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Managing Strategic Change: Building Learning Organizations


Sony Corporation is one of the world’s most consistently suc- cessful innovators of consumer electronic products. Many of its innovations—the pocket-sized transistor radio, Walkman portable radio/cassette player, videocassette recorder (VCR), Trinitron system color television set, cam- corder, compact disc (CD) player, and now personal comput- ers and digital cellular phones—have become staples through- out the world. Sony has benefitted from...

Redefining Advantage


Steps of Reengineering Benefits of Reengineering Costs of Reengineering Reengineering in the Future. Revisiting the Internet and Competitive Advantage. Why organizations constantly reshape themselves to compete in the future. Over the past decade, Motorola has become a leading corporate role model in the United States. It is one of the world’s major producers of satellites, cellular telephones, computer modems, set-top...

Quản trị sản xuất


B trí s n xu t trong doanh nghi p là t ch c, s p x p, đ nh d ng v m t không ố ả ấ ệ ổ ứ ắ ế ị ạ ề ặ gian các ph ươ ng ti n v t ch t đ ệ ậ ấ ượ ử ụ c s d ng...

Những vấn đề lưu ý về quản trị chiến lược


1) Cách m ng công nghi p Châu Âu t o ti n đ cho s xu t hi n c a lý thuy t ạ ệ ở ạ ề ề ự ấ ệ ủ ế qu n tr : ả ị. 2) Ngh thu t qu n tr đòi h i ph i tuân th các nguyên t c...

Năm xu hướng hàng đầu trong Quản trị Nguồn nhân lực


Song song v i s phát tri n c a n n kinh t ớ ự ể ủ ề ế th tr ị ườ ng , là s ra đ i c a các lo i ho t ự ờ ủ ạ ạ đ ng ộ Marketing. N u nh x a kia, Marketing truy n th ng phù h...

International human resource management - Chapter 1


The enduring context of IHRM. Chapter objectives. In this introductory chapter, we establish the scope of the textbook. define key terms in international human resource management (IHRM). outline the differences between domestic and international human resource. management and the variables that moderate these differences. Chapter objectives (cont.). discuss trends and challenges in the global work environment and the enduring context...

International human resource management - Chapter 2


The organizational context. Chapter objectives. structural responses to international growth. control and coordination mechanisms. In this chapter, we examine how international growth places demands on management, and the factors that impact on how managers of internationalizing firms responds to these. We start with the premise that the human resource (HR) function does not operate in a vacuum, and that HR....

International human resource management - Chapter 3


IHRM: Sustaining international business operations. the reasons for using international assignments: position filling, management development and organizational development. The aim is to establish the role of HRM in sustaining international business operations and. the various types of international assignments: short-term, extended and longer-term. the role of expatriates and non-expatriates (international business travelers) in supporting international business activities. the role of...

International human resource management - Chapter 4


Recruiting and selecting staff for international assignments. Chapter objectives. the myth of the global manager. the debate surrounding expatriate failure. assignments are an important vehicle for staffing, it is critical that they are managed effectively, and the expatriates are. The focus of this chapter, then, is on recruitment and selection activities in an international context. We will address the following...

International human resource management - Chapter 5


Training and development. examine how the international assignment is a vehicle for both training and development, as reflected in the reasons why. Training and developing international management teams.. However, where possible, we will draw out training and development aspects relating to short-term assignments, non-standard assignments and international business travelers.. International assignments as a training and development tool. Figure 5-1: International...

International human resource management - Chapter 6


In the introductory chapter we described IHR managers as grappling with complex issues. Detail the key components of an international compensation program.. Outline the two main approaches to international compensation and the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.. Examine the special problem areas of taxation, valid international living cost data and the problem of managing TCN compensation.. Objectives of international...

International human resource management - Chapter 7


Re-entry and career issues. the process of re-entry or repatriation. We treat this stage as part of the international assignment. social factors, including family factors that affect re-entry and work adjustment. Re-entry. Re-entry presents new challenges. May experience re-entry shock – Some exit the company. The employment relationship and career expectation – Re-entry position. Indeed, given the more profound effect...

International human resource management - Chapter 8


HRM in the host country context. Factors that influence standardization or adaptation of work practices and the role of HR, including host-country culture and workplace environment, mode of operation, firm size, maturity and international experience and subsidiary. Discussion of international HRM issues generally tends to be biased in the direction of expatriate management, particularly that of parent-country nationals, partly owing...

International human resource management - Chapter 9


Industrial relations. Discuss key issues in industrial relations and the policies and practices of multinationals.. Outline key concerns for trade unions.. Discuss recent trends and issues in the global workforce context.. The focus of the preceding chapters has been on managing and supporting international assignments, post-assignment and the issues in subsidiary operations. international industrial relations. First, it is important to...

Bài giảng Quản trị nhân lực


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Chương 3 - Môi trường bện trong : nguồn nhân lực , khả năng và những năng lực cốt lõi


Môi trường Bên trong:. Nguồn lực, Khả năng, và Những Năng lực Cốt lõi. “Trước khi những nhà lãnh ñạo có thể ñịnh hình một chiến lược mới, họ cần phải ñạt tới một sự hiểu biết chung về vị trí hiện thời của công ty.”. Kết thúc nghiên cứu chương này, bạn sẽ có khả năng ñể:. Giải thích...