. 2.2 Benefit of CRM. Basic model of CRM……….17. ANALYSIS AND ASSESMENT ON CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AT ILA. 2.2 Assessment on Customer relationship management in ILA. CHAPTER 3 RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE THE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AT ILA. 3.2 Improve Customer relationship software.

Application of Knowledge Management Technology in Customer Relationship Management


Application of Knowledge Management Technology in Customer Relationship Management. Given the important role being played by knowledge management (KM) systems in the current customer-centric business environment, there is a lack of a simple and overall framework to integrate the traditional customer relationship management (CRM) functionalities with the management and application of the customer-related knowledge, particularly in the context of marketing decisions.

Tổng quan về CRM Tổng quan về CRM Chuyên đề- Customer Relationship Management


6/19/2014 Tổng quan về CRM Tổng quan về CRM Chuyên đề - Customer Relationship Management CRM là gì ? CRM là viết tắt của từ Customer Relationship Management - Quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.

Giải pháp Quản trị Quan hệ Khách hàng (Customer Relationship Management - CRM)


ZohoCRM là một giải pháp Quản lý Quan hệ Khách hàng (Customer Relationship Management - CRM) hoàn hảo cho hệ thống tổ chức bán hàng của bạn, bao gồm các công cụ Bán hàng, Marketing hay Quản lý Hỗ trợ khách hàng.

Customer Relationship Management


David Sims, writing in crmguru.com’s Customer Relationship Management Primer, notes, “Every per- son who uses online help instead of calling you saves you money.” He quotes a Web-based customer service application vendor who explains, “The whole point of online customer service—e-serv- ice—is to have people taking up your website’s time instead of.

Strategic plan for applying customer relationship management in Vietnam joint stock commercial bank for private enterprises


So, the effective way to keep customer in the long term is customer relationship management (CRM). The Customer Management. CRM unplugged releasing CRM’s strategic value.

Improving Customer Feedback Program Could Enhance DLA's Delivery of Services


This effort, known as Customer Relationship Management, is being developed in conjunction with DLA’s broader strategic planning initiatives such as Business Systems Modernization and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard approach to performance measurement. The concept of the Customer Relationship Management initiative is a step in the right direction toward significantly improving DLA’s relationship with its customers. Approaches to Obtain Customer Feedback.



The concepts of Customer Relationship Management have been in the air ever since one caveman had a choice of buying an arrowhead from either Og or Thag, but CRM as a term gained currency in the mid- 1990s.

Giải pháp hoàn thiện công tác quản lý quan hệ khách hàng (CRM) tại Công ty Thông tin di động - Mobifone



Thence, proposing Solutions improve effect of Customer Relationship Management for Viet Nam MobiTelecom of Service Comparny - Mobifone. Objective of the thesis: To realize developmental trend, oportunities and threats, weak points, strong points of Customer Relationship Management for Viet Nam MobiTelecom of Service Comparny - Mobifone. To bring forward solutions in improving effect of Customer Relationship Management. To base one’s argument on facts about Customer Relationship Management (CRM.

Một số giải pháp quản lý quan hệ khách hàng (CRM) và chuỗi cung ứng sản phẩm (SCM) cho ngành Bưu chính - Viễn thông

223307-TT ( Tieng Anh ).pdf


summary of the thesis - Topic: Some solutions of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) for The Post and Telecommunications industry. Task of the topic: Basing one’s argument on facts about Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and learning about information systems, relative softwares combining with reality.

Sample Solutions as First Step to Knowledge Management A Case Study


The second facet of the project relates to the concept of Customer Relationship Management:. Thereafter, section 6 describes the Implementation of the System.. The context defines the meaning of the symbol.. Data is on the second level of the hierarchy. Finally, knowledge builds the top of the hierarchy. These two strategies are matter of the next section.. This relates to the risk of losing some aspects of the knowledge through codification [DaPr00].

Thực trạng và giải pháp hoàn thiện hoạt động quản trị quan hệ khách hàng tại công ty cổ phần BOT Pháp Vân – Cầu Giẽ



Sự cần thiết của việc phát triển hoạt động quản trị quan hệ khách hàng (Customer Relationship Management - CRM) tại công ty cổ phần BOT Pháp Vân - Cầu Giẽ. Đề xuất nâng cao nhận thức và hiểu biết về hoạt động quản trị quan hệ khách hàng (Customer Relationship Management - CRM. Xây dựng Bộ tiêu chuẩn nhằm nâng cao chất lƣợng phục vụ khách hàng. Đề xuất nâng cao hiệu quả áp dụng phần mềm quản trị quan hệ khách hàng (Customer Relationship Management – CRM.

Alternative designs and methods for customer satisfaction measurement


Because costs are very high, in-person is often only practical when the desired sample size is relatively small, or when the value of a particular customer population warrants the additional expense. In-person surveys can add extraordinary value in customer relationship management (CRM) initiatives (Israel, 1997).. While response rates can vary widely, non-response bias is less a concern than it is for mail or electronic surveys (ASQ Quality Management Division, 1999).

Các giải pháp phát triển hệ thống quản trị quan hệ khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ viễn thông của Bưu điện Hà Nội



Adam Lindgreen, RogerPalmer, A Relationship Management assessment tool : questioning, identifying & prioritizing critical aspect of Customer Relationships, Elsevier 2005 7. FirstNew, Khách hàng là trên hết, NXB Tổng hợp TP Hồ Chớ Minh, 2005 8. FirstNew, Tiếp thị hiệu quả, NXB Tổng hợp TP Hồ Chí Minh, 2005 9. KristinAndeson – CarolKerr , Customer Relationship Management , NXB McGraw Hill – 2002. Porter, Giáo trình (1996) Chiến lợc cạnh tranh, NXB Khoa học Kỹ thuật.



Knox (2001), “Cross-functional issues in the Implementation of Relationship Marketing through Customer Relationship Management”, European Management Journal . Mazur (1997), “The measurement and determinants of brand equity: a financial approach”, Marketing Science . Henard Customer Satisfaction: A Meta- Analysis of the Empirical Evidence,". Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1, 16-35..

Towards Framework for Knowledge Management Implementation


Application of knowledge management technology in customer relationship management. Journal of Knowledge Management . Models of knowledge man- agement in the West and Japan. A critical review of knowledge management models. Journal of Knowledge Man- agement

Knowledge Management Implementation Frameworks: A Review


Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management.. Journal of Knowledge Management 6(3): 240–. In Knowledge Management Handbook, Liebow- itz J (ed. Application of knowledge management technology in customer relationship management. Towards a second genera- tion of KM? The people management challenge. Knowledge management as a competitive asset: a review. Journal of Knowledge Management . Knowledge management: the way forward. Knowledge management:.

Ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong hoạt động chăm sóc khách hàng tại Viettel.



Những ứng dụng dùng để quản lý chăm sóc khách hàng như vậy có tên gọi chung là các phần mềm CRM (Customer Relationship Management - Quản lý quan hệ khách hàng). Cụ thể hơn, phần mềm CRM là phần mềm giúp cho các doanh nghiệp tiếp cận và giao tiếp với khách hàng một cách có hệ thống và hiệu quả, quản lý các thông tin của khách hàng như thông tin về tài khoản, nhu cầu, liên lạc… nhằm phục vụ khách hàng tốt hơn.

Giải pháp hoàn thiện công tác quản lý quan hệ khách hàng (CRM) tại Công ty Thông tin di động - Mobifone



Vỡ vậy, tỏc giả chọn đề tài: “Giải phỏp quản lý quan hệ khỏch hàng (CRM - Customer Relationship Management) của Cụng ty Thụng tin di động - Mobifone” cho luận văn tốt nghiệp của mỡnh.

Management Tools 2005 - An Executive’s Guide


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a process com- panies use to understand their customer groups and respond quickly—and at times, instantly—to shifting customer desires.. Data collected through focused CRM initiatives help firms solve specific problems throughout their customer relationship cycle—the chain of activities from the initial targeting of customers to efforts to win them back for more. Evaluate whether—and what kind of—CRM data can fix those pain points.