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Qualitative Analysis

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Perceived barriers to the adoption of active surveillance in low-risk prostate cancer: A qualitative analysis of community and academic urologists


Perceived barriers to the adoption of active surveillance in low-risk prostate cancer: a qualitative analysis of community and academic urologists. The aim of this study is to describe barriers to urologists ’ recommendation of active surveillance in low-risk prostate cancer and explore variation of barriers by setting..

User perceptions of avatar-based patient monitoring: A mixed qualitative and quantitative study


In the online survey, we asked the participants a total of five questions, four of which we based on the topics identified in the qualitative analysis of the interview responses (part I of this study).

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 20)


A 1- µ L aliquot of the above extract is injected into GC for qualitative analysis and for quan- titation using the below calibration curve.. Th e peaks of ∆ 9 -THC (22.2 min), CBD (20.6 min) and CBN (23.2 min) are separated well. Th e confi rmatory test for cannabinoids should be made by GC/MS. EI mass spectra of ∆ 9 -THC, CBD, CBN and 5α-cholestane.. 190 Cannabinoids and their metabolites. GC/MS analysis of ∆ 9 -THC-11-oic acid in urine d.

Gender representation in children’s stories: A transitivity analysis


This is to highlight the importance of qualitative analysis in the application of SFG, especially in studies where the focus is not on making hypotheses or generalizations, but on examining whether the presumed problems exist..

Prognostic effect of lncRNA SNHG7 on cancer outcome: A meta and bioinformatic analysis


The aim of the present meta-analysis was to conduct a qualitative analysis to explore the prognostic value of SNHG7 in various cancers.. The present research indicated that an elevated SNHG7 expression level was significantly associated with unfavorable overall survival (OS) (HR . CI p <0.001).

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 9)


Tentative qualitative analysis by RI is one of the useful tools, because it is simple and rapid. s) In the EI mass spectra of the V agents, many peaks due to fragmentation of the alkylamino- ethyl moiety appear. In the CI mode, the protonated molecular ion appears and is useful for identifi ca- tion of the compound.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 66)


Before analysis of the chemicals, it is essential to get to know their histories, methods of synthesis, properties, directions for use, toxicities, therapeutic methods, stabilities and analytical methods.. In this chapter, the methods for qualitative analysis of sarin and its decomposition products, which the authors experienced, are presented [3–6]. Th e chemical name of sarin is methyl- phosphonofl uoridic acid isopropyl ester or O-isopropylmethylphosphonofl uoridate (US code:.

First comprehensive analysis of lysine succinylation in paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)


Motif analysis of lysine succinylation sites in paper mulberry. In this study, a qualitative analysis of lysine succinylation was performed to assess its physiological and biological effects in paper mulberry. Only the leaves of the tree were selected for analysis in this study. To evaluate the properties of lysine succinylation sites in paper mulberry, the sequence motifs in the identified proteins were analyzed using Motif-x software.

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P82


Resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits . natural response of qualitative analysis of series, 532-533. quantitative analysis of series, 533-536 s-domain, 472-473. sequential switching, 236,239 step response time constant (T unbounded response, 240-241. general solution for responses of low-pass filters, behavior of as, 526-529 natural response of qualitative analysis of series, 526-527 quantitative analysis of series, 528-529 sequential switching, 236-238. steady-state response, 217. step response time

Validation of END-of-life ScorING-system to identify the dying patient: A prospective analysis


Over the entire population potentially eligible for this prospective study, 194 patients were excluded because admitted in the ICU for comfort measure only (CMO), for lack of family members (required for the qualitative analysis of the study, data not presented), or because pregnant or prisoner.

Understanding Students’ Learning Experiences through Mining User-Generated Contents on Social Media


This study explores social media data in order to understand students’ learning experiences in Vietnamese by integrating both qualitative analysis and data mining techniques.. Building on top of the qualitative analysis, we implemented and evaluated a multi-classifiers. to automatically detect students’ learning experiences on a dataset collected from a forum of a university in Vietnam.

Mater major programme thesis English linguistics: Gender bias through pictures in the new English textbook set for Vietnamese primary schools - A critical discourse analysis


The checklist involves three parts namely quantitative analysis of content, qualitative analysis of content, and analysis of sexism inherent in the language. Domestic tasks carried out in the home . Analysis of sexism inherent in the language . o When there are two nouns, one masculine and the other feminine, the corresponding adjectives and pronouns are in the masculine plural. thoroughly discussed in the methodology chapter..

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 55)


Th e qualitative analysis of cotinine in urine and saliva is being thus carried out as indicators for smoking during its abstinence therapy and for confi rming passive smoking.. However, aft er suicidal in- gestion of nicotine sulfate solution (an insecticide) and of cigarette extract solution obtained by boiling, many people are being brought to critical care medical centers.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 67)


Usually, for qualitative analysis of organophosphorus nerve agents, the detection and iden- tifi cation of their metabolite alkyl methylphosphonic acid are carried out. In the VX poisoning cases, DAEMS due to the leaving group can be detected together with EMPA. the detection of both compounds highly enhances the reliability for verifi cation of VX exposure.. usually victims are exposed to an aerosol or a liquid form of VX.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 62)


Pretreatment procedures for paraquat and diquat in urine and plasma before the second- derivative spectrophotometric analysis.. Assesemet of the method. Figure 5.2 shows zero-order and second-derivative absorption spectra for blood plas- ma, into which paraquat and/or diquat (10 µ g/mL each) had been spiked. Th e qualitative analysis is made by observing the presence of infl ection points at about 396 and 403 nm for paraquat and at and 464 nm for diquat.

Gioi Thieu vf4zc


Hóa phân tích định tính (qualitative analysis.

Drugs and Poisons in Humans - A Handbook of Practical Analysis (Part 21)


Qualitative analysis is made by the comparison of the retention time of a peak of a specimen with that of the authentic standard and also by the confi rmation of the absence of such a peak in a blank specimen.An HPLC chromatogram for the authentic compounds is shown in >. Ethylmorphine may be usable as IS like in the case of GC/MS analysis.

Physicians’ perceptions regarding acute bleeding management: An international mixed qualitative quantitative study


Ochieng P: An analysis of the strengths and limitation of qualitative and quantitative research paradigms. Problems of Education in the 21st Century

Imagining a vibrant [post]qualitative psychology via ‘Experimentation’


There are now many examples of applying diverse modes of analysis to [the same] qualitative research texts in order to generate analyses which are more nuanced, multi-layered and insightful than would be attained by deploying only one approach.

Challenges to qualitative evidence synthesis – Aiming for diversity and abstracting without losing meaning


We only used the meta-data analysis part and applied Paterson et al. Qualitative evidence syntheses can provide possibilities to access and learn about a variety of in-depth experiences, perspectives, and mean- ings of human beings across diverse contexts (Tong et al., 2012).