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Pulmonary fibrosis in dyskeratosis congenita: A case report with a PRISMA-compliant systematic review


Pulmonary fibrosis in dyskeratosis congenita:. A heterozygous missense mutation located in exon 22 of PARN gene was identified in the patient by whole exome sequencing. In addition, this case and 26 reported cases of DC-related PF identified through the comprehensive search of PubMed, Web of Science, WANFANG and CNKI were reviewed. Age at PF and age at BMF in DC...

A potential mechanism of the onset of immune-related pneumonitis triggered by anti-PD-1 treatment in a patient with advanced adenocarcinoma lung cancer: Case report


A potential mechanism of the onset. of immune-related pneumonitis triggered by anti-PD-1 treatment in a patient. Background: In recent years, the application of immunotherapy combined with chemotherapy in the first-line lung cancer has showed significant benefit in improving long-term survival. Immunotherapy also has risks of immune- related pneumonitis (IRP) after long-term treatment. Despite the treatment strategy of the IRP has...

Chronic cough caused by choledochoduodenal fistula: A case report


Cao et al. Chronic cough caused. by choledochoduodenal fistula: a case report. Background: Chronic cough is characterized by cough as the only or main symptom, with a duration of more than 8 weeks and no obvious abnormality in chest X-ray examination. Although a set of etiological diagnosis procedures for chronic cough have been established, it is still difficult to diagnose...

Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome caused by minodronic acid hydrate


Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome caused by minodronic acid hydrate. Background: Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS)/drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symp- toms (DRESS) syndrome is an important adverse reaction caused by a few drugs. Case presentation: An 83-year-old woman started taking minodronic acid hydrate 5 years before admission. She developed a fever and cough in addition to the rash, and was referred...

Early signs of pneumoconiosis in a dental technician in Italy: A case report


Tiraboschi et al. Early signs of pneumoconiosis in a dental technician in Italy: a case report. Background: Dental technicians are at high risk of pneumoconiosis, usually driven by inhalation of mixed dusts, including metals. Case presentation: We describe the case of an early pneumoconiosis occurring in a 47-year-old dental technician who developed respiratory symptoms shortly after beginning work. Open Access...

Solitary multicystic lesion lung cancer: Two case reports and review of the literature


Solitary multicystic lesion lung cancer: two case reports and review of the literature. Background: Lung cancer associated with cystic airspaces, especially solitary multicystic lesion lung cancer, is a rare disease (a rare imaging performance of non-small cell lung cancer). It is difficult to diagnose owing to the lack of a clear definition. Case presentation: We outlined two cases of elderly...

Bevacizumab-induced esophageal pleural fistula during maintenance therapy without radiation in lung cancer


Wang et al. pleural fistula during maintenance therapy without radiation in lung cancer. Bed-side X-ray examination revealed a massive right hydrothorax, and food was found in the extracted pleural effusion. The patient underwent jejunostomy as the distal esophagus could not be identified on gastroscopy, and eventually died of septic shock on January 16, 2021.. Open Access This article is licensed...

Anti-TIF1 gamma-positive IPAF patient developed stage IVB lung squamous carcinoma in 1 year: A case report


Xie et al. CASE REPORT. Anti-TIF1 gamma-positive IPAF patient. Background: Patients with connective tissue disease, such as dermatomyositis (DM), and positive anti‑TIF1γ self‑. antibodies are commonly diagnosed with malignant tumors as a comorbidity. The relationship between anti‑TIF1γ self‑antibodies and existing malignant tumors has been confirmed by several reports. However, interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) cases with a positive anti‑TIF1γ...

Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas fuorescens: A case report


Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens: a case report. Background: Pseudomonas fluorescens (P. fluorescens was identified from lung biopsy specimens for the first time in this case. According to the antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) of P. fluo- rescens, the patient was given ciprofloxacin treatment. The temperature of the patient then returned to normal. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the patients with...

Os acromiale may be a contraindication of the clavicle hook plate: Case reports and literature review


Os acromiale may be a contraindication of the clavicle hook plate: case reports and literature review. Background: Os acromiale can be potentially missed or misdiagnosed as acromion fracture, and this can affect treatment determination if it is complicated with an ipsilateral shoulder injury. The clavicle hook plate is a widely used technique for distal clavicle injuries, leading to transacromial erosion,...

Anaesthesia challenges of a parturient with paramyotonia congenita and terminal filum lipoma presenting for labour and caesarean section under epidural anaesthesia – a case report


Anaesthesia challenges of a parturient with paramyotonia congenita and terminal filum lipoma presenting for labour and caesarean section under epidural anaesthesia – a case report. It is caused by mutations of the SCN4 gene which encodes the sodium channel in skeletal muscles.. Case presentation: We report a full term obstetric patient with both paramyotonia congenita and terminal filum lipoma who...

Life threatening abscess in the visceral space with penicillin and metronidazole resistant Prevotella Denticola following use of a laryngeal mask airway: Case report


Life threatening abscess in the visceral space with penicillin and metronidazole resistant Prevotella Denticola following use of a laryngeal mask airway: case report. Background: Laryngeal mask airways (LMA) are commonly used for airway management. We present the first case of a life-threatening abscess spreading in the visceral space caused by a penicillin and metronidazole resistant Prevotella Denticola after the use...

Anaesthesia and orphan disease: Management of a case of NicolaidesBaraitser syndrome undergoing cleft palate surgery


Background: Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome (NCBRS) is a rare disease caused by mutations in the SMRCA2 gene, which affects chromatin remodelling and leads to a wide range of symptoms including microcephaly, distinct facial features, recurrent seizures, and severe mental retardation. The anaesthetists were challenged by the physiological condition of the patient: narrow face, very small mouth, mild tachypnea, slight sternal retractions, physical...

Emergence agitation after intraoperative neurolytic celiac plexus block with alcohol: A case report


Emergence agitation after intraoperative neurolytic celiac plexus block with alcohol:. Background: Emergence agitation after general anesthesia may cause several undesirable events in the clinic during patient anesthesia recovery, and acute alcohol intoxication, while rare in surgery, is one of the risk factors.. Case presentation: A 66-year-old male patient was found to have pancreatic tail neoplasm upon computed tomog- raphy (CT)...

Case report: Spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with Potocki-Lupski syndrome


Li et al. Case report: Spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with Potocki-Lupski syndrome. Background: Potocki -Lupski syndrome is an uncommon disorder caused by a micro-duplication in chromosome 17p11.2. Variable clinical manifestations bring troubles to the general and neuraxial anesthesia, including mental retar- dation, facial dysmorphisms, structural cardiovascular anomalies, scoliosis, and malignant hyperthermia. Case presentation: Here we present...

Anaesthetic management of a large paraganglioma resection in a woman with isolated L-looped transposition of the great arteries: A case report


paraganglioma resection in a woman with isolated L-looped transposition of the great arteries: a case report. Background: Reports of anaesthetic management of paraganglioma resection in patients with isolated L- transposition of the great arteries (L-TGA) are rare. Although the preoperative medical therapy had attained its goals, the patient went through three periods of severe episodic hypertension and tachycardia as tumour...

Case report: Difficulty in diagnosis of delayed spinal epidural hematoma in puerperal women after combined spinal epidural anaesthesia


Case report: difficulty in diagnosis of delayed spinal epidural hematoma in puerperal women after combined spinal epidural anaesthesia. Background: Spinal epidural hematoma is a rare but serious complication of epidural anaesthesia and neurological impairment. Epidural hematoma usually becomes evident within a few hours of the procedure. Delayed clinical presentation of spinal epidural hematoma is even rarer and insidious.. Case presentation:...

Carbon dioxide pneumothorax following retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: A case report and literature review


Carbon dioxide pneumothorax following retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial. With immediate manual ventilation, SpO 2 and blood pressure recovered simultaneously and the patient regained consciousness. Point-of-care chest X-ray revealed a large, right pneumothorax occupying 70% of the hemi-thorax. Without chest drainage, she was extubated in the operating room and treated with supplemental facial mask oxygen therapy in PACU. On the postoperative 5th...

Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with cor triloculare biventriculare


Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with cor triloculare biventriculare. Background: Cor triloculare biventriculare accounts for approximately 0.31% of cases of congenital heart disease (CHD). Moreover, people with cor triloculare biventriculare always have shorter life spans, and cases of gestation are rare. There have been various related reports of cor triloculare biventriculare in recent years.. Combined spinal-epidural...