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Vấn đề ra quyết định trong quản lý doanh nghiệp


K NĂNG RA QUY T Đ NH Ỹ Ế Ị. Ra quy t đ nh liên quan đ n gi i quy t v n đ và gi i quy t v n ế ị ế ả ế ấ ề ả ế ấ đ c n ph i ra quy t đ nh. Chúng ta s đ ng th i...

Quản trị tác nghiệp tình huống


V ngoài c a c a hàng không sang tr ng nh ng ả ẻ ủ ử ọ ư s ch s và l ch s . Và th t ng c nhiên là tuy không có b ng giá nh ng ph n l n khách ậ ạ ả ư ầ ớ hàng đ u tr đúng v i...



Chương 2: Năng lượng sinh khối. Năng lượng sinh khối. Khái niệm về sinh khối. Năng lượng sinh khối: lợi ích và khó khăn. Công nghệ chuyển đổi năng lượng sinh khối. Hàm lượng nước và năng suất nhiệt của sinh khối. Hàm lượng nước và lựa chọn quá trình trong chuyển đổi sinh khối. Năng suất nhiệt của sinh...

Thẩm định dự án đầu tư xây dựng_ Bất động sản


THẨM ĐỊNH DỰ ÁN ĐẦU XÂY DỰNG – BẤT ĐỘNG SẢN. Nội dung thẩm định dự ỏn đầu tư. 4 Thẩm định dự ỏn vốn tư nhõn. Hồ sơ trì ình phê duyệt dự án đầu t- xây dựng công tr nh phê duyệt dự án đầu t- xây dựng công trì ình nh. Chủ đầu t− có trách nhiệm...

Bài giảng Thẩm định dự án đầu tư - Chương 1: Tổng quan về dự án và thiết lập dự án (Th.s Đặng Trí Dũng)


Nguồn gốc của dự án. “Dự án đầu tư là một tập hồ sơ tài liệu trình bày về một cách chi tiết và hệ. Dự án đầu tư là cơ sở để thẩm tra cấp giấy chứng nhận đầu tư, quyết định tài trợ vốn,…. Giai đoạn 1: Nghiên cứu cơ hội đầu tư Giai đoạn 2: Lập dự...



Dự án ñầu tư. o Thị trường vận tải chủ yếu của ñơn vị từ Tp.HCM ñi các tỉnh Miền Tây và ngược lại:. 2.1 Mô tả dự án. Sản phẩm, dịch vụ: Vận chuyển hàng hóa ( gạo, phân bón. Thân sà lan. MMTB cho sà lan bộ . MMTB cho sà lan bộ 1. 4.2 ðánh giá tình...

Creating the project office 33


Birkinshaw, J., and Hood, N. “The Seven Secrets of a Successful PMO.” PM Network Magazine, 2001.. “Today’s Project Office: Changing Attitudes.” PM Network Magazine, Aug. “Seamless Transitions: Managing Change on Difficult Projects.” PM Network Magazine, Mar. Buckingham, M., and Clifton, D. New York:. “Value-Added Project Management: Doing the Project Right Is Not Enough.” Paper presented at PMI Symposium, 1997.. “The...

Creating the project office 1


CREATING THE PROJECT OFFICE. A Manager’s Guide to Leading Organizational Change. Copyright © 2003 by John Wiley &. Sons, Inc. Published by Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint. 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA www.josseybass.com. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning,...

Creating the project office 2


7 Implementing the Project Office: Case Study 167 Alfonso Bucero, PMP. 9 In or Out? Staffing and Operating the Project Office 219. 10 Looking Forward: Embedding Project Practices in the Culture of the Organization 249 Dennis Cohen, Strategic Management Group 11 The Tale We Tell 277. Appendix: Templates for Project Office Planning 291 References 299. In or out? Are you...

Creating the project office 3


Office manages and integrates all aspects of the 264-project, $530 million upgrade of Aviano Air Base, Italy. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Among his numerous military awards are the Legion of Merit and the NATO Medal for his role in the air combat campaigns in Bosnia (1995) and Kosovo (1999). LaGassey frequently presents at PMI Symposiums about...

Creating the project office 4


You, too, look for a guide and a way to reach the top of the mountain—and have found one here. Unlike Dante, however, you will need to enlist others to join you in the quest. no one can carry a project office alone.. Many organizations have attempted to improve their abilities and project management over the last decade. People were...

Creating the project office 5


Implementing a Project Office as Organizational Change Process. When they begin by thinking of the office in narrow terms, such as helping on one project or maybe in one department, they find it difficult to expand operations or- ganization-wide. This is because the project office becomes associated with that one project or with that department, not the organization as a...

Creating the project office 6


Changing systems is also difficult as much has been invested in current systems, and the people who run them probably favor the status quo. Fi- nally, getting the support of department directors has been notoriously difficult over the history of the project management movement. Even when procedures have proven to be effective and the necessary skills have been developed, the...

Creating the project office 7


true of project management. It is not the cost of the project that is the real con- cern, it is the value added.. Of course, if costs are being minimized by not consulting potential cus- tomers, then the organization builds whatever the engineers say is best. It is not the cost of the project that is the real concern, it...

Creating the project office 8


and the project planning itself will be matters of routine. This means the project core team will develop a detailed project plan where both key products and ser- vices for the project and key project milestones will be identified and scheduled.. Historical data from past projects will be used when developing those plans so that the team will believe the...

Creating the project office 9


The power wielded by a project office spans the spectrum from a sometimes weak- kneed project support office to the powerful concept of the chief project officer (Dins- more, 2001). Naturally, this ambiguous span of power raises questions in the minds of other stakeholders. For that reason, project office efforts may get shot down before they get off the ground—even...

Creating the project office 10


Change is often hard work, and the change is not seen as worth the effort. and know the “truth” of the situation, especially when grounded with solid evi- dence from the project management body of knowledge, that does not ensure that others in the organization will listen to or heed those words of wisdom. Review the list of obstacles to...

Creating the project office 11


78 Creating the Project Office. back off when the natural energy of the team is at work, and push back when they go off on tangents. Upon completion of the program, conduct similar celebrations at each remote site. Position the project office within the power base of the organization. Identifies the sources and roles of power in the organization. 80...

Creating the project office 12


a working session of the Top 500 Project Management Benchmarking Forum held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1996 (Toney, 2002). (The benchmarking forums are held two to four times a year under the coordination of Frank Toney, director of the Executive Initiative Institute, Scottsdale, Arizona. The sessions serve to gather information on best practices and stimulate an exchange of ideas on...

Creating the project office 13


The question “What was the greatest contribution to your project office suc- cess?” resulted in the responses: “competent project office professional staff ” (55 percent), and “senior management support” (51 percent).. Where is it all heading? What is the future for project offices? Authors Block and Frame say, “Project offices will continue to proliferate in organizations, as more and more...