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Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 1


Business Plan. Successful Business Plan. Business Plan Don’t Work xxviii. The 5-Page Business Plan xxxii. 1 How to Create a Compelling Company. in Preparing a Business Plan 2. Defining Your Business Plan 26. Business Plan 54. How to Embrace the Fast-Changing Laws of the. Executing Your Story 69. How to Tell Your Story Effectively With (or Without). Your Story 85....

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 2-3


This chapter sets the stage for the development of the actual business plan document. Five major elements of the business plan are defined in specific terms. An important function of a business plan is to set the direction of the company. The blueprint feature of the business plan provides employ- ees an overall design for the company’s actions. It shows...

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 4-5


By knowing the two end points of your plan, you can add pieces and parts of the planning process. T HE T WO C RUCIAL P ARTS OF THE V ISIONING P ROCESS. The vision and the vision statement together provide the direction of the plan.. The longer vision may be captured in narrative as part of the company’s recorded...

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 6-7


T his chapter describes one of the most important elements of your business plan. Usually the wants and needs of the individual are compared to the wants and needs of the organization. Too often the wants and needs of the organization and the employee are not compatible. It includes all who touch the processes of the busi- ness. Taking care...

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 8-9


business plan seems to always get lost in the planning process.. The real task becomes putting the information into the right portion of the 5-Page Business Plan. “getting it in the right bucket.”. The operational plan is cut out of the total ten years.. Situational analysis is the middle or second step of the backPlanning process (see Chapter 3), with...

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 10-11


T his chapter outlines the requirements for developing the fourth of the series of the one-page business plans (see Figure 10-1).. Each is discussed in detail in the following sections.. Are the spears sharp enough? What will we do with all the meat? How do I get it back to the village?” Today we don’t hunt woolly creatures to survive...

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Chapter 12


These are the third and fourth steps in the four-step plan (see Figure 12-1) that began with preplanning and planning activities.. Included in the implementation phase are suggestions for measur- ing the performance of your plan.. One of the key steps for implementing the plan is the removal of heat loss or organizational inefficiencies inherent to any system.. The implementing...

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Appendix


It must be strategic yet contain details of the daily requirements. Do not get dis- tracted by the order or sequencing of the blocks on this page.. What is your single focus? Pick from one of the following:. Customer intimate—The customer is in the center of your business for problem solving.. Intermediate steps are necessary to accomplish each of the...

Những vấn đề cơ bản của quản trị doanh nghiệp


QUẢN TRỊ DOANH NGHIỆP. NHỮNG VẤN ĐỀ CƠ BẢN CỦA QUẢN TRỊ DOANH NGHIỆP. TỔNG QUAN VỀ QUẢN TRỊ. Khái niệm và vai trò của quản trị. Quản trị vừa là khoa học vừa là nghệ thuật 3. Các chức năng quản trị. Một số cơ cấu tổ chức quản trị doanh nghiệp:. PHÂN CẤP TRONG QUẢN TRỊ 1. Theo...

Quản trị nhân sự - Chương 3


Nh ng lãnh đ o th c s bi t cách làm sáng t v n đ . mình đ tr thành nh ng ng ố ắ ố ể ở ữ ườ i không ph i là h . ề ạ Truy n đ t nh ng thông tin c bên ề ạ ữ ả trong và bên ngoài cho...

Tài trợ rủi ro trong kinh doanh


Các xem xét trên ng ý vi c tài tr t n th t là r t quan tr ng i v i các doanh nghi p thành t ã s d ng v n m t cách hi u qu trong m t th i k dài t o ra tài s n cho c ông. Tuy nhiên m...

MBA In A Day Chapter 1


MBA In A Day. ffirs.qxd PM Page vii. ffirs.qxd PM Page x. Not only is Professor Stralser’s advice invaluable for business professionals, but those in the arts who are more focused on their creative endeavors would benefit from reading MBA In A Day ® to help strengthen their business skills.”. ffirs.qxd PM Page i. —Gerald Jacobs, Attorney ffirs.qxd PM Page...

MBA In A Day Chapter 2


Organizational Behavior. (For a business, this purpose is the creation and delivery of goods or services for its customers.) Organizational behavior is the study of how individ- uals and groups perform together within an organization. From the smallest nonprofit to the largest multinational con- glomerate, firms and organizations all have to deal with the concept of organizational behavior. The chapter...

MBA In A Day Chapter 3


W hat are the qualities of good leaders? What makes them successful? Think of some of the greatest leaders of all time. Successful leaders are able to influence others. Effective leaders are able to manage relationships with others and create positive outcomes.. Winston Churchill often comes to mind as one of the greatest leaders in history. Leaders are flexible in...

MBA In A Day Chapter 4


This is a clear situation where ethical standards, whether it is the individual repre- senting the company or the company itself, are tied to the company’s bottom line.. to be one of the largest companies in the United States, with more than 20,000 employees in over 40 countries. WorldCom had overstated its income by more than $9 billion by means...

MBA In A Day Chapter 5


Being a skillful negotiator requires patience, at- tentiveness, flexibility, and awareness of personal negotiation style, issues and details of the case, as well as the goals and objectives of the other party.. Some fear that they may come across to the other party as im- polite, pushy, unfair, or even cheap.. Contrary to popular belief, negotiating should not be compared...

MBA In A Day Chapter 6


While the accounting requirements of businesses vary, all organi- zations need a way to keep track of the flow of money within them.. The responsibilities of the finance and accounting functional area within an organization or of its chief financial officer (CFO) include:. Debits and credits to a general ledger. An up-to-date general ledger shows current information about accounts payable,...

MBA In A Day Chapter 7


While this definition sounds rather scientific, most people have a fairly intuitive understanding of the laws of supply and demand.. The economic system is the social institution through which goods and services are produced, dis- tributed, and consumed. There is a combination of domestic and international policies that allocate resources, commodities, labor, tariffs, and so on that go into the...

MBA In A Day Chapter 8


Forward-thinking marketing strategists suggest that marketing is not a “cost” or “expense” but rather an investment, because much of the benefit of marketing is longer-term and may take years to fully provide its benefit.. First and foremost it is a philosophy that dedicates resources of the firm to ensuring that the wants, needs, and demands of the customer are the...

MBA In A Day Chapter 9


E very day we are bombarded with different advertising messages, whether it is on the radio while we’re driving to work, on televi- sion during our favorite programs, or in magazines and newspa- pers. We’re handed flyers while walking down the streets and given tastes of products while walking the aisles of the grocery store. The answer is yes, advertising...