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Tiểu luận quản trị học " Làm thế nào để giữ chân nhân viên giỏi và thu hút người ta ?"


LÀM TH NÀO Đ GI Đ Ế Ể Ữ ƯỢ C NHÂN VIÊN GI I &. T L NHÂN VIÊN THÔI VI C (T NGUY N) Ỷ Ệ Ệ Ự Ệ. T l nhân viên ỷ ệ ch ch t r i công ty ủ ố ờ. Xác đ nh ng ị ườ i tài gi i? ỏ 3. Tuy...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 23


tions with notes about how to use them and how to follow up.The ques- tions are categorized by purpose and by type of job candidate.. “Conducting a Great Job Interview,” Harvard Man- agement Update, March 1997. This article focuses on how to get beyond the. “pat” question-and-answer formula of the well-prepared interview candi- date.. He explains how to prepare for...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 1


Harvard Business School Press | Boston, Massachusetts. Harvard Business School. Summing Up 29. Summing Up 55. Summing Up 85. Summing Up 99. Summing Up 114. Summing Up 133. Summing Up 142

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 2


Hiring and Keeping the. This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees.. Effective hiring and personnel retention are the two bases of future organizational well-being. companies that the average managerial “mis-hire” costs a com- pany twenty-four times the individual’s base compensation! 1 How is that possible? Smith points...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 3


Use the hiring opportunity to reevaluate the primary responsibilities and tasks of the job. In the case of education, you may wish to specify a certain type of degree or a cer- tain level. Experience requirements should be based on a thorough analy- sis of the specific tasks and responsibilities of the position. everything required, consider whether he or she...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 4


It is a good opportunity to get some initial impressions of the candidate: Does she call you back at the specified time?. Try to narrow the field to four to seven candidates before holding an initial interview.This inter- view will probably last 30 to 60 minutes. For less demanding positions, you may find out everything you need to know about...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 5


Accomplishment questions that ask for evidence of the candi- date’s demonstrated qualities.They help you learn why and how something was accomplished, and reveal a candidate’s level of involvement in past accomplishments. Broad-brush questions that make the candidate think about a big topic, choose an answer, and organize his or her thoughts.. Leading questions that direct the candidate to the answer...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 6


28 Hiring and Keeping the Best People. The interview process aims to provide both the interviewer and the job candidate with an opportunity to obtain the information they need to make the best possible decision.The best interviews have a core of questions asked to all candidates, and these provide a common base of comparison and evaluation later.. 30 Hiring and...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 7


Although two to three million résumés are posted online today, remember that this is a small fraction of the 140 million people in the American labor force. Market research firm Odyssey, in San Francisco, estimates that only 12 percent of the 102 million households in the United States include anyone who has hunted for a job online. Nevertheless, many of...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 8


counseling and mentoring. managing people and relationships 7. enterprise control. influence through language and ideas. These core interests are grouped into three main categories in tables 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3: application of expertise, working with people, and control and influence. Since these interests can be very useful in evaluating the “fit” between job candidates and the positions they aspire to,...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 9


How much do we get together outside of the office?. More specifically, what parts of the culture does someone have to subscribe to in order to fit in?. In a 1998 American Management Association survey, 45 percent of 1,085 member companies reported administering one or more tests to job applicants, up from 35 percent in the previous year. Because of...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 10


The great war for talent in the United States appeared to end with the recession that hit the country in late 2000.The high-tech sector was the first to be hit. Even IT professionals—the people for- merly in greatest demand—were furloughed by the thousands. Even Charles Schwab, a pioneer in the field of employee development and work-life balance, was forced to...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 11


In contrast, the cultures of other countries emphasize fast-moving and continual change—including rapid “job-hopping” by workers in search of the best possible com- bination of work, compensation, and future opportunities. Upheavals in the World of Work. Finally, changing economic and cultural circumstances can produce dramatic upheavals in the work world. The Aging Work Force. now make up 15 percent of...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 12


Pride in the organization. People also want to work for companies that offer fair compensation.This includes not only competitive wages and benefits but also intangible compensation in the form of opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve.. The findings of the McKinsey &. Company “War for Talent 2000 Survey” of middle and senior managers generally supported these findings. Company’s reputation 17%....

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 13


people in that job to do every day.You may be able to cure the turnover problem through job redesign: adding variety to a repetitive job, engaging isolated employees in occasional team projects, upping the challenge, and so forth. Identify potential defectors early. Great work environments and great jobs are a matter of opinion. what challenges one person may terrify another.You...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 14


So, within your unit, make a list of the individuals who:. Managers typically give even less thought to the employee segments that are most essential. So think about the employee segments in your operation that:. Tips for Recognizing High-Value Employees and Employee Segments. Which are my company’s (unit’s) most valuable employee segments? (See “Tips for Recognizing High-Value Employees and Employee...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 15


Strategies for Training and Development. Formal and informal approaches to skill training. Skill Training. Skill training is the foundation of employee development. Skill training is a mutually beneficial arrangement. Companies that provide effective skill training gain the benefit of workers who are well versed in current standards, and employees maintain their. Skill training is either informal or formal. Some firms...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 16


Online Training. Career Development. Career development is an umbrella term that describes the many training experiences, work assignments, and mentoring relationships that move people ahead in their vocations. Any company that aims to retain its most valuable people and to fill vacancies caused by retirements, defections, and growth from within must dedicate resources to career development. In effect, career devel-...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 17


H i r i n g d i s c u s s i o n s with potential recruits almost always focus on the specifics of the job, the reporting relationships, career possibilities, and com- pensation and benefits. But the climate of the workplace may be equally important in the applicant’s decision to take the job—or to stay for...

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 18


Show high producers how much you appreciate them—either through informal but heartfelt thanks for a job well done, small but meaningful tokens of appreciation, or in the form bonuses or extra “comp time.”. Work-Life Balance. Work-life balance was one of the hottest business topics prior to the 2000–2001 recession.And despite the shock of recession-driven lay- offs, it is an issue...